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<?xml version="1.0"?>
- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- file, You can obtain one at -->
<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://chatzilla/locale/chatzilla.dtd" >
<overlay id="chatzilla-menu-overlay"
<overlaytarget id="menu-overlay-target">
<!-- parents for the command manager-managed objects -->
<keyset id="dynamic-keys"/>
<popupset id="dynamic-popups"/>
<!-- tooltip thingy -->
<tooltip id="html-tooltip-node" onpopupshowing="return onTooltip(event);"/>
<tooltip id="xul-tooltip-node" onpopupshowing="return onTooltip(event);"/>
<!-- Commands -->
<commandset id="chatzilla-commands">
<!-- Edit commands -->
<commandset id="selectEditMenuItems"/>
<commandset id="globalEditMenuItems"/>
<commandset id="undoEditMenuItems"/>
<commandset id="clipboardEditMenuItems"/>
<command id="cmd_undo"/>
<command id="cmd_redo"/>
<command id="cmd_cut"/>
<command id="cmd_copy"/>
<command id="cmd_paste"/>
<command id="cmd_delete"/>
<command id="cmd_selectAll"/>
<!-- Tasks commands, from overlay -->
<commandset id="tasksCommands"/>
<!-- Keys -->
<keyset id="chatzillaKeys">
<key id="key:reloadui" modifiers="accel alt" key="R"
oncommand="if (typeof cmdReloadUI =='function') cmdReloadUI(); else window.location.href = window.location.href;"/>
<!-- Edit keys -->
<key id="key_undo"/>
<key id="key_redo"/>
<key id="key_cut"/>
<key id="key_copy"/>
<key id="key_paste"/>
<key id="key_delete"/>
<key id="key_selectAll"/>
<!-- Tasks keys, from overlay -->
<keyset id="tasksKeys"/>
<!-- Main menu bar -->
<toolbox flex="1" id="main-toolbox">
<menubar id="mainmenu" persist="collapsed"
<!-- ChatZilla menu placeholder, see menus.js -->
<menu id="mainmenu:chatzilla"><menupopup/></menu>
<!-- IRC menu placeholder, see menus.js -->
<menu id="mainmenu:irc"><menupopup/></menu>
<!-- Edit menu placeholder, see menus.js -->
<menu id="mainmenu:edit"><menupopup/></menu>
<!-- View menu placeholder, see menus.js -->
<menu id="mainmenu:view"><menupopup/></menu>
<!-- Tasks menu -->
<menu id="tasksMenu"/>
<!-- Window menu -->
<menu id="windowMenu"/>
<!-- Help menu -->
<!-- Mac expects a help menu with this ID, and there is nothing we can
do about it. -->
<menu id="menu_Help"/>