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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIFolder;
interface nsILiveViewListener;
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(f13755f5-9a54-4503-9531-1f5bcb2f84c7)]
interface nsILiveView : nsISupports {
* Initialization functions.
* Once a LiveView is initialised with one of these functions, or a database
* call is made on an uninitialised LiveView, these cannot be called again.
void initWithFolder(in nsIFolder folder);
void initWithFolders(in Array<nsIFolder> folders);
// `tag` is the tag's identifier (nsIMsgTag.key).
void initWithTag(in AUTF8String tag);
cenum SortColumn : 8 {
DATE = 1,
* Which property the messages are sorted by.
attribute nsILiveView_SortColumn sortColumn;
* If the messages are sorted in descending order.
attribute boolean sortDescending;
* Get the total number of messages in the database matching this live view.
unsigned long long countMessages();
* Get the number of unread messages in the database matching this live view.
unsigned long long countUnreadMessages();
* Get the messages matching this live view from the database. The return
* value is a JS array of plain objects containing the message properties.
jsval selectMessages([optional] in unsigned long long limit,
[optional] in unsigned long long offset);
* Register as the one and only listener for this live view.
void setListener(in nsILiveViewListener listener);
* Clean up this live view's listener, if it exists.
void clearListener();
[scriptable, uuid(94bc7a80-60af-4ffc-b7a6-6a799b66f9b6)]
interface nsILiveViewListener : nsISupports {
* A message matching the live view's filters was added to the database.
void onMessageAdded(in jsval message);
* A message matching the live view's filters was removed from the database.
void onMessageRemoved(in jsval message);