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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
import {
const lazy = {};
* When getting a row from the database, also get (at most) this many rows
* before and after it. Override this to get more or fewer rows for testing.
* TODO: Raise this number before release.
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(lazy, "bufferRows", "mail.bufferRows", 9);
() => new Intl.Collator(undefined, { sensitivity: "base" })
() =>
new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: "short",
timeStyle: "short",
hourCycle: "h23",
* Represents a message in the message database. These fields are not live.
* @typedef {object} Message
* @property {integer} id - Identifier in the messages database.
* @property {integer} folderId - Identifier of the containing folder.
* @property {string} messageId - The Message-ID header.
* @property {Date} date - Value of the Date header.
* @property {string} sender
* @property {string} subject
* @property {integer} flags
* @property {string} tags - A space-separated list of nsIMsgTag keys.
* Adapts message data from nsILiveView for display in a TreeView.
* @augments {TreeDataAdapter}
export class LiveViewDataAdapter extends TreeDataAdapter {
constructor(liveView) {
this._rowMap = new LiveViewRowMap(liveView, this);
* Overrides TreeDataAdapter.sortBy. If the sorting changes, LiveViewRowMap
* will flush its cache and inform the LiveView, so messages will be fetched
* again in the new order.
* @param {string} sortColumn
* @param {"ascending"|"descending"} sortDirection
* @param {boolean} [_resort=false] - If true, the rows will be sorted again,
* even if `sortColumn` and `sortDirection` match the current sort.
sortBy(sortColumn, sortDirection, _resort = false) {
this._rowMap.sortBy(sortColumn, sortDirection);
this.sortColumn = sortColumn;
this.sortDirection = sortDirection;
* Extends TreeDataAdapter.setTree so that references are cleaned up when
* the tree changes.
* @param {TreeView} tree
setTree(tree) {
if (!tree) {
this._rowMap = null;
* A map of column names to nsILiveView_SortColumn constants.
const columns = {
date: Ci.nsILiveView.DATE,
subject: Ci.nsILiveView.SUBJECT,
sender: Ci.nsILiveView.SENDER,
* Compare two messages for ordering their rows.
* @typedef {Function} Comparator
* @param {Message} a - A message object.
* @param {Message} b - A message object.
* @returns {boolean} - True if message A should be above message B.
* Get a comparator that can be used to put messages in alphabetical order.
* @param {string} property - The message property to be used for ordering.
* @returns {Comparator} - A function that accepts two messages, A and B, and
* returns true if message A is ahead of message B in the alphabet.
function getTextComparator(property) {
return (a, b) =>[property], b[property]) < 0;
* A map of column names to comparators for ordering.
const comparators = {
date: (a, b) => <,
subject: getTextComparator("subject"),
sender: getTextComparator("sender"),
* A lazily-filled collection of `LiveViewDataRow`s pretending to be an array.
* If a row not already in the collection is requested then it and
* `lazy.bufferRows` rows on either side are fetched from the database.
* @implements {nsILiveViewListener}
class LiveViewRowMap {
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsILiveViewListener"]);
#liveView = null;
#dataAdapter = null;
* A sparse array a slot for each message in the `LiveView`.
#rows = [];
#sortDescending = true;
#sortComparator =;
constructor(liveView, dataAdapter) {
this.#liveView = liveView;
this.#dataAdapter = dataAdapter;
* Clear references and the message cache.
cleanup() {
this.#liveView = null;
this.#dataAdapter = null;
this.#rows.length = 0;
* Empty the row cache then set its size to the row count.
resetRows() {
this.#rows.length = 0;
this.#rows.length = this.#liveView.countMessages();
* Get a row from the cache, or call the LiveView to get some messages for
* the cache, then return the row.
* @param {integer} index
* @returns {LiveViewDataRow}
at(index) {
const row =;
if (row) {
return row;
// Work out which rows to collect from the database.
const fillMin = Math.max(0, index - lazy.bufferRows);
const fillMax = Math.min(this.#rows.length - 1, index + lazy.bufferRows);
let start = index;
while (start > fillMin && ! - 1)) {
let end = index;
while (end < fillMax && ! {
// Fetch the rows.
for (const message of this.#liveView.selectMessages(
end - start + 1,
)) {
this.#rows[start++] = new LiveViewDataRow(message);
* The number of rows in the LiveView.
* @returns {integer}
get length() {
return this.#rows.length;
* If there is a cached row at `index`. For testing purposes only.
* @param {integer} index
* @returns {boolean}
_hasMessageAt(index) {
return !!;
* Compare two messages for ordering their rows.
* @param {Message} a - A message object.
* @param {Message} b - A message object.
* @returns {boolean} - True if message A should be above message B.
#compareMessages(a, b) {
if (this.#sortDescending) {
[a, b] = [b, a];
return this.#sortComparator(a, b);
* Flush the row cache and update the sort column and direction.
* @param {string} sortColumn
* @param {"ascending"|"descending"} sortDirection
sortBy(sortColumn, sortDirection) {
this.#liveView.sortColumn = columns[sortColumn] ??;
this.#sortDescending = this.#liveView.sortDescending =
sortDirection == "descending";
this.#sortComparator = comparators[sortColumn] ??;
// nsILiveViewListener implementation.
* A message matching the live view's filters was added to the database.
* @param {Message} message - The added message.
onMessageAdded(message) {
// Iterate over the rows array looking for a place to add the message.
// The `forEach` loop will visit only indices with values, which is fast,
// but unfortunately we can't return early from it.
let added = false;
this.#rows.forEach((value, key) => {
if (added || !value) {
if (this.#compareMessages(message, value.message)) {
// The new message goes above i.
if (key == 0 || this.#rows[key - 1]) {
// The new message goes immediately above i.
this.#rows.splice(key, 0, new LiveViewDataRow(message));
} else {
// The new message goes somewhere above this one, but we don't know where.
this.#rows.splice(key, 0, undefined);
this.#dataAdapter._tree?.rowCountChanged(key, 1);
added = true;
if (!added) {
// The new message goes after all the others.
if ( {
// We have a last row, add another.
this.#rows.push(new LiveViewDataRow(message));
} else {
this.#dataAdapter._tree?.rowCountChanged(this.#rows.length - 1, 1);
* A message matching the live view's filters was removed from the database.
* @param {Message} message - The removed message.
onMessageRemoved(message) {
// Iterate over the rows array looking for the message to remove.
// The `forEach` loop will visit only indices with values, which is fast,
// but unfortunately we can't return early from it.
let removed = false;
this.#rows.forEach((value, key) => {
if (removed || !value) {
if ( == {
// The removed message was this one.
this.#rows.splice(key, 1);
this.#dataAdapter._tree?.rowCountChanged(key, -1);
removed = true;
} else if (this.#compareMessages(message, value.message)) {
// The removed message was above this one.
this.#rows.splice(key - 1, 1);
this.#dataAdapter._tree?.rowCountChanged(key - 1, -1);
removed = true;
if (!removed) {
// The removed message was after all the others.
this.#dataAdapter._tree?.rowCountChanged(this.#rows.length, -1);
* A class representing a row in a TreeView.
* @augments {TreeDataRow}
export class LiveViewDataRow extends TreeDataRow {
constructor(message) {
{ ...message, date: lazy.dateFormatter.format( },
{ date: },
this.message = message;
* The actual text to display in the tree for the given column.
* @param {columnID} columnID
* @returns {string}
getText(columnID) {
return this.texts[columnID];
* The string or numeric value for the given column, to be used when
* comparing rows for sorting.
* @param {columnID} columnID
* @returns {string|number}
getValue(columnID) {
return this.values[columnID];
* Properties of the row. Usually a space-separated list that gets assigned
* to an element's attribute and matched with CSS selectors.
* @returns {string}
getProperties() {
* Overrides TreeDataRow.appendRow to prevent it working.
appendRow() {
throw new Error("LiveViewDataRow.appendRow is not supported");