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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
// HTML Attributes object for "Name" menulist
var gHTMLAttr = {};
// JS Events Attributes object for "Name" menulist
var gJSAttr = {};
// Core HTML attribute values //
// This is appended to Name menulist when "_core" is attribute name
var gCoreHTMLAttr = ["^id", "class", "title"];
// Core event attribute values //
// This is appended to all JS menulists
// except those elements having "noJSEvents"
// as a value in their gJSAttr array.
var gCoreJSEvents = [
// Following are commonly-used strings
// Also accept: sRGB: #RRGGBB //
var gHTMLColors = [
var gHAlign = ["left", "center", "right"];
var gHAlignJustify = ["left", "center", "right", "justify"];
var gHAlignTableContent = ["left", "center", "right", "justify", "char"];
var gVAlignTable = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline"];
var gTarget = ["_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top"];
// ================ HTML Attributes ================ //
/* For each element, there is an array of attributes,
whose name is the element name,
used to fill the "Attribute Name" menulist.
For each of those attributes, if they have a specific
set of values, those are listed in an array named:
In each values string, the following characters
are signal to do input filtering:
"#" Allow only integer values
"%" Allow integer values or a number ending in "%"
"+" Allow integer values and allow "+" or "-" as first character
"!" Allow only one character
"^" The first character can be only be A-Z, a-z, hyphen, underscore, colon or period
"$" is an attribute required by HTML DTD
Most elements have the "dir" attribute,
so we use this value array
for all elements instead of specifying
separately for each element
gHTMLAttr.all_dir = ["ltr", "rtl"];
gHTMLAttr.a = [
"shape", // with imagemap //
"coords", // with imagemap //
gHTMLAttr.a_target = gTarget;
gHTMLAttr.a_rel = [
gHTMLAttr.a_rev = [
gHTMLAttr.a_shape = ["rect", "circle", "poly", "default"];
gHTMLAttr.abbr = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.acronym = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.address = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
// this is deprecated //
gHTMLAttr.applet = [
gHTMLAttr.applet_align = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right"];
gHTMLAttr.area = [
gHTMLAttr.area_target = gTarget;
gHTMLAttr.area_shape = ["rect", "circle", "poly", "default"];
gHTMLAttr.area_nohref = ["nohref"];
gHTMLAttr.b = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.base = ["href", "target"];
gHTMLAttr.base_target = gTarget;
// this is deprecated //
gHTMLAttr.basefont = ["^id", "$size", "color", "face"];
gHTMLAttr.basefont_color = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.bdo = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "$dir"];
gHTMLAttr.bdo_dir = ["ltr", "rtl"];
gHTMLAttr.big = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.blockquote = ["cite", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.body = [
gHTMLAttr.body_bgcolor = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.body_text = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.body_link = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.body_vlink = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.body_alink = gHTMLColors; = ["clear", "-", "_core"];
gHTMLAttr.br_clear = ["none", "left", "all", "right"];
gHTMLAttr.button = [
gHTMLAttr.button_type = ["submit", "button", "reset"];
gHTMLAttr.button_disabled = ["disabled"];
gHTMLAttr.caption = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.caption_align = ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"];
// this is deprecated // = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.cite = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.code = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.col = [
gHTMLAttr.col_span = [
"1", // default
gHTMLAttr.col_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.col_valign = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline"];
gHTMLAttr.colgroup = [
gHTMLAttr.colgroup_span = [
"1", // default
gHTMLAttr.colgroup_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.colgroup_valign = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline"];
gHTMLAttr.dd = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.del = ["cite", "datetime", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.dfn = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
// this is deprecated //
gHTMLAttr.dir = ["compact", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.dir_compact = ["compact"];
gHTMLAttr.div = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.div_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.dl = ["compact", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.dl_compact = ["compact"];
gHTMLAttr.dt = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.em = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.fieldset = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
// this is deprecated //
gHTMLAttr.font = ["+size", "color", "face", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.font_color = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.form = [
gHTMLAttr.form_method = ["get", "post"];
gHTMLAttr.form_enctype = ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"];
gHTMLAttr.form_target = gTarget;
gHTMLAttr.frame = [
gHTMLAttr.frame_frameborder = ["1", "0"];
gHTMLAttr.frame_noresize = ["noresize"];
gHTMLAttr.frame_scrolling = ["auto", "yes", "no"];
gHTMLAttr.frameset = ["rows", "cols", "-", "_core"];
gHTMLAttr.h1 = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.h1_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.h2 = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.h2_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.h3 = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.h3_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.h4 = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.h4_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.h5 = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.h5_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.h6 = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.h6_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.head = ["profile", "-", "^lang", "dir"]; = [
gHTMLAttr.hr_align = gHAlign;
gHTMLAttr.hr_noshade = ["noshade"];
gHTMLAttr.html = ["version", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.i = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.iframe = [
gHTMLAttr.iframe_frameborder = ["1", "0"];
gHTMLAttr.iframe_scrolling = ["auto", "yes", "no"];
gHTMLAttr.iframe_align = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right"];
gHTMLAttr.img = [
gHTMLAttr.img_ismap = ["ismap"];
gHTMLAttr.img_align = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right"];
gHTMLAttr.input = [
gHTMLAttr.input_type = [
gHTMLAttr.input_checked = ["checked"];
gHTMLAttr.input_disabled = ["disabled"];
gHTMLAttr.input_readonly = ["readonly"];
gHTMLAttr.input_ismap = ["ismap"];
gHTMLAttr.input_align = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right"];
gHTMLAttr.ins = ["cite", "datetime", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.isindex = ["prompt", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.kbd = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.label = ["for", "!accesskey", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.legend = ["!accesskey", "align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.legend_align = ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]; = ["type", "#value", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.li_type = ["disc", "square", "circle", "-", "1", "a", "A", "i", "I"]; = [
gHTMLAttr.link_target = gTarget;
gHTMLAttr.link_rel = [
gHTMLAttr.link_rev = [
]; = ["$name", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"]; = ["compact", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.menu_compact = ["compact"];
gHTMLAttr.meta = [
gHTMLAttr.noframes = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.noscript = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.object = [
gHTMLAttr.object_declare = ["declare"];
gHTMLAttr.object_align = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "right"];
gHTMLAttr.ol = ["type", "compact", "#start", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.ol_type = ["1", "a", "A", "i", "I"];
gHTMLAttr.ol_compact = ["compact"];
gHTMLAttr.optgroup = ["disabled", "$label", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.optgroup_disabled = ["disabled"];
gHTMLAttr.option = [
gHTMLAttr.option_selected = ["selected"];
gHTMLAttr.option_disabled = ["disabled"];
gHTMLAttr.p = ["align", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.p_align = gHAlignJustify;
gHTMLAttr.param = ["^id", "$name", "value", "$valuetype", "type"];
gHTMLAttr.param_valuetype = ["data", "ref", "object"];
gHTMLAttr.pre = ["%width", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.q = ["cite", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.s = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.samp = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.script = ["charset", "$type", "language", "src", "defer"];
gHTMLAttr.script_defer = ["defer"]; = [
gHTMLAttr.select_multiple = ["multiple"];
gHTMLAttr.select_disabled = ["disabled"];
gHTMLAttr.small = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.span = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.strike = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.strong = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"]; = ["$type", "media", "title", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.sub = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.sup = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.table = [
gHTMLAttr.table_frame = [
gHTMLAttr.table_rules = ["none", "groups", "rows", "cols", "all"];
// Note; This is alignment of the table,
// not table contents, like all other table child elements
gHTMLAttr.table_align = gHAlign;
gHTMLAttr.table_bgcolor = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.tbody = [
gHTMLAttr.tbody_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.tbody_valign = gVAlignTable; = [
gHTMLAttr.td_scope = ["row", "col", "rowgroup", "colgroup"];
gHTMLAttr.td_rowspan = [
"1", // default
gHTMLAttr.td_colspan = [
"1", // default
gHTMLAttr.td_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.td_valign = gVAlignTable;
gHTMLAttr.td_nowrap = ["nowrap"];
gHTMLAttr.td_bgcolor = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.textarea = [
gHTMLAttr.textarea_disabled = ["disabled"];
gHTMLAttr.textarea_readonly = ["readonly"];
gHTMLAttr.tfoot = [
gHTMLAttr.tfoot_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.tfoot_valign = gVAlignTable; = [
gHTMLAttr.th_scope = ["row", "col", "rowgroup", "colgroup"];
gHTMLAttr.th_rowspan = [
"1", // default
gHTMLAttr.th_colspan = [
"1", // default
gHTMLAttr.th_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.th_valign = gVAlignTable;
gHTMLAttr.th_nowrap = ["nowrap"];
gHTMLAttr.th_bgcolor = gHTMLColors;
gHTMLAttr.thead = [
gHTMLAttr.thead_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.thead_valign = gVAlignTable;
gHTMLAttr.title = ["^lang", "dir"]; = [
gHTMLAttr.tr_align = gHAlignTableContent;
gHTMLAttr.tr_valign = gVAlignTable;
gHTMLAttr.tr_bgcolor = gHTMLColors; = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.u = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.ul = ["type", "compact", "-", "_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
gHTMLAttr.ul_type = ["disc", "square", "circle"];
gHTMLAttr.ul_compact = ["compact"];
// Prefix with "_" since this is reserved (it's stripped out)
gHTMLAttr._var = ["_core", "-", "^lang", "dir"];
// ================ JS Attributes ================ //
// These are element specific even handlers.
/* Most all elements use gCoreJSEvents, so those
are assumed except for those listed here with "noEvents"
gJSAttr.a = ["onfocus", "onblur"];
gJSAttr.area = ["onfocus", "onblur"];
gJSAttr.body = ["onload", "onupload"];
gJSAttr.button = ["onfocus", "onblur"];
gJSAttr.form = ["onsubmit", "onreset"];
gJSAttr.frameset = ["onload", "onunload"];
gJSAttr.input = ["onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange"];
gJSAttr.label = ["onfocus", "onblur"]; = ["onfocus", "onblur", "onchange"];
gJSAttr.textarea = ["onfocus", "onblur", "onselect", "onchange"];
// Elements that don't have JSEvents:
gJSAttr.font = ["noJSEvents"];
gJSAttr.applet = ["noJSEvents"];
gJSAttr.isindex = ["noJSEvents"];
gJSAttr.iframe = ["noJSEvents"];