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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at */
import { MailServices } from "resource:///modules/MailServices.sys.mjs";
import { MailUtils } from "resource:///modules/MailUtils.sys.mjs";
import { SyntheticMessageSet } from "resource://testing-common/mailnews/MessageGenerator.sys.mjs";
import { VirtualFolderHelper } from "resource:///modules/VirtualFolderWrapper.sys.mjs";
import { ImapMessage } from "resource://testing-common/mailnews/Imapd.sys.mjs";
import {
subject: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Subject,
body: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Body,
from: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Sender,
to: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.To,
cc: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.CC,
recipient: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.ToOrCC,
involves: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.AllAddresses,
age: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.AgeInDays,
tags: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Keywords,
// If a test uses a custom search term, they must register that term
// with the id ""
custom: Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Custom,
* Handling for Messages in Folders. Usage of either `local` or `imap`.
* Beware:
* Currently only one active instance of MessageInjection is supported due
* to a dependency on retrieving an account in the constructor.
export class MessageInjection {
* MessageInjectionSetup
_mis = {
_nextUniqueFolderId: 0,
injectionConfig: {
mode: "none",
listeners: [],
notifyListeners(handlerName, args) {
for (const listener of this.listeners) {
if (handlerName in listener) {
listener[handlerName].apply(listener, args);
* The nsIMsgIncomingServer
incomingServer: null,
* The incoming server's (synthetic) root message folder.
rootFolder: null,
* The nsIMsgFolder that is the inbox.
inboxFolder: null,
* Fakeserver daemon, if applicable.
daemon: null,
* Fakeserver server instance, if applicable.
server: null,
* Creates an environment for tests.
* Usage either with "local" or "imap".
* An Inbox folder is created. Retrieve it via `getInboxFolder`
* Starts an IMAP Server for you
* @param {object} injectionConfig
* @param {"local"|"imap"} injectionConfig.mode mode One of "local", "imap".
* @param {boolean} [injectionConfig.offline] Should the folder be marked offline (and
* fully downloaded)? Only relevant for IMAP.
* @param {MessageGenerator} [msgGen] The MessageGenerator which generates the new
* SyntheticMessages. We do not create our own because we would lose track of
* messages created from another MessageGenerator.
* It's optional as it is used only for a subset of methods.
constructor(injectionConfig, msgGen) {
// Set the injection Mode.
this._mis.injectionConfig = injectionConfig;
// Disable new mail notifications.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.play_sound", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.show_alert", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.show_tray_icon", false);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.biff.animate_dock_icon", false);
// Set msgGen if given.
if (msgGen) {
this.msgGen = msgGen;
// we need to pull in the notification service so we get events?
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "local") {
// This does createIncomingServer() and createAccount(), sets the server as
// the account's server, then sets the server.
try {
} catch (ex) {
// This will fail if someone already called this. Like in the mozmill
// case.
const localAccount = MailServices.accounts.findAccountForServer(
// We need an identity or we get angry warnings.
const identity = MailServices.accounts.createIdentity();
// We need an email to protect against random code assuming it exists and
// throwing exceptions. = "sender@nul.invalid";
localAccount.defaultIdentity = identity;
this._mis.incomingServer = MailServices.accounts.localFoldersServer;
// Note: Inbox is not created automatically when there is no deferred server,
// so we need to create it.
this._mis.rootFolder = this._mis.incomingServer.rootMsgFolder;
this._mis.rootFolder.createSubfolder("Inbox", null);
this._mis.inboxFolder = this._mis.rootFolder.getChildNamed("Inbox");
// a local inbox should have a Mail flag!
this._mis.notifyListeners("onRealFolderCreated", [this._mis.inboxFolder]);
// Force an initialization of the Inbox folder database.
} else if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "imap") {
// Disable autosync in favor of our explicitly forcing downloads of all
// messages in a folder. This is being done speculatively because when we
// didn't do this we got tripped up by the semaphore being in use and
// concern over inability to hang a listener off of the completion of the
// download. (Although I'm sure there are various ways we could do it.)
// Set the offline property based on the configured setting. This will
// affect newly created folders.
// set up IMAP fakeserver and incoming server
this._mis.daemon = IMAPPump.daemon;
this._mis.server = IMAPPump.server;
this._mis.incomingServer = IMAPPump.incomingServer;
// this.#mis.server._debug = 3;
// do not log transactions; it's just a memory leak to us
this._mis.server._logTransactions = false;
// We need an identity so that updateFolder doesn't fail
const localAccount = MailServices.accounts.defaultAccount;
// We need an email to protect against random code assuming it exists and
// throwing exceptions.
const identity = localAccount.defaultIdentity; = "sender@nul.invalid";
// The server doesn't support more than one connection
// We aren't interested in downloading messages automatically
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.server.server1.download_on_biff", false);
this._mis.rootFolder = this._mis.incomingServer.rootMsgFolder;
this._mis.inboxFolder = this._mis.rootFolder.getChildNamed("Inbox");
// make sure the inbox's offline state is correct. (may be excessive now
// that we set the pref above?)
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.offline) {
} else {
this._mis.notifyListeners("onRealFolderCreated", [this._mis.inboxFolder]);
this._mis.handleUriToRealFolder = {};
this._mis.handleUriToFakeFolder = {};
this._mis.realUriToFakeFolder = {};
this._mis.realUriToFakeFolder[this._mis.inboxFolder.URI] =
} else {
throw new Error(
"Illegal injection config option: " + this._mis.injectionConfig.mode
this._mis.junkHandle = null;
this._mis.junkFolder = null;
this._mis.trashHandle = null;
this._mis.trashFolder = null;
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder}
getInboxFolder() {
return this._mis.inboxFolder;
* @returns {boolean}
messageInjectionIsLocal() {
return this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "local";
* Call this method to finish the use of MessageInjection.
* Stops the IMAP server (if used) and stops internal functions.
teardownMessageInjection() {
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "imap") {
// No more tests, let everything finish.
// (This spins its own event loop...)
// Clean out this.#mis; we don't just null the global because it's conceivable we
// might still have some closures floating about.
for (const key in this._mis) {
delete this._mis[key];
* Register a listener to be notified when interesting things happen involving
* calls made to the message injection API.
* @param {object} listener
* @param {Function} listener.onVirtualFolderCreated Called when a virtual
* folder is created using |makeVirtualFolder|. Takes a nsIMsgFolder
* that defines the virtual folder as argument.
registerMessageInjectionListener(listener) {
* Create and return an empty folder. If you want to delete this folder
* you must call |deleteFolder| to kill it! If you want to rename it, you
* must implement a method called renameFolder and then call it.
* @param {string} [folderName] A folder name with no support for hierarchy at this
* time. A name of the form "gabba#" will be autogenerated if you do not
* provide one.
* @param {nsMsgFolderFlags[]} [specialFlags] A list of nsMsgFolderFlags bits to set.
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder|string} In local mode a nsIMsgFolder is returned.
* In imap mode a folder URI is returned.
async makeEmptyFolder(folderName, specialFlags) {
if (folderName == null) {
folderName = "gabba" + this._mis._nextUniqueFolderId++;
let testFolder;
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "local") {
const localRoot = this._mis.rootFolder.QueryInterface(
testFolder = localRoot.createLocalSubfolder(folderName);
// it seems dumb that we have to set this.
if (specialFlags) {
for (const flag of specialFlags) {
this._mis.notifyListeners("onRealFolderCreated", [testFolder]);
} else if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "imap") {
// Circumvent this scoping.
const mis = this._mis;
const promiseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener({
OnStopRunningUrl: () => {
// get the newly created nsIMsgFolder folder
const msgFolder = mis.rootFolder.getChildNamed(folderName);
// XXX there is a bug that causes folders to be reported as ImapPublic
// when there is no namespace support by the IMAP server. This is
// a temporary workaround.
if (specialFlags) {
for (const flag of specialFlags) {
// get a reference to the fake server folder
const fakeFolder = this._mis.daemon.getMailbox(folderName);
// establish the mapping
mis.handleUriToRealFolder[testFolder] = msgFolder;
mis.handleUriToFakeFolder[testFolder] = fakeFolder;
mis.realUriToFakeFolder[msgFolder.URI] = fakeFolder;
// notify listeners
mis.notifyListeners("onRealFolderCreated", [msgFolder]);
testFolder = this._mis.rootFolder.URI + "/" + folderName;
// Tell the IMAP service to create the folder, adding a listener that
// hooks up the 'handle' URI -> actual folder mapping.
await promiseUrlListener.promise;
return testFolder;
* Small helper for moving folder.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} source
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} target
static async moveFolder(source, target) {
// we're doing a true move
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
/** @implements {nsIMsgCopyServiceListener} */
onStartCopy() {},
onProgress() {},
setMessageKey() {},
getMessageId() {
return null;
onStopCopy(status) {
if (Components.isSuccessCode(status)) {
} else {
* Get/create the junk folder handle. Use getRealInjectionFolder if you
* need the underlying nsIFolder.
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder}
async getJunkFolder() {
if (!this._mis.junkHandle) {
this._mis.junkHandle = await this.makeEmptyFolder("Junk", [
return this._mis.junkHandle;
* Get/create the trash folder handle. Use getRealInjectionFolder if you
* need the underlying nsIMsgFolder.
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder|string}
async getTrashFolder() {
if (!this._mis.trashHandle) {
// the folder may have been created and already known...
this._mis.trashFolder = this._mis.rootFolder.getFolderWithFlags(
if (this._mis.trashFolder) {
this._mis.trashHandle = this._mis.rootFolder.URI + "/Trash";
const fakeFolder = this._mis.daemon.getMailbox("Trash");
this._mis.handleUriToRealFolder[this._mis.trashHandle] =
this._mis.handleUriToFakeFolder[this._mis.trashHandle] = fakeFolder;
this._mis.realUriToFakeFolder[this._mis.trashFolder.URI] = fakeFolder;
} else {
this._mis.trashHandle = await this.makeEmptyFolder("Trash", [
return this._mis.trashHandle;
* Create and return a virtual folder.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder[]} folders The real folders this virtual folder should draw from.
* @param {SEARCH_TERM_MAP_HELPER} searchDef The search definition to use
* to build the list of search terms that populate this virtual folder.
* Keys should be stuff from SEARCH_TERM_MAP_HELPER and values should be
* strings to search for within those attribute things.
* @param {boolean} [booleanAnd] Should the search terms be and-ed together.
* Defaults to false.
* @param {string} [folderName] Name to use.
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder|string} In local usage returns a nsIMsgFolder
* in imap usage returns a Folder URI.
makeVirtualFolder(folders, searchDef, booleanAnd, folderName) {
const name = folderName
? folderName
: "virt" + this._mis._nextUniqueFolderId++;
const terms = [];
const termCreator = Cc[
for (const key in searchDef) {
const val = searchDef[key];
const term = termCreator.createTerm();
const value = term.value;
value.str = val;
term.value = value;
term.attrib = SEARCH_TERM_MAP_HELPER[key];
if (term.attrib == Ci.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Custom) {
term.customId = "";
term.op = Ci.nsMsgSearchOp.Contains;
term.booleanAnd = Boolean(booleanAnd);
// create an ALL case if we didn't add any terms
if (terms.length == 0) {
const term = termCreator.createTerm();
term.matchAll = true;
const wrapped = VirtualFolderHelper.createNewVirtualFolder(
/* online */ false
this._mis.notifyListeners("onVirtualFolderCreated", [
return wrapped.virtualFolder;
* Mark the folder as offline and force all of its messages to be downloaded.
* This is an asynchronous operation that will call resolve once the
* download is completed.
* @param {string} folderHandle Folder URI.
async makeFolderAndContentsOffline(folderHandle) {
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode != "imap") {
const msgFolder = this.getRealInjectionFolder(folderHandle);
const promiseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
msgFolder.downloadAllForOffline(promiseUrlListener, null);
await promiseUrlListener.promise;
* Create multiple new local folders, populating them with messages according to
* the set definitions provided. Differs from makeFolderWithSets by taking
* the number of folders to create and return the list of created folders as
* the first element in the returned list. This method is simple enough that
* the limited code duplication is deemed acceptable in support of readability.
* @param {number} folderCount
* @param {MakeMessageOptions[]} synSetDefs A synthetic set
* definition, as appropriate to pass to makeNewSetsInFolders.
* @returns {Promise<object[]>} A Promise with a list whose first element are
* the nsIMsgFolders created and whose subsequent items are the
* SyntheticMessageSets used to populate the folder (as returned by
* makeNewSetsInFolders). So nsIMsgFolder[], ...SyntheticMessageSet.
* Please note that the folders are either nsIMsgFolder, or folder
* URIs, depending on whether we're in local injection mode, or on IMAP. This
* should be transparent to you, unless you start trying to inject messages
* into a folder that hasn't been created by makeFoldersWithSets. See
* test_folder_deletion_nested in base_index_messages.js for an example of
* such pain.
async makeFoldersWithSets(folderCount, synSetDefs) {
const msgFolders = [];
for (let i = 0; i < folderCount; i++) {
msgFolders.push(await this.makeEmptyFolder());
let results = await this.makeNewSetsInFolders(msgFolders, synSetDefs);
// results may be referenced by addSetsToFolders in an async fashion, so
// don't change it.
results = results.concat();
return results;
* Given one or more existing folders, create new message sets and
* add them to the folders using.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder[]} msgFolders A list of nsIMsgFolder.
* The synthetic messages will be added to the folder(s).
* @param {MakeMessageOptions[]} synSetDefs A list of set definition objects as
* defined by MessageGenerator.makeMessages.
* @param {boolean} [doNotForceUpdate=false] By default we force an updateFolder on IMAP
* folders to ensure Thunderbird knows about the newly injected messages.
* If you are testing Thunderbird's use of updateFolder itself, you will
* not want this and so will want to pass true for this argument.
* @returns {SyntheticMessageSet[]} A Promise with a list of SyntheticMessageSet objects,
* each corresponding to the entry in synSetDefs (or implied if an integer was passed).
async makeNewSetsInFolders(msgFolders, synSetDefs, doNotForceUpdate) {
// - create the synthetic message sets
const messageSets = [];
for (const synSetDef of synSetDefs) {
// Using the getter of the MessageGenerator for error handling.
const messages = this.messageGenerator.makeMessages(synSetDef);
messageSets.push(new SyntheticMessageSet(messages));
// - add the messages to the folders (interleaving them)
await this.addSetsToFolders(msgFolders, messageSets, doNotForceUpdate);
return messageSets;
* Spreads the messages in messageSets across the folders in msgFolders. Each
* message set is spread in a round-robin fashion across all folders. At the
* same time, each message-sets insertion is interleaved with the other message
* sets. This distributes message across multiple folders for useful
* cross-folder threading testing (via the round robin) while also hopefully
* avoiding making things pathologically easy for the code under test (by way
* of the interleaving.)
* For example, given the following 2 input message sets:
* message set 'lower': [a b c d e f]
* message set 'upper': [A B C D E F G H]
* across 2 folders:
* folder 1: [a A c C e E G]
* folder 2: [b B d D f F H]
* across 3 folders:
* folder 1: [a A d D G]
* folder 2: [b B e E H]
* folder 3: [c C f F]
* @param {nsIMsgFolder[]} msgFolders
* An nsIMsgFolder to add the message sets to or a list of them.
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet[]} messageSets A list of SyntheticMessageSets.
* @param {boolean} [doNotForceUpdate=false] By default we force an updateFolder on IMAP
* folders to ensure Thunderbird knows about the newly injected messages.
* If you are testing Thunderbird's use of updateFolder itself, you will
* not want this and so will want to pass true for this argument.
async addSetsToFolders(msgFolders, messageSets, doNotForceUpdate) {
let iterFolders;
this._mis.notifyListeners("onInjectingMessages", []);
// -- Pre-loop
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "local") {
for (const folder of msgFolders) {
if (!(folder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgLocalMailFolder)) {
throw new Error("All folders in msgFolders must be local folders!");
} else if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "imap") {
// no protection is possible because of our dependency on promises,
// although we could check that the fake URL is one we handed out.
} else {
throw new Error("Message injection is not configured!");
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "local") {
// Note: in order to cut down on excessive fsync()s, we do a two-pass
// approach. In the first pass we just allocate messages to the folder
// we are going to insert them into. In the second pass we insert the
// messages into folders in batches and perform any mutations.
const folderBatches = => {
return { folder, messages: [] };
iterFolders = this._looperator([...folderBatches.keys()]);
let iPerSet = 0,
folderNext =;
// - allocate messages to folders
// loop, incrementing our subscript until all message sets are out of messages
let didSomething;
do {
didSomething = false;
// for each message set, if it is not out of messages, add the message
for (const messageSet of messageSets) {
if (iPerSet < messageSet.synMessages.length) {
const synMsg = messageSet._trackMessageAddition(
index: iPerSet,
didSomething = true;
folderNext =;
} while (didSomething);
// - inject messages
for (const folderBatch of folderBatches) {
// it is conceivable some folders might not get any messages, skip them.
if (!folderBatch.messages.length) {
const folder = folderBatch.folder;
folder.gettingNewMessages = true;
const messageStrings = =>
for (const message of folderBatch.messages) {
const synMsgState = message.synMsg.metaState;
// If we need to mark the message as junk grab the header and do so.
if (synMsgState.junk) {
if ( {
// XXX this will generate an event; I'm not sure if we should be
// trying to avoid that or not. This case is really only added
// for IMAP where this makes more sense.
if (folderBatch.messages.length) {
const lastMRUTime = Math.floor(
Number(folderBatch.messages[0] / 1000
folder.setStringProperty("MRUTime", lastMRUTime);
folder.gettingNewMessages = false;
folder.hasNewMessages = true;
folder.getNumNewMessages(false) + messageStrings.length
folder.biffState = Ci.nsIMsgFolder.nsMsgBiffState_NewMail;
// make sure that junk filtering gets a turn
// XXX we probably need to be doing more in terms of filters here,
// although since filters really want to be run on the inbox, there
// are separate potential semantic issues involved.
for (const folder of msgFolders) {
} else if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "imap") {
iterFolders = this._looperator(msgFolders);
// we need to call updateFolder on all the folders, not just the first
// one...
let iPerSet = 0,
folder =;
let didSomething;
do {
didSomething = false;
for (const messageSet of messageSets) {
if (iPerSet < messageSet.synMessages.length) {
didSomething = true;
const realFolder = this._mis.handleUriToRealFolder[folder.value];
const fakeFolder = this._mis.handleUriToFakeFolder[folder.value];
const synMsg = messageSet._trackMessageAddition(
const msgURI =
"data:text/plain;base64," + btoa(synMsg.toMessageString())
const imapMsg = new ImapMessage(
// If the message's meta-state indicates it is junk, set that flag.
// There is also a NotJunk flag, but we're not playing with that
// right now; as long as nothing is ever marked as junk, the junk
// classifier won't run, so it's moot for now.
if (synMsg.metaState.junk) {
if ( {
folder =;
} while (didSomething);
// We have nothing more to do if we aren't support to force the update.
if (doNotForceUpdate) {
for (let iFolder = 0; iFolder < msgFolders.length; iFolder++) {
const realFolder = this._mis.handleUriToRealFolder[msgFolders[iFolder]];
await new Promise(resolve => {
mailTestUtils.updateFolderAndNotify(realFolder, resolve);
// compel download of the messages if appropriate
if (realFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Offline) {
const promiseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
realFolder.downloadAllForOffline(promiseUrlListener, null);
await promiseUrlListener.promise;
* Return the nsIMsgFolder associated with a folder handle. If the folder has
* been created since the last injection and you are using IMAP, you may need
* to first resolve the Promises for us to be able to provide
* you with a result.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder|string} folderHandle nsIMsgFolder or folder URI.
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder}
getRealInjectionFolder(folderHandle) {
if (this._mis.injectionConfig.mode == "imap") {
return this._mis.handleUriToRealFolder[folderHandle];
return folderHandle;
* Move messages in the given set to the destination folder.
* For IMAP moves we force an update of the source folder and then the
* destination folder. This ensures that any (pseudo-)offline operations in
* the source folder have had a chance to run and that we have seen the changes
* in the target folder.
* We additionally cause all of the message bodies to be downloaded in the
* target folder if the folder has the Offline flag set.
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet} synMessageSet The messages to move.
* @param {nsIMsgFolder|string} destFolder The target folder or target folder URI.
* @param {boolean} [allowUndo=false] Should we generate undo operations and, as a
* side-effect, offline operations? (The code uses undo operations as
* a proxy-indicator for it coming from the UI and therefore performing
* pseudo-offline operations instead of trying to do things online.)
async moveMessages(synMessageSet, destFolder, allowUndo) {
const realDestFolder = this.getRealInjectionFolder(destFolder);
for (const [folder, msgs] of synMessageSet.foldersWithMsgHdrs) {
// In the IMAP case tell listeners we are moving messages without
// destination headers.
if (!this.messageInjectionIsLocal()) {
this._mis.notifyListeners("onMovingMessagesWithoutDestHeaders", [
const promiseCopyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener();
/* move */ true,
await promiseCopyListener.promise;
// update the synthetic message set's folder entry...
synMessageSet._folderSwap(folder, realDestFolder);
// IMAP special case per function doc...
if (!this.messageInjectionIsLocal()) {
// update the source folder to force it to issue the move
await new Promise(resolve => {
mailTestUtils.updateFolderAndNotify(folder, resolve);
// update the dest folder to see the new header.
await new Promise(resolve => {
mailTestUtils.updateFolderAndNotify(realDestFolder, resolve);
// compel download of messages in dest folder if appropriate
if (realDestFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Offline) {
const promiseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
realDestFolder.downloadAllForOffline(promiseUrlListener, null);
await promiseUrlListener.promise;
* Move the messages to the trash; do not use this on messages that are already
* in the trash, we are not clever enough for that.
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet} synMessageSet The set of messages to trash.
* The messages do not all have to be in the same folder,
* but we have to trash them folder by folder if they are not.
async trashMessages(synMessageSet) {
for (const [folder, msgs] of synMessageSet.foldersWithMsgHdrs) {
// In the IMAP case tell listeners we are moving messages without
// destination headers, since that's what trashing amounts to.
if (!this.messageInjectionIsLocal()) {
this._mis.notifyListeners("onMovingMessagesWithoutDestHeaders", []);
const promiseCopyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener();
/* do not allow undo, currently leaks */ false
await promiseCopyListener.promise;
// just like the move case we need to force updateFolder calls for IMAP
if (!this.messageInjectionIsLocal()) {
// update the source folder to force it to issue the move
await new Promise(resolve => {
mailTestUtils.updateFolderAndNotify(folder, resolve);
// trash folder may not have existed at startup but the deletion
// will have created it.
const trashFolder = this.getRealInjectionFolder(
await this.getTrashFolder()
// update the dest folder to see the new header.
await new Promise(resolve => {
mailTestUtils.updateFolderAndNotify(trashFolder, resolve);
// compel download of messages in dest folder if appropriate
if (trashFolder.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Offline) {
const promiseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
trashFolder.downloadAllForOffline(promiseUrlListener, null);
await promiseUrlListener.promise;
* Delete all of the messages in a SyntheticMessageSet like the user performed a
* shift-delete (or if the messages were already in the trash).
* @param {SyntheticMessageSet} synMessageSet The set of messages to delete.
* The messages do not all have to be in the same folder, but we have to
* delete them folder by folder if they are not.
static async deleteMessages(synMessageSet) {
for (const [folder, msgs] of synMessageSet.foldersWithMsgHdrs) {
const promiseCopyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener();
/* delete storage */ true,
/* is move? */ false,
/* do not allow undo, currently leaks */ false
await promiseCopyListener.promise;
* Empty the trash.
async emptyTrash() {
const trashHandle = await this.getTrashFolder();
const trashFolder = this.getRealInjectionFolder(trashHandle);
const promiseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
await promiseUrlListener.promise;
* Delete the given folder, removing the storage. We do not move it to the
* trash.
deleteFolder(folder) {
const realFolder = this.getRealInjectionFolder(folder);
realFolder.parent.propagateDelete(realFolder, true);
* @param {nsIMsgFolder} folder
* @returns {nsIMsgFolder}
static get_nsIMsgFolder(folder) {
if (!(folder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgFolder)) {
return MailUtils.getOrCreateFolder(folder);
return folder;
* An iterator that generates an infinite sequence of its argument. So
* _looperator(1, 2, 3) will generate the iteration stream: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,
* 1, 2, 3, ...].
*_looperator(list) {
if (list.length == 0) {
throw new Error("list must have at least one item!");
let i = 0;
const length = list.length;
while (true) {
yield list[i];
i = (i + 1) % length;
get messageGenerator() {
if (this.msgGen === undefined) {
throw new Error(
"MessageInjection.sys.mjs needs a MessageGenerator for new messages. " +
"The MessageGenerator helps you with threaded messages. If you use " +
"two different MessageGenerators the behaviour with threads are complicated."
return this.msgGen;
* @param {MessageGenerator} msgGen The MessageGenerator which generates the new
* SyntheticMessages. We do not create our own because we would lose track of
* messages created from another MessageGenerator.
set messageGenerator(msgGen) {
this.msgGen = msgGen;