data |
head_compose.js |
import-globals-from ../../../test/resources/abSetup.js |
7328 |
test_accountKey.js |
Test that when accountKey is not passed to sendMessageFile, MessageSend can
get the right account key from identity.
2423 |
test_attachment.js |
Test suite for attachment file name.
6753 |
test_attachment_intl.js |
attachment test using non-ascii character
1035 |
test_autoReply.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
7455 |
test_bcc.js |
Test that when bcc field is set, bcc header should not exist in the sent
mail, but should exist in the mail copy (e.g. Sent folder).
10516 |
test_bug155172.js |
Authentication tests for SMTP.
3641 |
test_bug474774.js |
Tests bug 474774 - assertions when saving send later and when sending with
FCC switched off.
6193 |
test_createAndSendMessage.js |
Test createAndSendMessage creates a mail file when not using the editor.
4393 |
test_createRFC822Message.js |
Test createRFC822Message creates a mail file.
2057 |
test_detectAttachmentCharset.js |
Test suite for auto-detecting attachment file charset.
2114 |
test_expandMailingLists.js |
Tests nsMsgCompose expandMailingLists.
3781 |
test_fcc2.js |
Test that when fcc2 field is set, the mail is copied to the fcc2 folder.
1398 |
test_fccReply.js |
Test that when nsIMsgIdentity.fccReplyFollowsParent is true, the reply mail
is copied to the same folder as the original mail.
4203 |
test_longLines.js |
Test ensuring that messages with "long lines" are transmitted correctly.
Most of this test was copied from test_messageHeaders.js.
6735 |
test_mailTelemetry.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1746 |
test_mailtoURL.js |
Test suite for mailto: URLs
16554 |
test_messageBody.js |
Test suite for message body.
5993 |
test_messageHeaders.js |
Test suite for ensuring that the headers of messages are set properly.
25594 |
test_nsIMsgCompFields.js |
2175 |
test_nsMsgCompose1.js |
Tests nsMsgCompose expandMailingLists.
3970 |
test_nsMsgCompose2.js |
Test suite for nsMsgCompose functions relating to send listeners.
3370 |
test_nsMsgCompose3.js |
Test suite for increasing the popularity of contacts via
2424 |
test_nsMsgOutgoingServerService1.js |
Test suite for nsSmtpService
3574 |
test_saveDraft.js |
Test suite for checking correctly saved as draft with unread.
419 |
test_sendBackground.js |
Tests sending a message in the background (checks auto-send works).
5760 |
test_sendMailAddressIDN.js |
Tests sending messages to addresses with non-ASCII characters.
7391 |
test_sendMailMessage.js |
Protocol tests for SMTP.
This test currently consists of verifying the correct protocol sequence
between mailnews and SMTP server. It does not check the data of the message
either side of the link, it will be extended later to do that.
5482 |
test_sendMessageFile.js |
Protocol tests for SMTP.
This test verifies:
- Sending a message to an SMTP server (which is also covered elsewhere).
- Correct reception of the message by the SMTP server.
- Correct saving of the message to the sent folder.
Originally written to test bug 429891 where saving to the sent folder was
mangling the message.
4285 |
test_sendMessageLater.js |
Protocol tests for SMTP.
This test verifies:
- Sending a message to an SMTP server (which is also covered elsewhere).
- Correct reception of the message by the SMTP server.
- Correct saving of the message to the sent folder.
Originally written to test bug 429891 where saving to the sent folder was
mangling the message.
6711 |
test_sendMessageLater_dsn_message_id.js |
Tests that a delayed send of a message with DSN turned on over SMTP results
in an SMTP command that includes a valid message ID, even if the message does
not include a Message-ID header.
4954 |
test_sendMessageLater2.js |
Complex test for the send message later function - including sending multiple
times in the same session.
XXX: This test is intended to additionally test sending of multiple messages
from one send later instance, however due to the fact we use one connection
per message sent, it is very difficult to consistently get the fake server
reconnected in time for the next connection. Thus, sending of multiple
messages is currently disabled (but commented out for local testing if
required), when we fix bug 136871 we should be able to enable the multiple
messages option.
8707 |
test_sendMessageLater3.js |
Protocol tests for SMTP.
For trying to send a message later with no server connected, this test
- A correct status response.
- A correct state at the end of attempting to send.
4834 |
test_sendObserver.js |
Tests that the mail-set-sender observer, used by extensions to modify the
outgoing server, works.
This is adapted from test_messageHeaders.js
1474 |
test_smtp8bitMime.js |
8BITMIME tests for SMTP.
This test verifies that 8BITMIME is sent to the server only if the server
advertises it AND if mail.strictly_mime doesn't force us to send 7bit.
It does not check the data of the message on either side of the link.
3010 |
test_smtpAuthMethods.js |
Authentication tests for SMTP.
Test code <copied from="test_pop3AuthMethods.js">
4914 |
test_smtpClient.js |
Test sending is aborted when alwaysSTARTTLS is set, but the server doesn't
support STARTTLS.
4119 |
test_smtpPassword.js |
Authentication tests for SMTP.
2830 |
test_smtpPassword2.js |
Extra tests for SMTP passwords (forgetPassword)
1797 |
test_smtpPasswordFailure1.js |
This test checks to see if the smtp password failure is handled correctly.
The steps are:
- Have an invalid password in the password database.
- Check we get a prompt asking what to do.
- Check retry does what it should do.
- Check cancel does what it should do.
XXX Due to problems with the fakeserver + smtp not using one connection for
multiple sends, the rest of this test is in test_smtpPasswordFailure2.js.
4099 |
test_smtpPasswordFailure2.js |
This test checks to see if the pop3 password failure is handled correctly.
The steps are:
- Have an invalid password in the password database.
- Re-initiate connection, this time select enter new password, check that
we get a new password prompt and can enter the password.
XXX Due to problems with the fakeserver + smtp not using one connection for
multiple sends, the first part of this test is in
4844 |
test_smtpPasswordFailure3.js |
This test checks to see if the smtp password failure is handled correctly
when the server drops the connection on an authentication error.
The steps are:
- Have an invalid password in the password database.
- Re-initiate connection, this time select enter new password, check that
we get a new password prompt and can enter the password.
3824 |
test_smtpProtocols.js |
Test suite for getting smtp urls via the protocol handler.
1963 |
test_smtpProxy.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
1620 |
test_smtpServer.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
4236 |
test_smtpURL.js |
Test suite for checking SMTP URLs are working as expected.
XXX this test needs extending as we fix up nsSmtpUrl.
727 |
test_splitRecipients.js |
Test suite for nsMsgCompFields functions.
Currently only tests nsIMsgCompFields::SplitRecipients
4436 |
test_staleTemporaryFileCleanup.js |
Test that stale temporary files are cleaned up when the msg compose service
is initialized.
1657 |
test_telemetry_compose.js |
Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. |
3118 |
test_temporaryFilesRemoved.js |
Test that temporary files for draft are surely removed.
3082 |
xpcshell.ini |
1323 |