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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js */
/* import-globals-from EdDialogCommon.js */
var gMsgCompProcessLink = false;
var gMsgCompInputElement = null;
var gMsgCompPrevInputValue = null;
var gMsgCompPrevMozDoNotSendAttribute;
var gMsgCompAttachSourceElement = null;
function OnLoadDialog() {
gMsgCompAttachSourceElement = document.getElementById("AttachSourceToMail");
var editor = GetCurrentEditor();
if (
gMsgCompAttachSourceElement &&
editor &&
editor.flags & Ci.nsIEditor.eEditorMailMask
) {
SetRelativeCheckbox = function() {
// initialize the AttachSourceToMail checkbox
gMsgCompAttachSourceElement.hidden = false;
switch ( {
case "imageDlg":
gMsgCompInputElement = gDialog.srcInput;
gMsgCompProcessLink = false;
case "linkDlg":
gMsgCompInputElement = gDialog.hrefInput;
gMsgCompProcessLink = true;
if (gMsgCompInputElement) {
gMsgCompPrevMozDoNotSendAttribute = globalElement.getAttribute(
addEventListener("load", OnLoadDialog, false);
function OnAcceptDialog() {
// Auto-convert file URLs to data URLs. If we're in the link properties
// dialog convert only when requested - for the image dialog do it always.
if (gMsgCompInputElement &&
/^file:/i.test(gMsgCompInputElement.value.trim()) &&
(gMsgCompAttachSourceElement.checked || !gMsgCompProcessLink)) {
var dataURI = GenerateDataURL(gMsgCompInputElement.value.trim());
gMsgCompInputElement.value = dataURI;
gMsgCompAttachSourceElement.checked = true;
document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", OnAcceptDialog, true);
function SetAttachCheckbox() {
var resetCheckbox = false;
var mozDoNotSend = globalElement.getAttribute("moz-do-not-send");
// In case somebody played with the advanced property and changed the moz-do-not-send attribute
if (mozDoNotSend != gMsgCompPrevMozDoNotSendAttribute) {
gMsgCompPrevMozDoNotSendAttribute = mozDoNotSend;
resetCheckbox = true;
// Has the URL changed
if (
gMsgCompInputElement &&
gMsgCompInputElement.value != gMsgCompPrevInputValue
) {
gMsgCompPrevInputValue = gMsgCompInputElement.value;
resetCheckbox = true;
if (gMsgCompInputElement && resetCheckbox) {
// Here is the rule about how to set the checkbox Attach Source To Message:
// If the attribute "moz-do-not-send" has not been set, we look at the scheme of the URL
// and at some preference to decide what is the best for the user.
// If it is set to "false", the checkbox is checked, otherwise unchecked.
var attach = false;
if (mozDoNotSend == null) {
// We haven't yet set the "moz-do-not-send" attribute.
var inputValue = gMsgCompInputElement.value.trim();
if (/^(file|data):/i.test(inputValue)) {
// For files or data URLs, default to attach them.
attach = true;
} else if (
!gMsgCompProcessLink && // Implies image dialogue.
) {
// For images loaded via http(s) we default to the preference value.
attach = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.compose.attach_http_images");
} else {
attach = mozDoNotSend == "false";
gMsgCompAttachSourceElement.checked = attach;
function DoAttachSourceCheckbox() {
gMsgCompPrevMozDoNotSendAttribute = (!gMsgCompAttachSourceElement.checked).toString();
function GenerateDataURL(url) {
var file =;
var contentType = Cc[";1"]
var inputStream = Cc[
inputStream.init(file, 0x01, 0o600, 0);
var stream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
let data = "";
while (stream.available() > 0) {
data += stream.readBytes(stream.available());
let encoded = btoa(data);
return (
"data:" +
contentType +
";filename=" +
encodeURIComponent(file.leafName) +
";base64," +