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#filter substitution
!define AppName "SeaMonkey"
!define AppVersion "@APP_VERSION@"
!define GREVersion @MOZILLA_VERSION@
!define AB_CD "@AB_CD@"
!define FileMainEXE "@MOZ_APP_NAME@.exe"
!define WindowClass "SeaMonkeyMessageWindow"
!define DDEApplication "SeaMonkey"
!define AppRegName "SeaMonkey"
!define AppRegNameMail "SeaMonkey (Mail)"
!define AppRegNameNews "SeaMonkey (News)"
!define BrandProductName "@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@"
!define BrandShortName "@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@"
!define BrandFullName "${BrandFullNameInternal}"
# ARCH is used when it is necessary to differentiate the x64 registry keys from
# the x86 registry keys (e.g. the uninstall registry key).
!define HAVE_64BIT_BUILD
!define ARCH "x64"
!define MinSupportedVer "Microsoft Windows 7 x64"
!define ARCH "x86"
!define MinSupportedVer "Microsoft Windows 7"
!define MinSupportedCPU "SSE2"
# AccessibleHandler.dll uses a different CLSID depending on release channel.
# These defines must match HANDLER_CLSID defined in
# accessible/ipc/win/handler/HandlerData.idl
# File details shared by both the installer and uninstaller
VIProductVersion ""
VIAddVersionKey "ProductName" "${BrandShortName}"
VIAddVersionKey "CompanyName" "${CompanyName}"
VIAddVersionKey "LegalTrademarks" "${BrandShortName} is a Trademark of SeaMonkey e.V."
VIAddVersionKey "LegalCopyright" "${CompanyName}"
VIAddVersionKey "FileVersion" "${AppVersion}"
VIAddVersionKey "ProductVersion" "${AppVersion}"
# Comments is not used but left below commented out for future reference
# VIAddVersionKey "Comments" "Comments"