head_server_setup.js |
6192 |
postings |
test_biff.js |
import-globals-from ../../../test/resources/filterTestUtils.js |
2036 |
test_bug37465.js |
1520 |
test_bug170727.js |
2766 |
test_bug403242.js |
1760 |
test_bug540288.js |
Tests that an empty cache entry doesn't return an empty message for news. |
3084 |
test_bug695309.js |
Tests the connection mayhem found by bug 695309 |
4536 |
test_cancelPasswordDialog.js |
import-globals-from ../../../test/resources/alertTestUtils.js |
1518 |
test_filter.js |
import-globals-from ../../../test/resources/filterTestUtils.js |
6055 |
test_getNewsMessage.js |
- getNewMessages for a newsgroup folder (single message).
- loadMessage for a newsgroup message
- Downloading a single message and checking content in stream is correct.
2612 |
test_internalUris.js |
Tests internal URIs generated by various methods in the code base.
If you manually generate a news URI somewhere, please add it to this test.
9447 |
test_newsAutocomplete.js |
3065 |
test_NntpChannel.js |
Test a ?list-ids news url will trigger LISTGROUP request.
2232 |
test_nntpContentLength.js |
Test content length for the news protocol. This focuses on necko URLs
that are run externally.
2624 |
test_nntpGroupPassword.js |
Authentication tests for NNTP (based on RFC4643).
2613 |
test_nntpPassword.js |
Authentication tests for NNTP (based on RFC4643).
Note: Logins for newsgroup servers for 1.8 were stored with either the
default port or the SSL default port. Nothing else!
1563 |
test_nntpPassword3.js |
Extra tests for forgetting newsgroup usernames and passwords.
1384 |
test_nntpPasswordFailure.js |
This test checks to see if the nntp password failure is handled correctly.
The steps are:
- Have an invalid password in the password database.
- Check we get a prompt asking what to do.
- Check retry does what it should do.
- Check cancel does what it should do.
- Re-initiate connection, this time select enter new password, check that
we get a new password prompt and can enter the password.
5740 |
test_nntpPost.js |
Test dot is stuffed correctly when posting an article.
1149 |
test_nntpProtocols.js |
Test suite for getting news urls via the protocol handler.
1690 |
test_nntpProxy.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ |
1352 |
test_nntpUrl.js |
880 |
test_server.js |
5710 |
test_uriParser.js |
5381 |
test_xover.js |
Test nsIDBFolderInfo.knownArtsSet is correctly updated after XOVER response.
knownArtsSet depends on the XOVER range requested, it doesn't matter if
articles in that range don't exist on the server.
1533 |
xpcshell.ini |
778 |