Name Description Size
EdAdvancedEdit.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 10187
EdAdvancedEdit.xhtml 7644
EdAEAttributes.js For each element, there is an array of attributes, whose name is the element name, used to fill the "Attribute Name" menulist. For each of those attributes, if they have a specific set of values, those are listed in an array named: "elementName_attName". In each values string, the following characters are signal to do input filtering: "#" Allow only integer values "%" Allow integer values or a number ending in "%" "+" Allow integer values and allow "+" or "-" as first character "!" Allow only one character "^" The first character can be only be A-Z, a-z, hyphen, underscore, colon or period "$" is an attribute required by HTML DTD 17176
EdAECSSAttributes.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 4204
EdAEHTMLAttributes.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 11458
EdAEJSEAttributes.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 5636
EdButtonProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 3988
EdButtonProps.xhtml 3560
EdColorPicker.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 8505
EdColorPicker.xhtml 2562
EdColorProps.js Behavior notes: Radio buttons select "UseDefaultColors" vs. "UseCustomColors" modes. If any color attribute is set in the body, mode is "Custom Colors", even if 1 or more (but not all) are actually null (= "use default") When in "Custom Colors" mode, all colors will be set on body tag, even if they are just default colors, to assure compatible colors in page. User cannot select "use default" for individual colors 14529
EdColorProps.xhtml 5884
EdConvertToTable.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 9341
EdConvertToTable.xhtml 2013
EdDialogCommon.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 29982
EdDialogTemplate.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 1335
EdDialogTemplate.xhtml 1062
EdDictionary.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 4458
EdDictionary.xhtml 2432
EdFieldSetProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 5332
EdFieldSetProps.xhtml 2797
EdFormProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 3446
EdFormProps.xhtml 4010
EdHLineProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 6117
EdHLineProps.xhtml 3212 10013
EdImageDialog.js Note: We encourage non-empty alt text for images inserted into a page. When there's no alt text, we always write 'alt=""' as the attribute, since "alt" is a required attribute. We allow users to not have alt text by checking a "Don't use alterate text" radio button, and we don't accept spaces as valid alt text. A space used to be required to avoid the error message if user didn't enter alt text, but is unnecessary now that we no longer annoy the user with the error dialog if alt="" is present on an img element. We trim all spaces at the beginning and end of user's alt text 19441
EdImageLinkLoader.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 4727
EdImageProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 8953
EdImageProps.xhtml 4646
EdInputImage.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 5212
EdInputImage.xhtml 3835
EdInputProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 9474
EdInputProps.xhtml 5440
EdInsertChars.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 11848
EdInsertChars.xhtml 2518
EdInsertMath.js Insert MathML dialog 11642
EdInsertMath.xhtml 2385
EdInsertTable.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 7133
EdInsertTable.xhtml 3282
EdInsertTOC.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 12738
EdInsertTOC.xhtml 10823
EdInsSrc.js Insert Source HTML dialog 4587
EdInsSrc.xhtml 1715
EditConflict.js 903
EditConflict.xhtml 1500
EditorPublish.js 16746
EditorPublish.xhtml 5578
EditorPublishOverlay.xhtml 2828
EditorPublishProgress.js 11917
EditorPublishProgress.xhtml 2476
EditorPublishSettings.js 9289
EditorPublishSettings.xhtml 2145
EditorSaveAsCharset.js 4426
EditorSaveAsCharset.xhtml 1828
EdLabelProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 3045
EdLabelProps.xhtml 2677
EdLinkProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 11139
EdLinkProps.xhtml 3273
EdListProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 13066
EdListProps.xhtml 3029
EdNamedAnchorProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 4724
EdNamedAnchorProps.xhtml 1839
EdPageProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 4430
EdPageProps.xhtml 2174
EdReplace.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 12111
EdReplace.xhtml 2981
EdSelectProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 22977
EdSelectProps.xhtml 6469
EdSnapToGrid.js 1704
EdSnapToGrid.xhtml 1690
EdSpellCheck.js import-globals-from ../../../../mail/base/content/utilityOverlay.js 14106
EdSpellCheck.xhtml 5406
EdTableProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 39790
EdTableProps.xhtml 13236
EdTextAreaProps.js import-globals-from ../../composer/content/editorUtilities.js 4973
EdTextAreaProps.xhtml 4815