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// Copyright 2015 Ted Mielczarek. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
//! A library for working with [Google Breakpad][breakpad]'s
//! text-format [symbol files][symbolfiles].
//! See the [walker][] module for documentation on CFI evaluation.
//! The highest-level API provided by this crate is to use the
//! [`Symbolizer`][symbolizer] struct.
//! [symbolizer]: struct.Symbolizer.html
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! # std::env::set_current_dir(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
//! use breakpad_symbols::{SimpleSymbolSupplier, Symbolizer, SimpleFrame, SimpleModule};
//! use debugid::DebugId;
//! use std::path::PathBuf;
//! use std::str::FromStr;
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//! let paths = vec!(PathBuf::from("../testdata/symbols/"));
//! let supplier = SimpleSymbolSupplier::new(paths);
//! let symbolizer = Symbolizer::new(supplier);
//! // Simple function name lookup with debug file, debug id, address.
//! let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("5A9832E5287241C1838ED98914E9B7FF1").unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(symbolizer.get_symbol_at_address("test_app.pdb", debug_id, 0x1010)
//! .await
//! .unwrap(),
//! "vswprintf");
//! }
//! ```
use async_trait::async_trait;
use cachemap2::CacheMap;
use debugid::{CodeId, DebugId};
use futures_util::lock::Mutex as FutMutex;
use tracing::trace;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::{borrow::Cow, sync::Arc};
pub use minidump_common::{traits::Module, utils::basename};
pub use sym_file::walker;
pub use crate::sym_file::{CfiRules, SymbolFile};
#[cfg(feature = "http")]
pub mod http;
mod sym_file;
#[cfg(feature = "http")]
pub use http::*;
// Re-exports for the purposes of the cfi_eval fuzzer. Not public API.
#[cfg(feature = "fuzz")]
pub mod fuzzing_private_exports {
pub use crate::sym_file::walker::{eval_win_expr_for_fuzzer, walk_with_stack_cfi};
pub use crate::sym_file::{StackInfoWin, WinStackThing};
/// Statistics on the symbols of a module.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SymbolStats {
/// If the module's symbols were downloaded, this is the url used.
pub symbol_url: Option<String>,
/// If the symbols were found and loaded into memory.
pub loaded_symbols: bool,
/// If we tried to parse the symbols, but failed.
pub corrupt_symbols: bool,
/// If the module's debug info had to be looked up, this is the debug info used.
pub extra_debug_info: Option<DebugInfoResult>,
/// Statistics on pending symbols.
/// Fetched with [`Symbolizer::pending_stats`].
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PendingSymbolStats {
/// The number of symbols we have finished processing
/// (could be either successful or not, either way is fine).
pub symbols_processed: u64,
/// The number of symbols we have been asked to process.
pub symbols_requested: u64,
/// A `Module` implementation that holds arbitrary data.
/// This can be useful for getting symbols for a module when you
/// have a debug id and filename but not an actual minidump. If you have a
/// minidump, you should be using [`MinidumpModule`][minidumpmodule].
/// [minidumpmodule]: ../minidump/struct.MinidumpModule.html
pub struct SimpleModule {
pub base_address: Option<u64>,
pub size: Option<u64>,
pub code_file: Option<String>,
pub code_identifier: Option<CodeId>,
pub debug_file: Option<String>,
pub debug_id: Option<DebugId>,
pub version: Option<String>,
impl SimpleModule {
/// Create a `SimpleModule` with the given `debug_file` and `debug_id`.
/// Uses `default` for the remaining fields.
pub fn new(debug_file: &str, debug_id: DebugId) -> SimpleModule {
SimpleModule {
debug_file: Some(String::from(debug_file)),
debug_id: Some(debug_id),
/// Create a `SimpleModule` with `debug_file`, `debug_id`, `code_file`, and `code_identifier`.
/// Uses `default` for the remaining fields.
pub fn from_basic_info(
debug_file: Option<String>,
debug_id: Option<DebugId>,
code_file: Option<String>,
code_identifier: Option<CodeId>,
) -> SimpleModule {
SimpleModule {
impl Module for SimpleModule {
fn base_address(&self) -> u64 {
fn size(&self) -> u64 {
fn code_file(&self) -> Cow<str> {
.map_or(Cow::from(""), |s| Cow::Borrowed(&s[..]))
fn code_identifier(&self) -> Option<CodeId> {
fn debug_file(&self) -> Option<Cow<str>> {
self.debug_file.as_ref().map(|s| Cow::Borrowed(&s[..]))
fn debug_identifier(&self) -> Option<DebugId> {
fn version(&self) -> Option<Cow<str>> {
self.version.as_ref().map(|s| Cow::Borrowed(&s[..]))
/// Like `PathBuf::file_name`, but try to work on Windows or POSIX-style paths.
fn leafname(path: &str) -> &str {
path.rsplit(['/', '\\']).next().unwrap_or(path)
/// If `filename` ends with `match_extension`, remove it. Append `new_extension` to the result.
fn replace_or_add_extension(filename: &str, match_extension: &str, new_extension: &str) -> String {
let mut bits = filename.split('.').collect::<Vec<_>>();
if bits.len() > 1
&& bits
.map_or(false, |e| e.to_lowercase() == match_extension)
/// A lookup we would like to perform for some file (sym, exe, pdb, dll, ...)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct FileLookup {
pub debug_id: String,
pub debug_file: String,
pub cache_rel: String,
pub server_rel: String,
/// Get a relative symbol path at which to locate symbols for `module`.
/// Symbols are generally stored in the layout used by Microsoft's symbol
/// server and associated tools:
/// `<debug filename>/<debug identifier>/<debug filename>.sym`. If
/// `debug filename` ends with *.pdb* the leaf filename will have that
/// removed.
/// `extension` is the expected extension for the symbol filename, generally
/// *sym* if Breakpad text format symbols are expected.
/// The debug filename and debug identifier can be found in the
/// [first line][module_line] of the symbol file output by the dump_syms tool.
/// You can use [this script][packagesymbols] to run dump_syms and put the
/// resulting symbol files in the proper directory structure.
pub fn breakpad_sym_lookup(module: &(dyn Module + Sync)) -> Option<FileLookup> {
let debug_file = module.debug_file()?;
let debug_id = module.debug_identifier()?;
let leaf = leafname(&debug_file);
let filename = replace_or_add_extension(leaf, "pdb", "sym");
let rel_path = [leaf, &debug_id.breakpad().to_string(), &filename[..]].join("/");
Some(FileLookup {
cache_rel: rel_path.clone(),
server_rel: rel_path,
debug_id: debug_id.breakpad().to_string(),
debug_file: filename,
/// Get a relative symbol path at which to locate symbols for `module` using
/// the code file and code identifier. This is helpful for Microsoft modules
/// where we don't have a valid debug filename and debug id to retrieve the
/// symbol file with and the symbol server supports looking up debug filename
/// and debug id using the code file and code id.
/// If `code file` ends with *.dll* the leaf filename will have that removed.
/// `extension` is the expected extension for the symbol filename, generally
/// *sym* if Breakpad text format symbols are expected.
/// `<code file>/<code identifier>/<code file>.sym`
pub fn code_info_breakpad_sym_lookup(module: &(dyn Module + Sync)) -> Option<String> {
let code_file = module.code_file();
let code_identifier = module.code_identifier()?;
if code_file.is_empty() {
return None;
let leaf = leafname(&code_file);
let filename = replace_or_add_extension(leaf, "dll", "sym");
let rel_path = [
/// Returns a lookup for this module's extra debuginfo (pdb)
pub fn extra_debuginfo_lookup(module: &(dyn Module + Sync)) -> Option<FileLookup> {
let debug_file = module.debug_file()?;
let debug_id = module.debug_identifier()?;
let leaf = leafname(&debug_file);
let rel_path = [leaf, &debug_id.breakpad().to_string(), leaf].join("/");
Some(FileLookup {
cache_rel: rel_path.clone(),
server_rel: rel_path,
debug_id: debug_id.to_string(),
debug_file: leaf.to_string(),
/// Returns a lookup for this module's binary (exe, dll, so, dylib, ...)
pub fn binary_lookup(module: &(dyn Module + Sync)) -> Option<FileLookup> {
// NOTE: to make dump_syms happy we're currently moving the bin
// to be next to the pdb. This changes where we would naively put it,
// hence the two different paths!
let code_file = module.code_file();
let code_id = module.code_identifier()?;
let debug_file = module.debug_file()?;
let debug_id = module.debug_identifier()?;
let bin_leaf = leafname(&code_file);
let debug_leaf = leafname(&debug_file);
Some(FileLookup {
cache_rel: [debug_leaf, &debug_id.breakpad().to_string(), bin_leaf].join("/"),
server_rel: [bin_leaf, code_id.as_ref(), bin_leaf].join("/"),
debug_id: debug_id.to_string(),
debug_file: debug_file.to_string(),
/// Mangles a lookup to mozilla's format where the last char is replaced by an underscore
/// (and the file is wrapped in a CAB, but dump_syms handles that transparently).
pub fn moz_lookup(mut lookup: FileLookup) -> FileLookup {
pub fn lookup(module: &(dyn Module + Sync), file_kind: FileKind) -> Option<FileLookup> {
match file_kind {
FileKind::BreakpadSym => breakpad_sym_lookup(module),
FileKind::Binary => binary_lookup(module),
FileKind::ExtraDebugInfo => extra_debuginfo_lookup(module),
/// Possible results of locating symbols for a module.
/// Because symbols may be found from different sources, symbol providers
/// are usually configured to "cascade" into the next one whenever they report
/// `NotFound`.
/// Cascading currently assumes that if any provider finds symbols for
/// a module, all other providers will find the same symbols (if any).
/// Therefore cascading will not be applied if a LoadError or ParseError
/// occurs (because presumably, all the other sources will also fail to
/// load/parse.)
/// In theory we could do some interesting things where we attempt to
/// be more robust and actually merge together the symbols from multiple
/// sources, but that would make it difficult to cache symbol files, and
/// would rarely actually improve results.
/// Since symbol files can be on the order of a gigabyte(!) and downloaded
/// from the network, aggressive caching is pretty important. The current
/// approach is a nice balance of simple and effective.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum SymbolError {
/// Symbol file could not be found.
/// In this case other symbol providers may still be able to find it!
#[error("symbol file not found")]
/// The module was lacking either the debug file or debug id, as such the
/// path of the symbol could not be generated.
#[error("the debug file or id were missing")]
/// Symbol file could not be loaded into memory.
#[error("couldn't read input stream")]
LoadError(#[from] std::io::Error),
/// Symbol file was too corrupt to be parsed at all.
/// Because symbol files are pretty modular, many corruptions/ambiguities
/// can be either repaired or discarded at a fairly granular level
/// (e.g. a bad STACK WIN line can be discarded without affecting anything
/// else). But sometimes we can't make any sense of the symbol file, and
/// you find yourself here.
#[error("parse error: {0} at line {1}")]
ParseError(&'static str, u64),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum FileError {
#[error("file not found")]
/// An error produced by fill_symbol.
pub struct FillSymbolError {
// We don't want to yield a full SymbolError for fill_symbol
// as this would involve cloning bulky Error strings every time
// someone requested symbols for a missing module.
// As it turns out there's currently no reason to care about *why*
// fill_symbol, so for now this is just a dummy type until we have
// something to put here.
// The only reason fill_symbol *can* produce an Err is so that
// the caller can distinguish between "we had symbols, but this address
// didn't map to a function name" and "we had no symbols for that module"
// (this is used as a heuristic for stack scanning).
impl PartialEq for SymbolError {
fn eq(&self, other: &SymbolError) -> bool {
(self, other),
(SymbolError::NotFound, SymbolError::NotFound)
| (SymbolError::LoadError(_), SymbolError::LoadError(_))
| (SymbolError::ParseError(..), SymbolError::ParseError(..))
/// The result of a lookup by code_file/code_identifier against a symbol
/// server.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct DebugInfoResult {
pub debug_file: String,
pub debug_identifier: DebugId,
/// The result of locating symbols, with debug info if it had to be looked up.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct LocateSymbolsResult {
pub symbols: SymbolFile,
pub extra_debug_info: Option<DebugInfoResult>,
/// A trait for things that can locate symbols for a given module.
pub trait SymbolSupplier {
/// Locate and load a symbol file for `module`.
/// Implementations may use any strategy for locating and loading
/// symbols.
async fn locate_symbols(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
) -> Result<LocateSymbolsResult, SymbolError>;
/// Locate a specific file associated with a `module`
/// Implementations may use any strategy for locating and loading
/// symbols.
async fn locate_file(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError>;
/// An implementation of `SymbolSupplier` that loads Breakpad text-format symbols from local disk
/// paths.
/// See [`breakpad_sym_lookup`] for details on how paths are searched.
pub struct SimpleSymbolSupplier {
/// Local disk paths in which to search for symbols.
paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
impl SimpleSymbolSupplier {
/// Instantiate a new `SimpleSymbolSupplier` that will search in `paths`.
pub fn new(paths: Vec<PathBuf>) -> SimpleSymbolSupplier {
SimpleSymbolSupplier { paths }
impl SymbolSupplier for SimpleSymbolSupplier {
#[tracing::instrument(name = "symbols", level = "trace", skip_all, fields(module = crate::basename(&module.code_file())))]
async fn locate_symbols(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
) -> Result<LocateSymbolsResult, SymbolError> {
let file_path = self
.locate_file(module, FileKind::BreakpadSym)
.map_err(|_| SymbolError::NotFound)?;
let symbols = SymbolFile::from_file(&file_path).map_err(|e| {
trace!("SimpleSymbolSupplier failed: {}", e);
trace!("SimpleSymbolSupplier parsed file!");
Ok(LocateSymbolsResult {
extra_debug_info: None,
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, module), fields(module = crate::basename(&module.code_file())))]
async fn locate_file(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError> {
trace!("SimpleSymbolSupplier search");
if let Some(lookup) = lookup(module, file_kind) {
for path in self.paths.iter() {
if path.is_file() && file_kind == FileKind::BreakpadSym {
if let Ok(sf) = SymbolFile::from_file(path) {
if sf.module_id == lookup.debug_id {
trace!("SimpleSymbolSupplier found file {}", path.display());
return Ok(path.to_path_buf());
} else if path.is_dir() {
let test_path = path.join(lookup.cache_rel.clone());
if fs::metadata(&test_path).ok().map_or(false, |m| m.is_file()) {
trace!("SimpleSymbolSupplier found file {}", test_path.display());
return Ok(test_path);
} else {
trace!("SimpleSymbolSupplier could not build symbol_path");
/// A SymbolSupplier that maps module names (code_files) to an in-memory string.
/// Intended for mocking symbol files in tests.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StringSymbolSupplier {
modules: HashMap<String, String>,
code_info_to_debug_info: HashMap<String, DebugInfoResult>,
impl StringSymbolSupplier {
/// Make a new StringSymbolSupplier with no modules.
pub fn new(modules: HashMap<String, String>) -> Self {
Self {
code_info_to_debug_info: HashMap::new(),
/// Perform a code_file/code_identifier lookup for a specific symbol server.
async fn lookup_debug_info_by_code_info(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
) -> Option<DebugInfoResult> {
let lookup_path = code_info_breakpad_sym_lookup(module)?;
impl SymbolSupplier for StringSymbolSupplier {
#[tracing::instrument(name = "symbols", level = "trace", skip_all, fields(file = crate::basename(&module.code_file())))]
async fn locate_symbols(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
) -> Result<LocateSymbolsResult, SymbolError> {
trace!("StringSymbolSupplier search");
if let Some(symbols) = self.modules.get(&*module.code_file()) {
trace!("StringSymbolSupplier found file");
let file = SymbolFile::from_bytes(symbols.as_bytes())?;
trace!("StringSymbolSupplier parsed file!");
return Ok(LocateSymbolsResult {
symbols: file,
extra_debug_info: self.lookup_debug_info_by_code_info(module).await,
trace!("StringSymbolSupplier could not find file");
async fn locate_file(
_module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
_file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError> {
// StringSymbolSupplier can never find files, is for testing
/// A trait for setting symbol information on something like a stack frame.
pub trait FrameSymbolizer {
/// Get the program counter value for this frame.
fn get_instruction(&self) -> u64;
/// Set the name, base address, and parameter size of the function in
/// which this frame is executing.
fn set_function(&mut self, name: &str, base: u64, parameter_size: u32);
/// Set the source file and (1-based) line number this frame represents.
fn set_source_file(&mut self, file: &str, line: u32, base: u64);
/// Add an inline frame. This method can be called multiple times, in the
/// order "outside to inside".
fn add_inline_frame(&mut self, _name: &str, _file: Option<&str>, _line: Option<u32>) {}
pub trait FrameWalker {
/// Get the instruction address that we're trying to unwind from.
fn get_instruction(&self) -> u64;
/// Check whether the callee has a callee of its own.
fn has_grand_callee(&self) -> bool;
/// Get the number of bytes the callee's callee's parameters take up
/// on the stack (or 0 if unknown/invalid). This is needed for
/// STACK WIN unwinding.
fn get_grand_callee_parameter_size(&self) -> u32;
/// Get a register-sized value stored at this address.
fn get_register_at_address(&self, address: u64) -> Option<u64>;
/// Get the value of a register from the callee's frame.
fn get_callee_register(&self, name: &str) -> Option<u64>;
/// Set the value of a register for the caller's frame.
fn set_caller_register(&mut self, name: &str, val: u64) -> Option<()>;
/// Explicitly mark one of the caller's registers as invalid.
fn clear_caller_register(&mut self, name: &str);
/// Set whatever registers in the caller should be set based on the cfa (e.g. rsp).
fn set_cfa(&mut self, val: u64) -> Option<()>;
/// Set whatever registers in the caller should be set based on the return address (e.g. rip).
fn set_ra(&mut self, val: u64) -> Option<()>;
/// A simple implementation of `FrameSymbolizer` that just holds data.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct SimpleFrame {
/// The program counter value for this frame.
pub instruction: u64,
/// The name of the function in which the current instruction is executing.
pub function: Option<String>,
/// The offset of the start of `function` from the module base.
pub function_base: Option<u64>,
/// The size, in bytes, that this function's parameters take up on the stack.
pub parameter_size: Option<u32>,
/// The name of the source file in which the current instruction is executing.
pub source_file: Option<String>,
/// The 1-based index of the line number in `source_file` in which the current instruction is
/// executing.
pub source_line: Option<u32>,
/// The offset of the start of `source_line` from the function base.
pub source_line_base: Option<u64>,
impl SimpleFrame {
/// Instantiate a `SimpleFrame` with instruction pointer `instruction`.
pub fn with_instruction(instruction: u64) -> SimpleFrame {
SimpleFrame {
impl FrameSymbolizer for SimpleFrame {
fn get_instruction(&self) -> u64 {
fn set_function(&mut self, name: &str, base: u64, parameter_size: u32) {
self.function = Some(String::from(name));
self.function_base = Some(base);
self.parameter_size = Some(parameter_size);
fn set_source_file(&mut self, file: &str, line: u32, base: u64) {
self.source_file = Some(String::from(file));
self.source_line = Some(line);
self.source_line_base = Some(base);
/// A type of file related to a module that you might want downloaded.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum FileKind {
/// A Breakpad symbol (.sym) file
/// The native binary of a module ("code file") (.exe/.dll/.so/.dylib...)
/// Extra debuginfo for a module ("debug file") (.pdb/...?)
// Can't make Module derive Hash, since then it can't be used as a trait
// object (because the hash method is generic), so this is a hacky workaround.
/// A key that uniquely identifies a module:
/// * code_file
/// * code_id
/// * debug_file
/// * debug_id
type ModuleKey = (String, Option<String>, Option<String>, Option<String>);
/// Helper for deriving a hash key from a `Module` for `Symbolizer`.
fn module_key(module: &(dyn Module + Sync)) -> ModuleKey {
module.code_identifier().map(|s| s.to_string()),
module.debug_file().map(|s| s.to_string()),
module.debug_identifier().map(|s| s.to_string()),
struct CachedAsyncResult<T, E> {
inner: FutMutex<Option<Arc<Result<T, E>>>>,
impl<T, E> Default for CachedAsyncResult<T, E> {
fn default() -> Self {
CachedAsyncResult {
inner: FutMutex::new(None),
impl<T, E> CachedAsyncResult<T, E> {
pub async fn get<'a, F, Fut>(&self, f: F) -> Arc<Result<T, E>>
F: FnOnce() -> Fut + 'a,
Fut: std::future::Future<Output = Result<T, E>> + 'a,
let mut guard = self.inner.lock().await;
if guard.is_none() {
*guard = Some(Arc::new(f().await));
/// Symbolicate stack frames.
/// A `Symbolizer` manages loading symbols and looking up symbols in them
/// including caching so that symbols for a given module are only loaded once.
/// Call [`Symbolizer::new`][new] to instantiate a `Symbolizer`. A Symbolizer
/// requires a [`SymbolSupplier`][supplier] to locate symbols. If you have
/// symbols on disk in the [customary directory layout][breakpad_sym_lookup], a
/// [`SimpleSymbolSupplier`][simple] will work.
/// Use [`get_symbol_at_address`][get_symbol] or [`fill_symbol`][fill_symbol] to
/// do symbol lookup.
/// [new]:
/// [supplier]: trait.SymbolSupplier.html
/// [simple]: struct.SimpleSymbolSupplier.html
/// [get_symbol]: struct.Symbolizer.html#method.get_symbol_at_address
/// [fill_symbol]: struct.Symbolizer.html#method.fill_symbol
pub struct Symbolizer {
/// Symbol supplier for locating symbols.
supplier: Box<dyn SymbolSupplier + Send + Sync + 'static>,
/// Cache of symbol locating results.
// TODO?: use lru-cache:
// note that using an lru-cache would mess up the fact that we currently
// use this for statistics collection. Splitting out statistics would be
// way messier but not impossible.
symbols: CacheMap<ModuleKey, CachedAsyncResult<SymbolFile, SymbolError>>,
pending_stats: Mutex<PendingSymbolStats>,
stats: Mutex<HashMap<String, SymbolStats>>,
impl Symbolizer {
/// Create a `Symbolizer` that uses `supplier` to locate symbols.
pub fn new<T: SymbolSupplier + Send + Sync + 'static>(supplier: T) -> Symbolizer {
Symbolizer {
supplier: Box::new(supplier),
symbols: CacheMap::default(),
pending_stats: Mutex::default(),
stats: Mutex::default(),
/// Helper method for non-minidump-using callers.
/// Pass `debug_file` and `debug_id` describing a specific module,
/// and `address`, a module-relative address, and get back
/// a symbol in that module that covers that address, or `None`.
/// See [the module-level documentation][module] for an example.
/// [module]: index.html
pub async fn get_symbol_at_address(
debug_file: &str,
debug_id: DebugId,
address: u64,
) -> Option<String> {
let k = (debug_file, debug_id);
let mut frame = SimpleFrame::with_instruction(address);
self.fill_symbol(&k, &mut frame).await.ok()?;
/// Fill symbol information in `frame` using the instruction address
/// from `frame`, and the module information from `module`. If you're not
/// using a minidump module, you can use [`SimpleModule`][simplemodule] and
/// [`SimpleFrame`][simpleframe].
/// An Error indicates that no symbols could be found for the relevant
/// module.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # std::env::set_current_dir(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// use debugid::DebugId;
/// use breakpad_symbols::{SimpleSymbolSupplier,Symbolizer,SimpleFrame,SimpleModule};
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
/// use std::path::PathBuf;
/// let paths = vec!(PathBuf::from("../testdata/symbols/"));
/// let supplier = SimpleSymbolSupplier::new(paths);
/// let symbolizer = Symbolizer::new(supplier);
/// let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("5A9832E5287241C1838ED98914E9B7FF1").unwrap();
/// let m = SimpleModule::new("test_app.pdb", debug_id);
/// let mut f = SimpleFrame::with_instruction(0x1010);
/// let _ = symbolizer.fill_symbol(&m, &mut f).await;
/// assert_eq!(f.function.unwrap(), "vswprintf");
/// assert_eq!(f.source_file.unwrap(),
/// r"c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\swprintf.inl");
/// assert_eq!(f.source_line.unwrap(), 51);
/// }
/// ```
/// [simplemodule]: struct.SimpleModule.html
/// [simpleframe]: struct.SimpleFrame.html
pub async fn fill_symbol(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
frame: &mut (dyn FrameSymbolizer + Send),
) -> Result<(), FillSymbolError> {
let cached_sym = self.get_symbols(module).await;
let sym = cached_sym
.map_err(|_| FillSymbolError {})?;
sym.fill_symbol(module, frame);
/// Collect various statistics on the symbols.
/// Keys are the file name of the module (code_file's file name).
pub fn stats(&self) -> HashMap<String, SymbolStats> {
/// Get live symbol stats for interactive updates.
pub fn pending_stats(&self) -> PendingSymbolStats {
/// Tries to use CFI to walk the stack frame of the FrameWalker
/// using the symbols of the given Module. Output will be written
/// using the FrameWalker's `set_caller_*` APIs.
pub async fn walk_frame(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
walker: &mut (dyn FrameWalker + Send),
) -> Option<()> {
let cached_sym = self.get_symbols(module).await;
let sym = cached_sym.as_ref();
if let Ok(sym) = sym {
trace!("found symbols for address, searching for cfi entries");
sym.walk_frame(module, walker)
} else {
trace!("couldn't find symbols for address, cannot use cfi");
/// Gets the fully parsed SymbolFile for a given module (or an Error).
/// This returns a CachedOperation which is guaranteed to already be resolved (lifetime stuff).
async fn get_symbols(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
) -> Arc<Result<SymbolFile, SymbolError>> {
.get(|| async {
trace!("locating symbols for module {}", module.code_file());
self.pending_stats.lock().unwrap().symbols_requested += 1;
let result = self.supplier.locate_symbols(module).await;
self.pending_stats.lock().unwrap().symbols_processed += 1;
let mut stats = SymbolStats::default();
match &result {
Ok(res) => {
stats.loaded_symbols = true;
stats.corrupt_symbols = false;
Err(SymbolError::NotFound) => {
stats.loaded_symbols = false;
Err(SymbolError::MissingDebugFileOrId) => {
stats.loaded_symbols = false;
Err(SymbolError::LoadError(_)) => {
stats.loaded_symbols = false;
Err(SymbolError::ParseError(..)) => {
stats.loaded_symbols = true;
stats.corrupt_symbols = true;
let key = leafname(module.code_file().as_ref()).to_string();
self.stats.lock().unwrap().insert(key, stats);|r| r.symbols)
/// Gets the path to a file for a given module (or an Error).
/// This returns a CachedOperation which is guaranteed to already be resolved (lifetime stuff).
pub async fn get_file_path(
module: &(dyn Module + Sync),
file_kind: FileKind,
) -> Result<PathBuf, FileError> {
self.supplier.locate_file(module, file_kind).await
fn test_leafname() {
assert_eq!(leafname("c:\\foo\\bar\\test.pdb"), "test.pdb");
assert_eq!(leafname("c:/foo/bar/test.pdb"), "test.pdb");
assert_eq!(leafname("test.pdb"), "test.pdb");
assert_eq!(leafname("test"), "test");
assert_eq!(leafname("/path/to/test"), "test");
fn test_replace_or_add_extension() {
replace_or_add_extension("test.pdb", "pdb", "sym"),
replace_or_add_extension("TEST.PDB", "pdb", "sym"),
assert_eq!(replace_or_add_extension("test", "pdb", "sym"), "test.sym");
replace_or_add_extension("test.x", "pdb", "sym"),
assert_eq!(replace_or_add_extension("", "pdb", "sym"), ".sym");
assert_eq!(replace_or_add_extension("test.x", "x", "y"), "test.y");
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
async fn test_relative_symbol_path() {
let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcd12345678-a").unwrap();
let m = SimpleModule::new("foo.pdb", debug_id);
let m2 = SimpleModule::new("foo.pdb", debug_id);
let m3 = SimpleModule::new("", debug_id);
let m4 = SimpleModule::new("", debug_id);
let bad = SimpleModule::default();
let bad2 = SimpleModule {
debug_file: Some("foo".to_string()),
let bad3 = SimpleModule {
debug_id: Some(debug_id),
async fn test_relative_symbol_path_abs_paths() {
let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcd12345678-a").unwrap();
let m = SimpleModule::new("/path/to/foo.bin", debug_id);
let m = SimpleModule::new("c:/path/to/foo.pdb", debug_id);
let m = SimpleModule::new("c:\\path\\to\\foo.pdb", debug_id);
async fn test_code_info_breakpad_sym_lookup() {
// Test normal data
let m = SimpleModule {
code_file: Some("foo.dll".to_string()),
code_identifier: Some(CodeId::from_str("64E782C570C4000").unwrap()),
let bad = SimpleModule::default();
let bad2 = SimpleModule {
code_file: Some("foo".to_string()),
let bad3 = SimpleModule {
code_identifier: Some(CodeId::from_str("64E782C570C4000").unwrap()),
fn mksubdirs(path: &Path, dirs: &[&str]) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
.map(|dir| {
let new_path = path.join(dir);
fn write_symbol_file(path: &Path, contents: &[u8]) {
let dir = path.parent().unwrap();
if !fs::metadata(dir).ok().map_or(false, |m| m.is_dir()) {
let mut f = File::create(path).unwrap();
fn write_good_symbol_file(path: &Path) {
write_symbol_file(path, b"MODULE Linux x86 abcd1234 foo\n");
fn write_bad_symbol_file(path: &Path) {
write_symbol_file(path, b"this is not a symbol file\n");
async fn test_simple_symbol_supplier() {
let t = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let paths = mksubdirs(t.path(), &["one", "two"]);
let supplier = SimpleSymbolSupplier::new(paths.clone());
let bad = SimpleModule::default();
// Try loading symbols for each of two modules in each of the two
// search paths.
for &(path, file, id, sym) in [
let m = SimpleModule::new(file, id);
// No symbols present yet.
// Should load OK now that it exists.
format!("Located symbols for {sym}")
// Write a malformed symbol file, verify that it's found but fails to load.
let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("ffff0000-0000-0000-0000-abcd12345678-a").unwrap();
let mal = SimpleModule::new("baz.pdb", debug_id);
let sym = "baz.pdb/FFFF0000000000000000ABCD12345678a/baz.sym";
let res = supplier.locate_symbols(&mal).await;
matches!(res, Err(SymbolError::ParseError(..))),
format!("Correctly failed to parse {sym}, result: {res:?}")
async fn test_symbolizer() {
let t = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let path = t.path();
// TODO: This could really use a MockSupplier
let supplier = SimpleSymbolSupplier::new(vec![PathBuf::from(path)]);
let symbolizer = Symbolizer::new(supplier);
let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcd12345678-a").unwrap();
let m1 = SimpleModule::new("foo.pdb", debug_id);
b"MODULE Linux x86 ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCDABCD12345678a foo
FILE 1 foo.c
FUNC 1000 30 10 some func
1000 30 100 1
let mut f1 = SimpleFrame::with_instruction(0x1010);
symbolizer.fill_symbol(&m1, &mut f1).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(f1.function.unwrap(), "some func");
assert_eq!(f1.function_base.unwrap(), 0x1000);
assert_eq!(f1.source_file.unwrap(), "foo.c");
assert_eq!(f1.source_line.unwrap(), 100);
assert_eq!(f1.source_line_base.unwrap(), 0x1000);
.get_symbol_at_address("foo.pdb", debug_id, 0x1010)
"some func"
let debug_id = DebugId::from_str("ffff0000-0000-0000-0000-abcd12345678-a").unwrap();
let m2 = SimpleModule::new("bar.pdb", debug_id);
let mut f2 = SimpleFrame::with_instruction(0x1010);
// No symbols present, should not find anything.
assert!(symbolizer.fill_symbol(&m2, &mut f2).await.is_err());
// Results should be cached.
b"MODULE Linux x86 ffff0000000000000000ABCD12345678a bar
FILE 53 bar.c
FUNC 1000 30 10 another func
1000 30 7 53
assert!(symbolizer.fill_symbol(&m2, &mut f2).await.is_err());
// This should also use cached results.
.get_symbol_at_address("bar.pdb", debug_id, 0x1010)
async fn test_extra_debug_info() {
let debug_info = DebugInfoResult {
debug_file: String::from_str("foo.pdb").unwrap(),
debug_identifier: DebugId::from_str("abcd1234-abcd-1234-abcd-abcd12345678-a").unwrap(),
let mut supplier = StringSymbolSupplier {
modules: HashMap::new(),
code_info_to_debug_info: HashMap::new(),
"MODULE Linux x86 ABCD1234ABCD1234ABCDABCD12345678a foo
FILE 1 foo.c
FUNC 1000 30 10 some func
1000 30 100 1
let symbolizer = Symbolizer::new(supplier);
let module = SimpleModule::from_basic_info(
let mut f1 = SimpleFrame::with_instruction(0x1010);
symbolizer.fill_symbol(&module, &mut f1).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(f1.function.unwrap(), "some func");
assert_eq!(f1.function_base.unwrap(), 0x1000);
assert_eq!(f1.source_file.unwrap(), "foo.c");
assert_eq!(f1.source_line.unwrap(), 100);
assert_eq!(f1.source_line_base.unwrap(), 0x1000);
let sym_stats = symbolizer.stats();
let stats = sym_stats.get("foo.pdb").unwrap();
assert_eq!(stats.extra_debug_info, Some(debug_info));