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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
* A few more specific mbox compaction tests for local folders:
* - mbox file contains exactly what we expect after compaction?
* test_folderCompact.js tends to rely on checking values in the msgDB.
* - works with messages larger than compaction code internal buffer?
* - X-Mozilla-Status/Status2/Keys headers handled as expected?
* Note: all these tests perform a seemingly-arbitrary delete.
* This is to trigger the folder compactor to actually do work. Without that
* delete it tends to think that compaction isn't required and does nothing.
// Escape a string for more useful debug output - show EOLs and spaces.
function esc(s) {
s = s.replace(/\r/g, "\\r");
s = s.replace(/\n/g, "\\n\n");
s = s.replace(/ /g, "\u2420"); // U+2420 SYMBOL FOR SPACE
return s;
// Load raw messages into folder (and sanitycheck them).
function loadMsgs(folder, inputMsgs) {
// Make sure all the loaded messages are the expected size.
// If this fails, it probably means addMessageBatch() no longer assumes input
// data is mbox format, which is good! See Bug 1763263.
const hdrs = Array.from(folder.messages);
for (let i = 0; i < hdrs.length; ++i) {
`Loaded message ${i} should match size in msgDB`
// Delete the specified messages.
async function deleteMsgs(folder, indexesToDelete) {
const hdrs = Array.from(folder.messages);
const doomed = => hdrs[i]);
const listener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener();
folder.deleteMessages(doomed, null, false, true, listener, true);
await listener.promise;
// Check the raw mbox file of the folder against our list of expected
// messages.
async function checkMbox(folder, expectedMsgs) {
// Massage both mbox and expectedMsgs into a standardised form.
// 1) Bare "From " separator lines.
// 2) Use LF as end-of-line (EOL) indicator.
// EOLs are handled inconsistently - most code will just leave EOLs as they
// come in, but new EOLs (e.g. added between messages in mbox) will use
// platform native EOLs. So our cheap and cheerful hack here is to just
// ditch all CRs and use pure LFs.
// Read in the mbox file.
let mbox = await IOUtils.readUTF8(folder.filePath.path);
mbox = mbox.replace(/\r/g, "");
mbox = mbox.replace(/^From .*$/gm, "From ");
// Now manually mash our expected messages into an mbox string.
let expected = "";
for (const raw of expectedMsgs) {
expected += "From \n";
expected += raw.replace(/\r/g, "");
expected += "\n"; // mbox has blank line between messages
// Now we can compare them.
if (mbox != expected) {
// Pretty-print before we assert. Makes life so much easier.
Assert.ok(mbox == expected, "mbox should contain expected data");
// Some chunks from which we'll construct test messages.
// These are the default X-Mozilla- headers for local folders (they are
// re-written in place when flags and keywords are modified).
const xhdrs =
`X-Mozilla-Status: 0000\r\n` +
`X-Mozilla-Status2: 00010000\r\n` + // 'New' flag is set
`X-Mozilla-Keys: \r\n`;
const hdrs1 =
"Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:26:06 -0600\r\n" +
"From: bob@invalid\r\n" +
"Subject: Test message 1\r\n" +
"Message-ID: <blah1@invalid>\r\n";
const bod1 = "Body of message 1.\r\n";
const hdrs2 =
"Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:55:32 -0600\r\n" +
"From: bob@invalid\r\n" +
"Subject: Test message 2\r\n" +
"Message-ID: <blah2@invalid>\r\n";
const bod2 = "Body of message2.\r\n";
const hdrs3 =
`Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 11:09:14 -0600\r\n` +
`From: bob@invalid\r\n` +
`Message-ID: <blah3@invalid>\r\n` +
`Subject: Test message 3\r\n`;
const bod3 = `message\r\nthree\r\nis multiple\r\nlines.\r\n`;
const from = "From \r\n";
// Check compact works after a simple delete.
add_task(async function testSimple() {
const inbox = localAccountUtils.inboxFolder;
const inMsgs = [
const doomed = [1]; // Delete message msg2.
// Out expected output:
const outMsgs = [
loadMsgs(inbox, inMsgs);
await deleteMsgs(inbox, doomed);
const l = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inbox.compact(l, null);
await l.promise;
await checkMbox(inbox, outMsgs);
// Check that local folder compact adds missing X-Mozilla- headers.
add_task(async function testMissingXMozillaHdrs() {
const inbox = localAccountUtils.inboxFolder;
// No X-Mozilla-* headers on input.
const inMsgs = [
const doomed = [1]; // Delete msg2.
// Out expected output.
// Compact should have added X-Mozilla-* headers.
const outMsgs = [
loadMsgs(inbox, inMsgs);
await deleteMsgs(inbox, doomed);
const l = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inbox.compact(l, null);
await l.promise;
await checkMbox(inbox, outMsgs);
// Check localfolder compact works on messages are bigger than internal read buffer.
add_task(async function testBigMessages() {
const inbox = localAccountUtils.inboxFolder;
// Compaction uses buffer of around 16KB, so we'll go way bigger.
const targSize = 256 * 1024;
const inMsgs = [];
const outMsgs = [];
const doomed = [0, 1]; // We'll delete the first 2 messages.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
let raw =
xhdrs +
`Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600\r\n` +
`From: bob${i}@invalid\r\n` +
`Message-ID: <blah${i}@invalid>\r\n` +
while (raw.length < targSize) {
raw +=
"BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah" +
if (!doomed.includes(i)) {
loadMsgs(inbox, inMsgs);
await deleteMsgs(inbox, doomed);
const l = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inbox.compact(l, null);
await l.promise;
// outMsgs is what we expect to see in the mbox.
await checkMbox(inbox, outMsgs);
// Check that local folder compact moves X-Mozilla-* headers to start of
// header block.
add_task(async function testMoveXMozillaHdrs() {
const inbox = localAccountUtils.inboxFolder;
// These have X-Mozilla-* headers after all the other headers.
const inMsgs = [
const doomed = [1]; // Delete msg2.
// The messages we expect to see in the final mbox.
// Compact should have moved the X-Mozilla-* headers to the front.
const outMsgs = [
loadMsgs(inbox, inMsgs);
await deleteMsgs(inbox, doomed);
const l = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inbox.compact(l, null);
await l.promise;
await checkMbox(inbox, outMsgs);
// Check that local folder compact handles large X-Mozilla-Keys value.
add_task(async function testBigXMozillaKeys() {
const inbox = localAccountUtils.inboxFolder;
const bigKeyword =
"HugeGreatBigStupidlyLongKeywordNameWhichWillDefinitelyOverflowThe80" +
const inMsgs = [
const doomed = [1]; // Delete msg2.
const bigxhdrs =
`X-Mozilla-Status: 0000\r\n` +
`X-Mozilla-Status2: 00010000\r\n` + // 'New' flag is set
`X-Mozilla-Keys: ${bigKeyword}\r\n`;
// The messages we expect to see in the final mbox:
const outMsgs = [
loadMsgs(inbox, inMsgs);
const msgs = Array.from(inbox.messages);
inbox.addKeywordsToMessages([msgs[0]], bigKeyword);
await deleteMsgs(inbox, doomed);
const l = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inbox.compact(l, null);
await l.promise;
await checkMbox(inbox, outMsgs);
// Check that local folder compact copes with a malformed (but
// unambiguous-to-a-human) mbox.
add_task(async function testMalformed() {
const inbox = localAccountUtils.inboxFolder;
const msgA =
xhdrs +
"To: alice@invalid\r\n" +
"From: bob@invalid\r\n" +
"Subject: Boring message 1\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
"Just a boring but well-formed message.\r\n" +
"All good here.\r\n";
const msgB_unescaped =
xhdrs +
"To: alice@invalid\r\n" +
"From: bob@invalid\r\n" +
"Subject: Non-escaped message\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
"The next line looks like a new message, but it's not!\r\n" +
"From this line, it could be a new message!\r\n" + // Not escaped!
"But: this line makes it worse!\r\n" + // We've got a from-followed-by-header heuristic.
"When we get to this line, we know it's not really a new message.\r\n" +
const msgC =
xhdrs +
"To: alice@invalid\r\n" +
"From: bob@invalid\r\n" +
"Subject: Boring message 2\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
"Just another nice boring message.\r\n";
const inMsgs = [msgA, msgB_unescaped, msgC];
// Build and install mbox without "From "-escaping messages.
const mbox = => `From \r\n${m}\r\n`).join("");
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(inbox.filePath.path, mbox);
// Kill the DB file and force a reparse.
inbox.msgDatabase = null;
await IOUtils.remove(inbox.summaryFile.path);
const parseUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
try {
inbox.getDatabaseWithReparse(parseUrlListener, null /* window */);
} catch (ex) {
Assert.equal(ex.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
await parseUrlListener.promise;
// Make sure the folder parsing didn't split messages!
Assert.equal(inbox.getTotalMessages(false), inMsgs.length);
// Delete the first message and compact the folder.
await deleteMsgs(inbox, [0]);
const l = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener();
inbox.compact(l, null);
await l.promise;
// Compaction will write out a correct mbox, so msgB will be escaped.
const msgB_corrected = msgB_unescaped.replace(
/From this line/,
">From this line"
const expectedMsgs = [msgB_corrected, msgC];
await checkMbox(inbox, expectedMsgs);