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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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* Test that junk actions work even when the bayes filtering of incoming
* messages is disabled, as fixed in bug 487610. Test developed by Kent
* James using test_nsMsgDBView.js as a base.
const { TreeSelection } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { MessageGenerator, SyntheticMessageSet } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var { MessageInjection } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
var nsIMFNService = Ci.nsIMsgFolderNotificationService;
// fake objects needed to get nsMsgDBView to operate on selected messages.
// Warning: these are partial implementations. If someone adds additional
// calls to these objects in nsMsgDBView and friends, it will also
// be necessary to add fake versions of those calls here.
var gFakeSelection = new TreeSelection(null);
// Items used to add messages to the folder
var gMessageGenerator = new MessageGenerator();
var messageInjection = new MessageInjection(
{ mode: "local" },
var gLocalInboxFolder = messageInjection.getInboxFolder();
var gListener;
var gCommandUpdater;
var gDBView;
var gTreeView;
var CommandUpdaterWithPromise = function () {
this.deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
CommandUpdaterWithPromise.prototype = {
async promiseSelectionSummarized() {
await this.deferred.promise;
this.deferred = Promise.withResolvers();
return this.deferred.promise;
updateCommandStatus() {
// the back end is smart and is only telling us to update command status
// when the # of items in the selection has actually changed.
displayMessageChanged() {},
updateNextMessageAfterDelete() {},
summarizeSelection() {
// Our listener, which captures events and does the real tests.
function gMFListener() {
this._promiseMsgsMoveCopyCompleted = new Promise(resolve => {
this._resolveMsgsMoveCopyCompleted = resolve;
this._promiseFolderAdded = new Promise(resolve => {
this._resolveFolderAdded = resolve;
gMFListener.prototype = {
msgsMoveCopyCompleted(aMove, aSrcMsgs, aDestFolder, aDestMsgs) {
// I tried to test this by counting messages in the folder, didn't work.
// Maybe all updates are not completed yet. Anyway I do it by just
// making sure there is something in the destination array.
Assert.ok(aDestMsgs.length > 0);
folderAdded(aFolder) {
// this should be a junk folder
get promiseMsgsMoveCopyCompleted() {
return this._promiseMsgsMoveCopyCompleted;
get promiseFolderAdded() {
return this._promiseFolderAdded;
add_setup(async function () {
// Set option so that when messages are marked as junk, they move to the junk folder
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.spam.manualMark", true);
// 0 == "move to junk folder", 1 == "delete"
Services.prefs.setIntPref("mail.spam.manualMarkMode", 0);
// Disable bayes filtering on the local account. That's the whole point of this test,
// to make sure that the junk move happens anyway.
gLocalInboxFolder.server.spamSettings.level = 0;
// Add folder listeners that will capture async events.
const flags = nsIMFNService.msgsMoveCopyCompleted | nsIMFNService.folderAdded;
gListener = new gMFListener();
MailServices.mfn.addListener(gListener, flags);
// Build up a message.
await messageInjection.makeNewSetsInFolders([gLocalInboxFolder], [{}]);
const view_type = "threaded";
let view_flag = Ci.nsMsgViewFlagsType.kThreadedDisplay;
const dbviewContractId =
";1?type=" + view_type;
// Always start out fully expanded.
view_flag |= Ci.nsMsgViewFlagsType.kExpandAll;
gCommandUpdater = new CommandUpdaterWithPromise();
gDBView = Cc[dbviewContractId].createInstance(Ci.nsIMsgDBView);
gDBView.init(null, null, null);
gTreeView = gDBView.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITreeView);
gTreeView.selection = gFakeSelection;
gFakeSelection.view = gTreeView;
add_task(async function test_first_junking_create_folder() {
// In the proposed fix for bug 487610, the first call to junk messages
// only creates the junk folder, it does not actually successfully move
// messages. So we junk messages twice so we can really see a move. But
// if that gets fixed and the messages actually move on the first call,
// I want this test to succeed as well. So I don't actually count how
// many messages get moved, just that some do on the second move.
// Select and junk all messages.
await gCommandUpdater.promiseSelectionSummarized;
await gListener.promiseFolderAdded;
add_task(async function test_add_further_message() {
// Add another message in case the first one moved.
await messageInjection.makeNewSetsInFolders([gLocalInboxFolder], [{}]);
add_task(async function test_second_junking_move_msgs() {
// Select and junk all messages.
await gCommandUpdater.promiseSelectionSummarized;
await gListener.promiseMsgsMoveCopyCompleted;