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import * as pvtsutils from "pvtsutils";
import { EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_VIEW } from "./constants";
export interface ILocalBaseBlock {
blockLength: number;
error: string;
warnings: string[];
export interface LocalBaseBlockJson extends ILocalBaseBlock {
blockName: string;
valueBeforeDecode: string;
export interface LocalBaseBlockParams extends Partial<ILocalBaseBlock> {
valueBeforeDecode?: pvtsutils.BufferSource;
export interface LocalBaseBlockConstructor<T extends LocalBaseBlock = LocalBaseBlock> {
new(...args: any[]): T;
prototype: T;
NAME: string;
blockName(): string;
* Class used as a base block for all remaining ASN.1 classes
export class LocalBaseBlock implements ILocalBaseBlock {
* Name of the block
public static NAME = "baseBlock";
* Aux function, need to get a block name. Need to have it here for inheritance
* @returns Returns name of the block
public static blockName(): string {
return this.NAME;
public blockLength: number;
public error: string;
public warnings: string[];
* @deprecated since version 3.0.0
public get valueBeforeDecode(): ArrayBuffer {
return this.valueBeforeDecodeView.slice().buffer;
* @deprecated since version 3.0.0
public set valueBeforeDecode(value: ArrayBuffer) {
this.valueBeforeDecodeView = new Uint8Array(value);
* @since 3.0.0
public valueBeforeDecodeView: Uint8Array;
* Creates and initializes an object instance of that class
* @param param0 Initialization parameters
blockLength = 0,
warnings = [],
valueBeforeDecode = EMPTY_VIEW,
}: LocalBaseBlockParams = {}) {
this.blockLength = blockLength;
this.error = error;
this.warnings = warnings;
this.valueBeforeDecodeView = pvtsutils.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(valueBeforeDecode);
* Returns a JSON representation of an object
* @returns JSON object
public toJSON(): LocalBaseBlockJson {
return {
blockName: (this.constructor as typeof LocalBaseBlock).NAME,
blockLength: this.blockLength,
error: this.error,
warnings: this.warnings,
valueBeforeDecode: pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(this.valueBeforeDecodeView),