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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import string
import sys
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint as pp
from typing import List, Literal, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union
import jwt
import requests
from redo import retry
CHUNK_SIZE = 128 * 1024
class ATNChannel(Enum):
LISTED = "listed"
UNLISTED = "unlisted"
Locales = List[str]
Version = str
ApiParam = str
EnvVars = NamedTuple(
("langpack_version", Version),
("locales", Locales),
("langpack_dir", Path),
("langpack_channel", Literal[ATNChannel.LISTED, ATNChannel.UNLISTED]),
("api_key", ApiParam),
("api_secret", ApiParam),
Result = Tuple[str, Union[object, None]]
def print_line(message):
msg_bytes = message.encode("utf-8")
written = 0
while written < len(msg_bytes):
written += sys.stdout.buffer.write(msg_bytes[written:]) or 0
class ATNUploader:
def __init__(self, options: EnvVars):
self.api_key = options.api_key
self.api_secret = options.api_secret
self.langpack_dir = options.langpack_dir
self.langpack_version = options.langpack_version
self.langpack_channel = options.langpack_channel
self.locales = options.locales
def mk_headers(self) -> dict:
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
payload = {
"iss": self.api_key,
"jti": "".join(
random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(64)
"exp": now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60),
"iat": now,
headers = {
"Authorization": "JWT {0}".format(
jwt.encode(payload, self.api_secret, algorithm="HS256")
return headers
def upload_langpack(self, locale: str) -> Result:
langpack_path = self.langpack_dir / locale / "target.langpack.xpi"
headers = self.mk_headers()
langpack_fd = open(langpack_path, "rb")
file = {"upload": ("upload", langpack_fd)}
data = {"channel": self.langpack_channel}
url = ATN_UPLOAD_URL.format(version=self.langpack_version, langcode=locale)
with requests.put(url, files=file, data=data, headers=headers, verify=False) as resp:
if not resp.ok:
print_line(f"Failed {locale}")
# Print response to help determine if failure caused by client or host
return resp.json()
return resp.json()
def upload_all_locales(self) -> Tuple[List[Result], List[Result]]:
failed = []
success = []
for locale in self.locales:
rv = retry(self.upload_langpack, args=(locale,), attempts=3, sleeptime=10)
if "error" not in rv:
success.append((locale, rv))
elif rv["error"].find("Version already exists. Latest version is:") == 0:
success.append((locale, rv))
failed.append((locale, rv))
except requests.HTTPError as e:
failed.append((locale, None))
return success, failed
def get_secret(name: str) -> Tuple[ApiParam, ApiParam]:
secret = {}
if "MOZ_SCM_LEVEL" in os.environ:
level = os.environ.get("MOZ_SCM_LEVEL", "1")
taskcluster_url = os.environ.get("TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL") or os.environ.get(
secrets_url = (
res = requests.get(secrets_url)
secret = res.json()
elif "SECRET_FILE" in os.environ: # For local dev/debug
with open(os.environ["SECRET_FILE"]) as fp:
secret = json.load(fp)["secret"]
secret = secret.get("secret")
api_key = secret["api_key"] if "api_key" in secret else None
api_secret = secret["api_secret"] if "api_secret" in secret else None
if api_key is None or api_secret is None:
raise Exception(f"Unable to get secret. {secret.keys()}")
return api_key, api_secret
def read_env_vars() -> EnvVars:
langpack_version = os.environ["LANGPACK_VERSION"]
locales_json = os.environ["LOCALES"]
langpack_dir = Path(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]).resolve()
langpack_channel = os.environ["ATN_CHANNEL"]
except KeyError:
raise Exception("Missing environment variable(s)")
locales = json.loads(locales_json)
api_key, api_secret = get_secret("atn_langpack")
return EnvVars(
langpack_version, locales, langpack_dir, ATNChannel(langpack_channel), api_key, api_secret
def main():
options = read_env_vars()
atn_uploader = ATNUploader(options)
success, failed = atn_uploader.upload_all_locales()
if failed:
if __name__ == "__main__":