eme.cpp |
Encode a message
2279 |
eme.h |
Encoding Method for Encryption
2884 |
eme_oaep |
eme_pkcs1 |
eme_raw |
emsa.cpp |
5095 |
emsa.h |
EMSA, from IEEE 1363s Encoding Method for Signatures, Appendix
Any way of encoding/padding signatures
3217 |
emsa_pkcs1 |
emsa_pssr |
emsa_raw |
emsa_x931 |
emsa1 |
hash_id |
info.txt |
179 |
iso9796 |
mgf1 |
padding.cpp |
1216 |
padding.h |
Returns the allowed padding schemes when using the given
algorithm (key type) for creating digital signatures.
@param algo the algorithm for which to look up supported padding schemes
@return a vector of supported padding schemes
901 |