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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use fluent::FluentBundle;
use ksni::Handle;
use nserror::{nsresult, NS_OK};
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use system_tray::{SystemTray, TrayItem, XdgIcon};
use xpcom::{nsIID, xpcom_method, RefPtr};
use crate::{locales, Action};
pub mod system_tray;
/// Construct a new xpcom object for tray handling on Linux
/// Note eventually this will move back into the main crate
/// when we can handle all tray types.
/// # Safety
/// Reliant on the xpcom system, exports as a C function
pub unsafe extern "C" fn nsLinuxSysTrayHandlerConstructor(
iid: &nsIID,
result: *mut *mut c_void,
) -> nsresult {
let instance = LinuxSysTrayHandler::new();
instance.QueryInterface(iid, result)
/// System tray implementation for Linux
#[xpcom::xpcom(implement(nsIMessengerOSIntegration), atomic)]
pub struct LinuxSysTrayHandler {
handle: Handle<SystemTray>,
impl LinuxSysTrayHandler {
/// Construct a new system tray
pub fn new() -> RefPtr<LinuxSysTrayHandler> {
let locs = locales::app_locales().expect("Failed to retrieve application locales");
let resource = locales::fl_resource().expect("Failed to parse fluent templates");
let mut bundle = FluentBundle::new(locs);
.expect("Failed to add resources to bundle");
// Grab the quit message
let msg = bundle
.expect("Message doesn't exist.");
let mut errors = vec![];
let label = msg.get_attribute("label").expect("Message doesn't exist.");
let quit_msg = bundle.format_pattern(label.value(), None, &mut errors);
if !errors.is_empty() {
log::error!("translation issues: {errors:?}");
// Determine correct image
let icon = if XdgIcon::requires_symbolic() {
} else {
.unwrap_or_else(|| XdgIcon::for_desktop("thunderbird"));
// Build our menu structure
let menus = [TrayItem::ActionItem {
label: quit_msg.into(),
icon: None,
action: Action::Quit,
enabled: true,
visible: true,
// Get it executed
let tray = SystemTray::new("Thunderbird", icon, "Thunderbird Daily").with_items(menus);
let service = ksni::TrayService::new(tray);
let handle = service.handle();
LinuxSysTrayHandler::allocate(InitLinuxSysTrayHandler { handle })
// Update the unread method count (unimplemented as yet)
xpcom_method!(update_unread_count => UpdateUnreadCount(unreadCount: u32, unreadToolTip: *const nsstring::nsAString));
fn update_unread_count(
_count: u32,
_tooltip: &nsstring::nsAString,
) -> Result<(), nsresult> {
// Handle any cleanups
xpcom_method!(on_exit => OnExit());
fn on_exit(&self) -> Result<(), nsresult> {