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Reading List
These are papers, articles and books that are interesting or useful from the
perspective of crypto implementation.
Implementation Techniques
* "Randomizing the Montgomery Powering Ladder"
A variant of Algorithm 7 is used for GF(p) point multplications when
* "Accelerating AES with vector permute instructions"
His public doman assembly code was rewritten into SSS3 intrinsics
for aes_ssse3.
* "Elliptic curves and their implementation" Langley
Describes sparse representations for ECC math
Random Number Generation
* "On Extract-then-Expand Key Derivation Functions and an HMAC-based KDF"
RNG design underlying HMAC_RNG
AES Side Channels
* "Software mitigations to hedge AES against cache-based software side
channel vulnerabilities"
* "Cache Games - Bringing Access-Based Cache Attacks on AES to Practice"
* "Cache-Collision Timing Attacks Against AES" Bonneau, Mironov
Public Key Side Channels
* "Fast Elliptic Curve Multiplications Resistant against Side Channel Attacks"
* "Resistance against Differential Power Analysis for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems"
* "Further Results and Considerations on Side Channel Attacks on RSA"
Side channel attacks on RSA-KEM and MGF1-SHA1
* "Side-Channel Attacks on the McEliece and Niederreiter Public-Key Cryptosystems"
Avanzi, Hoerder, Page, and Tunstall
* "Minimum Requirements for Evaluating Side-Channel Attack Resistance
of Elliptic Curve Implementations" BSI
* "Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography"
An excellent reference for ECC math, algorithms, and side channels
* "Post-Quantum Cryptography" Bernstein, Buchmann, Dahmen
Covers code, lattice, and hash based cryptography
Very influential early in the library lifetime, so a lot of terminology used
in the public key (such as "EME" for message encoding) code comes from here.
* NIST SP 800-108
KDF schemes
* NIST SP 800-90A
HMAC_DRBG, Hash_DRBG, CTR_DRBG, maybe one other thing?