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import * as pvtsutils from "pvtsutils";
import * as pvutils from "pvutils";
import { IBerConvertible } from "./types";
import { LocalBaseBlockJson, LocalBaseBlockParams, LocalBaseBlock } from "./internals/LocalBaseBlock";
import { LocalIdentificationBlock, LocalIdentificationBlockJson, LocalIdentificationBlockParams } from "./internals/LocalIdentificationBlock";
import { LocalLengthBlock, LocalLengthBlockJson, LocalLengthBlockParams } from "./internals/LocalLengthBlock";
import { ViewWriter } from "./ViewWriter";
import { ValueBlock, ValueBlockJson } from "./ValueBlock";
import { EMPTY_BUFFER, EMPTY_STRING } from "./internals/constants";
import { typeStore } from "./TypeStore";
export interface IBaseBlock {
name: string;
optional: boolean;
primitiveSchema?: BaseBlock;
export interface BaseBlockParams extends LocalBaseBlockParams, LocalIdentificationBlockParams, LocalLengthBlockParams, Partial<IBaseBlock> { }
export interface ValueBlockConstructor<T extends ValueBlock = ValueBlock> {
new(...args: any[]): T;
export interface BaseBlockJson<T extends LocalBaseBlockJson = LocalBaseBlockJson> extends LocalBaseBlockJson, Omit<IBaseBlock, "primitiveSchema"> {
idBlock: LocalIdentificationBlockJson;
lenBlock: LocalLengthBlockJson;
valueBlock: T;
primitiveSchema?: BaseBlockJson;
export type StringEncoding = "ascii" | "hex";
export class BaseBlock<T extends ValueBlock = ValueBlock, J extends ValueBlockJson = ValueBlockJson> extends LocalBaseBlock implements IBaseBlock, IBerConvertible {
static {
public static override NAME = "BaseBlock";
public idBlock: LocalIdentificationBlock;
public lenBlock: LocalLengthBlock;
public valueBlock: T;
public name: string;
public optional: boolean;
public primitiveSchema?: BaseBlock;
optional = false,
}: BaseBlockParams = {}, valueBlockType?: ValueBlockConstructor<T>) {
super(parameters); = name;
this.optional = optional;
if (primitiveSchema) {
this.primitiveSchema = primitiveSchema;
this.idBlock = new LocalIdentificationBlock(parameters);
this.lenBlock = new LocalLengthBlock(parameters);
this.valueBlock = valueBlockType ? new valueBlockType(parameters) : new ValueBlock(parameters) as unknown as T;
public fromBER(inputBuffer: ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array, inputOffset: number, inputLength: number): number {
const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length);
if (resultOffset === -1) {
this.error = this.valueBlock.error;
return resultOffset;
if (!this.idBlock.error.length)
this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength;
if (!this.lenBlock.error.length)
this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength;
if (!this.valueBlock.error.length)
this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength;
return resultOffset;
public toBER(sizeOnly?: boolean, writer?: ViewWriter): ArrayBuffer {
const _writer = writer || new ViewWriter();
if (!writer) {
const idBlockBuf = this.idBlock.toBER(sizeOnly);
if (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) {
_writer.write(new Uint8Array([0x80]).buffer);
this.valueBlock.toBER(sizeOnly, _writer);
_writer.write(new ArrayBuffer(2));
else {
const valueBlockBuf = this.valueBlock.toBER(sizeOnly);
this.lenBlock.length = valueBlockBuf.byteLength;
const lenBlockBuf = this.lenBlock.toBER(sizeOnly);
if (!writer) {
public override toJSON(): BaseBlockJson<J> {
const object: BaseBlockJson = {
idBlock: this.idBlock.toJSON(),
lenBlock: this.lenBlock.toJSON(),
valueBlock: this.valueBlock.toJSON(),
optional: this.optional,
if (this.primitiveSchema)
object.primitiveSchema = this.primitiveSchema.toJSON();
return object as BaseBlockJson<J>;
public override toString(encoding: StringEncoding = "ascii"): string {
if (encoding === "ascii") {
return this.onAsciiEncoding();
return pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(this.toBER());
protected onAsciiEncoding(): string {
return `${(this.constructor as typeof BaseBlock).NAME} : ${pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(this.valueBlock.valueBeforeDecodeView)}`;
* Determines whether two object instances are equal
* @param other Object to compare with the current object
public isEqual(other: unknown): other is this {
if (this === other) {
return true;
// Check input type
if (!(other instanceof this.constructor)) {
return false;
const thisRaw = this.toBER();
const otherRaw = (other as BaseBlock).toBER();
return pvutils.isEqualBuffer(thisRaw, otherRaw);
* Recursive function which checks and enables isIndefiniteForm flag for constructed blocks if any child has that flag enabled
* @param baseBlock Base ASN.1 block
* @returns Returns `true` if incoming block is `indefinite form`
function prepareIndefiniteForm(baseBlock: BaseBlock): boolean {
if (baseBlock instanceof typeStore.Constructed) {
for (const value of baseBlock.valueBlock.value) {
if (prepareIndefiniteForm(value)) {
baseBlock.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = true;
return !!baseBlock.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm;