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# QR Code JS
Javascript QR Code generator. Derived from my C version: [qrcode](
## Demo Site
Generate your own SVG QR Code:
* [](
## QR Codes in you terminal
If you have [Deno]( installed, you can generate a QR Code in your terminal:
...or write out a QR Code to a file:
deno run --allow-write --output:svg --file hello.svg 'Hello, World!'
## Getting started
### Example usage
Install (if using `npm`):
Quick test (also works from a non-module):
(async() => {
const { default: QrCode } = await import('qrcodejs');
console.log(QrCode.render('medium', QrCode.generate('Hello, World!')));
Example usage from an ECMAScript module (`.mjs` file):
import QrCode from 'qrcodejs';
const data = 'Hello, World!';
const matrix = QrCode.generate(data);
const text = QrCode.render('medium', matrix);
### Example web page usage
Example usage in a web page:
<script type="module">
const data = 'Hello, World!';
const matrix = QrCode.generate(data);
const uri = QrCode.render('svg-uri', matrix);
document.querySelector('img').src = uri;
### Browser without a server
If you would like to use this directly as part of a browser-based app over the `file:` protocol (which disallows modules), you can easily convert this to a non-module `.js` file:
* Download [`qrcode.mjs`]( renamed as `qrcode.js`.
* Remove the last line from the file (`export default QrCode`).
* Ensure there is no `type="module"` attribute in your `<script src="qrcode.js"></script>` tag.
## API
### `QrCode.generate(data, options)`
* `data` - the text to encode in the QR Code.
* `options` - the configuration object for the QR Code (optional). Options include `errorCorrectionLevel` (0-3), `optimizeEcc` (boolean flag, default `true`, to maximize the error-correction level within the chosen output size), `minVersion`/`maxVersion` (1-40), `maskPattern` (0-7). Hints for the rendering stage are `invert` (boolean flag to invert the code, not as widely supported), and `quiet` (the size, in modules, of the quiet area around the code).
Returns a *matrix* that can be passed to the `render()` function.
### `QrCode.render(mode, matrix, options)`
* `mode` - the rendering mode, one of:
* `large` - Generate block-character text, each module takes 2x1 character cells.
* `medium` - Generate block-character text, fitting 1x2 modules in each character cell.
* `compact` - Generate block-character text, fitting 2x2 modules in each character cell.
* `svg` - Generate the contents for a scalable vector graphics file (`.svg`).
* `bmp` - Generate the contents for a bitmap file (`.bmp`).
* `svg-uri` - Generate a `data:` URI for an SVG file
* `bmp-uri` - Generate a `data:` URI for a BMP file.
The `-uri` modes can be, for example, directly used as the `src` for an `<img>` tag, or `url()` image in CSS.
* `matrix` - the matrix to draw, as returned by the `generate()` function.
* `options` - the configuration object (optional), depends on the chosen rendering `mode`:
* `svg` / `svg-uri`: `moduleSize` the unit dimensions of each module, `white` (boolean) output the non-set modules (otherwise will be transparent background), `moduleRound` proportion of how rounded the modules are, `finderRound` to hide the standard finder modules and instead output a shape with the specified roundness, `alignmentRound` to hide the standard alignment modules and instead output a shape with the specified roundness.
* `bmp` / `bmp-uri`: `scale` for the size of a module, `alpha` (boolean) to use a transparent background, `width`/`height` can set a specific image size (rather than scaling the matrix dimensions).
Returns the text or binary output from the chosen `mode`.