Name Description Size
browser-places.js 33838
content.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 33266
fullScreen.js 3972
hiddenWindow.xul 2135 1987
linkToolbarHandler.js LinkToolbarHandler is a Singleton that displays LINK elements and nodeLists of LINK elements in the Link Toolbar. It associates the LINK with a corresponding LinkToolbarItem based on it's REL attribute and the toolbar item's ID attribute. LinkToolbarHandler is also a Factory and will create LinkToolbarItems as necessary. 7591
linkToolbarItem.js LinkToolbarItem and its subclasses represent the buttons, menuitems, and menus that handle the various link types. 6121
linkToolbarOverlay.js called whenever something on the toolbar gets an oncommand event 6471
linkToolbarOverlay.xul 6665
mailNavigatorOverlay.js 4949
mailNavigatorOverlay.xul 3768
metadata.js 15812
metadata.xul 6900 719
navigator.css ::::: Hide the link toolbar if it is set to autohide and has no items. ::::: 3853
navigator.js 106544
navigator.xul 27358
navigatorDD.js 3590
navigatorOverlay.xul 34015
nsBrowserContentHandler.js 20035
nsBrowserContentListener.js implements nsIURIContentListener 5012
nsBrowserStatusHandler.js Returns true if |aMimeType| is text-based, false otherwise. @param aMimeType The MIME type to check. If adding types to this function, please also check the similar function in mozilla/toolkit/content/widgets/findbar.xml. 16230
nsTypeAheadFind.js nsIController 15205
safeBrowsingOverlay.js Used to report a phishing page or a false positive @param name String One of "PhishMistake", "MalwareMistake", or "Phish" @param info Information about the reasons for blocking the resource. In the case false positive, it may contain SafeBrowsing matching list and provider of the list @return String the report phishing URL. 2814
safeBrowsingOverlay.xul 1405
sessionHistoryUI.js 5608
SuiteBrowser.manifest 2368
tabbrowser.xml 137174
urlbarBindings.xml 25434
webDeveloperOverlay.js 7374
webDeveloperOverlay.xul 8147