Name Description Size
components.conf 3894 808
NewsAutoCompleteSearch.sys.mjs @param {string} searchString - The search string. 3618
NewsDownloader.sys.mjs Download articles in all subscribed newsgroups for offline use. 4717
NntpChannel.sys.mjs A channel to interact with NNTP server. @implements {nsIChannel} @implements {nsIRequest} @implements {nsICacheEntryOpenCallback} 11020
NntpClient.sys.mjs A structure to represent a response received from the server. A response can be a single status line of a multi-line data block. @typedef {object} NntpResponse @property {number} status - The status code of the response. @property {string} statusText - The status line of the response excluding the status code. @property {string} data - The part of a multi-line data block excluding the status line. 29410
nntpCore.h 5706
NntpIncomingServer.sys.mjs A class to represent a NNTP server. @implements {nsINntpIncomingServer} @implements {nsIMsgIncomingServer} @implements {nsISupportsWeakReference} @implements {nsISubscribableServer} @implements {nsITreeView} @implements {nsIUrlListener} 16243
NntpMessageService.sys.mjs A message service for news-message://, mainly used for displaying messages. @implements {nsIMsgMessageService} @implements {nsIMsgMessageFetchPartService} 8316
NntpNewsGroup.sys.mjs A helper class for NntpClient to deal with msg db and folders. 12422
NntpProtocolHandler.sys.mjs @implements {nsIProtocolHandler} 1274
NntpProtocolInfo.sys.mjs @implements {nsIMsgProtocolInfo} 1201
NntpService.sys.mjs @implements {nsINntpService} 7103
NntpUtils.sys.mjs Collection of helper functions for NNTP. 2014
nsNewsDownloadDialogArgs.cpp 2037
nsNewsDownloadDialogArgs.h 790
nsNewsDownloader.cpp Saving news messages 8304
nsNewsDownloader.h block 2893
nsNewsFolder.cpp 49836
nsNewsFolder.h Interface for representing News folders. 5124
nsNewsUtils.cpp parses NewsMessageURI 1902
nsNewsUtils.h 1011
nsNntpUrl.cpp News URI parsing explanation: We support 3 different news URI schemes, essentially boiling down to 8 different formats: news://host/group news://host/message news://host/ news:group news:message nntp://host/group nntp://host/group/key news-message://host/group#key In addition, we use queries on the news URIs with authorities for internal NNTP processing. The most important one is ?group=group&key=key, for cache canonicalization. 13584
nsNntpUrl.h 1964