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# coding=utf8
# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
from fluent.migrate.helpers import transforms_from
from fluent.migrate import COPY
def migrate(ctx):
"""Bug 1815605 - calendar context menu has empty items, part {index}."""
calendar-context-menu-previous-day =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevday.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevday.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-previous-week =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevweek.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevweek.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-previous-multiweek =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevweek.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevweek.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-previous-month =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevmonth.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.prevmonth.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-next-day =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextday.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextday.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-next-week =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextweek.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextweek.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-next-multiweek =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextweek.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextweek.accesskey") }
calendar-context-menu-next-month =
.label = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextmonth.label") }
.accesskey = { COPY(from_path, "calendar.nextmonth.accesskey") }