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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "MailNewsTypes2.idl"
interface nsIMsgFolder;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIMessenger;
interface nsIMsgDBHdr;
interface nsIMsgThread;
interface nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater;
interface nsIMsgJSTree;
interface nsIMsgDatabase;
interface nsIMsgSearchSession;
interface nsIMsgEnumerator;
interface nsIMsgCustomColumnHandler;
typedef long nsMsgViewNotificationCodeValue;
typedef long nsMsgViewCommandCheckStateValue;
typedef long nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue;
typedef long nsMsgNavigationTypeValue;
[scriptable, uuid(682a18be-fd18-11d4-a5be-0060b0fc04b7)]
interface nsMsgViewSortOrder : nsISupports
const nsMsgViewSortOrderValue none = 0;
const nsMsgViewSortOrderValue ascending = 1;
const nsMsgViewSortOrderValue descending = 2;
[scriptable, uuid(f28a1cdf-06c3-4e98-8f66-f49991670071)]
interface nsMsgViewType : nsISupports {
const nsMsgViewTypeValue eShowAllThreads = 0;
const nsMsgViewTypeValue eShowThreadsWithUnread = 2;
const nsMsgViewTypeValue eShowWatchedThreadsWithUnread = 3;
const nsMsgViewTypeValue eShowQuickSearchResults = 4;
const nsMsgViewTypeValue eShowVirtualFolderResults = 5;
const nsMsgViewTypeValue eShowSearch = 6;
[scriptable, uuid(64852276-1dd2-11b2-8103-afe12002c053)]
interface nsMsgViewFlagsType : nsISupports
* flags for GetViewFlags
const nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue kNone = 0x0;
const nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue kThreadedDisplay = 0x1;
const nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue kShowIgnored = 0x8;
const nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue kUnreadOnly = 0x10;
const nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue kExpandAll = 0x20;
const nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue kGroupBySort = 0x40;
[scriptable, uuid(b94fc200-3008-420a-85c7-67842f133ef8)]
interface nsMsgViewSortType : nsISupports
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byNone = 0x11; /* not sorted */
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byDate = 0x12;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue bySubject = 0x13;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byAuthor = 0x14;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byId = 0x15;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byThread = 0x16;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byPriority = 0x17;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byStatus = 0x18;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue bySize = 0x19;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byFlagged = 0x1a;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byUnread = 0x1b;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byRecipient = 0x1c;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byLocation = 0x1d;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byTags = 0x1e;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byJunkStatus = 0x1f;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byAttachments = 0x20;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byAccount = 0x21;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byCustom = 0x22;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byReceived = 0x23;
const nsMsgViewSortTypeValue byCorrespondent = 0x24;
[scriptable, uuid(255d1c1e-fde7-11d4-a5be-0060b0fc04b7)]
interface nsMsgViewNotificationCode : nsISupports
const nsMsgViewNotificationCodeValue none = 0;
/* No change; this call is just being used to potentially nest other sets of calls
inside it. The "where" and "num" parameters are unused.
const nsMsgViewNotificationCodeValue insertOrDelete = 1;
/* Some lines have been inserted or deleted.
The "where" parameter will indicate the first line that has been added or
removed; the "num" parameter will indicate how many lines, and will be positive on
an insertion and negative on a deletion.
const nsMsgViewNotificationCodeValue changed = 2;
/* Some lines have had their contents changed (e.g., messages have been marked read
or something.) "where" indicates the first line with a change; "num" indicates
how many changed.
const nsMsgViewNotificationCodeValue all = 4;
/* Everything changed. We're now not displaying anything like what we were; we
probably opened a new folder or something. The FE needs to forget anything it ever knew
about what was being displayed, and start over. The "where" and "num" parameters are
[scriptable, uuid(4ec9248e-0108-11d5-a5be-0060b0fc04b7)]
interface nsMsgViewCommandCheckState : nsISupports
const nsMsgViewCommandCheckStateValue notUsed = 0;
const nsMsgViewCommandCheckStateValue checked = 1;
const nsMsgViewCommandCheckStateValue unchecked = 2;
[scriptable, uuid(ad36e6cc-0109-11d5-a5be-0060b0fc04b7)]
interface nsMsgViewCommandType : nsISupports
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue markMessagesRead = 0;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue markMessagesUnread = 1;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue toggleMessageRead = 2;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue flagMessages = 3;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue unflagMessages = 4;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue toggleThreadWatched = 6;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue deleteMsg = 7;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue deleteNoTrash = 8;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue markThreadRead = 9;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue markAllRead = 10;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue expandAll = 11;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue collapseAll = 12;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue copyMessages = 13;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue moveMessages = 14;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue selectAll = 15;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue downloadSelectedForOffline = 16;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue downloadFlaggedForOffline = 17;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue selectThread = 18;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue selectFlagged = 19;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue cmdRequiringMsgBody = 20;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue label0 = 21;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue label1 = 22;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue label2 = 23;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue label3 = 24;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue label4 = 25;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue label5 = 26;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue lastLabel = 26;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue junk = 27;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue unjunk = 28;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue undeleteMsg = 29;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue applyFilters = 30;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue runJunkControls = 31;
const nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue deleteJunk = 32;
[scriptable, uuid(65903eb2-1dd2-11b2-ac45-c5b69c1618d7)]
interface nsMsgNavigationType : nsISupports
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue firstMessage = 1;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue nextMessage = 2;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue previousMessage = 3;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue lastMessage = 4;
* must match nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue toggleThreadKilled
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue toggleThreadKilled = 5;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue firstUnreadMessage = 6;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue nextUnreadMessage = 7;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue previousUnreadMessage = 8;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue lastUnreadMessage = 9;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue nextUnreadThread = 10;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue nextUnreadFolder = 11;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue nextFolder = 12;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue readMore = 13;
* Go back to the previous visited message
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue back = 15;
* Go forward to the previous visited message
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue forward = 16;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue firstFlagged = 17;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue nextFlagged = 18;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue previousFlagged = 19;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue firstNew = 20;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue editUndo = 21;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue editRedo = 22;
const nsMsgNavigationTypeValue toggleSubthreadKilled = 23;
* The contract ID for this component is;1.
[scriptable, uuid(bcf6afbe-7d4f-11ec-9092-eb4fed0a5aaa)]
interface nsIMsgDBViewService : nsISupports
* JS-callable service to initialize static variables in nsMsgDBView.cpp
* upon initialization or when locale changes.
void initializeDBViewStrings();
[scriptable, uuid(fe8a2326-4dd0-11e5-8b8a-206a8aa7a25c)]
interface nsIMsgDBView : nsISupports
/** A shim of XULTreeElement, with only the methods called by nsMsgDBView. */
void setJSTree(in nsIMsgJSTree tree);
void open(in nsIMsgFolder folder,
in nsMsgViewSortTypeValue sortType,
in nsMsgViewSortOrderValue sortOrder,
in nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue viewFlags);
void openWithHdrs(in nsIMsgEnumerator aHeaders, in nsMsgViewSortTypeValue aSortType,
in nsMsgViewSortOrderValue aSortOrder,
in nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue aViewFlags);
void close();
void init(in nsIMessenger aMessengerInstance, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater aCommandUpdater);
void sort(in nsMsgViewSortTypeValue sortType, in nsMsgViewSortOrderValue sortOrder);
void doCommand(in nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue command);
void doCommandWithFolder(in nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue command, in nsIMsgFolder destFolder);
void getCommandStatus(in nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue command, out boolean selectable_p,
out nsMsgViewCommandCheckStateValue selected_p);
void applyCommandToIndices(in nsMsgViewCommandTypeValue command,
in Array<nsMsgViewIndex> selection);
readonly attribute nsMsgViewTypeValue viewType;
attribute nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue viewFlags;
/** Assigning to this value does not induce a sort; use the sort() method! */
attribute nsMsgViewSortTypeValue sortType;
readonly attribute nsMsgViewSortOrderValue sortOrder;
* Reflects the current secondary sort when a secondary sort is in effect.
* If the primary sort is by date or id, the value of this attribute is moot.
* Assigning to this value does not induce a sort; use the sort() method once
* to set your secondary sort, then use it again to set your primary sort.
* The only conceivable reason to write to this value is if you have a
* grouped view where you want to affect the sort order of the (secondary)
* date sort. (Secondary sort is always by date for grouped views.)
attribute nsMsgViewSortTypeValue secondarySortType;
* Reflects the current secondary sort order.
* Assigning to this value does not induce a sort; use the sort() method for
* all primary and secondary sort needs. The only reason to assign to this
* value is to affect the secondary sort of a grouped view.
attribute nsMsgViewSortOrderValue secondarySortOrder;
readonly attribute nsMsgKey keyForFirstSelectedMessage;
readonly attribute nsMsgViewIndex viewIndexForFirstSelectedMsg;
* this method will automatically expand the destination thread,
* if needs be.
void viewNavigate(in nsMsgNavigationTypeValue motion, out nsMsgKey resultId, out nsMsgViewIndex resultIndex, out nsMsgViewIndex threadIndex, in boolean wrap);
readonly attribute nsIMsgFolder msgFolder;
attribute nsIMsgFolder viewFolder; // in the case of virtual folders, the VF db.
nsMsgKey getKeyAt(in nsMsgViewIndex index);
* Get the view flags at the passed in index.
* @param aIndex - index to get the view flags for
* @ return - 32 bit view flags (e.g., elided)
unsigned long getFlagsAt(in nsMsgViewIndex aIndex);
* Get the msg hdr at the passed in index
* @param aIndex - index to get the msg hdr at.
* @return - msg hdr at the passed in index
nsIMsgDBHdr getMsgHdrAt(in nsMsgViewIndex aIndex);
nsIMsgFolder getFolderForViewIndex(in nsMsgViewIndex index); // mainly for search
AUTF8String getURIForViewIndex(in nsMsgViewIndex index);
nsIMsgDBView cloneDBView(in nsIMessenger aMessengerInstance, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater aCommandUpdater);
* Provides a list of the message headers for the currently selected messages.
* If the "mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads" preference is enabled,
* then any collapsed thread roots that are selected will also (conceptually)
* have all of the messages in that thread selected and they will be included
* in the returned list. The one exception to this is if the front end fails
* to summarize the selection, and we fall back to just displaying a single
* message. In that case, we won't include the children of the collapsed
* thread. However, the numSelected attribute will count those children,
* because the summarizeSelection code uses that to know that it should
* try to summarize the selection.
* If the user has right-clicked on a message, this will return that message
* (and any collapsed children if so enabled) and not the selection prior to
* the right-click.
* @return an array containing the selected message headers. You are free to
* mutate the array; it will not affect the underlying selection.
Array<nsIMsgDBHdr> getSelectedMsgHdrs();
Array<AUTF8String> getURIsForSelection();
Array<nsMsgViewIndex> getIndicesForSelection();
readonly attribute AUTF8String URIForFirstSelectedMessage;
readonly attribute nsIMsgDBHdr hdrForFirstSelectedMessage;
* The number of selected messages. If the
* "mail.operate_on_msgs_in_collapsed_threads" preference is enabled, then
* any collapsed thread roots that are selected will also conceptually have
* all of the messages in that thread selected.
readonly attribute unsigned long numSelected;
readonly attribute nsMsgViewIndex msgToSelectAfterDelete;
readonly attribute nsMsgViewIndex currentlyDisplayedMessage;
* Number of messages in view, including messages in collapsed threads.
* Not currently implemented for threads with unread or watched threads
* with unread.
readonly attribute long numMsgsInView;
// used by "go to folder" feature
// and "remember last selected message" feature
// if key is not found, we don't select.
void selectMsgByKey(in nsMsgKey key);
void selectFolderMsgByKey(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in nsMsgKey aKey);
// we'll suppress displaying messages if the message pane is collapsed
attribute boolean suppressMsgDisplay;
// we'll suppress command updating during folder loading
attribute boolean suppressCommandUpdating;
* Suppress change notifications. This is faster than Begin/EndUpdateBatch
* on the tree, but less safe in that you're responsible for row invalidation
* and row count changes.
attribute boolean suppressChangeNotifications;
//to notify tree that rows are going away
void onDeleteCompleted(in boolean succeeded);
readonly attribute nsIMsgDatabase db;
readonly attribute boolean supportsThreading;
attribute nsIMsgSearchSession searchSession;
readonly attribute boolean removeRowOnMoveOrDelete;
* Finds the view index of the passed in msgKey. Note this should not
* be called on cross-folder views since the msgKey may not be unique.
* @param aMsgKey - key to find.
* @param aExpand - whether to expand a collapsed thread to find the key.
* @return - view index of msg hdr, -1 if hdr not found.
nsMsgViewIndex findIndexFromKey(in nsMsgKey aMsgKey, in boolean aExpand);
* Finds the view index of the passed in msgHdr.
* @param aMsgHdr - hdr to find.
* @param aExpand - whether to expand a collapsed thread to find the hdr.
* @return - view index of msg hdr, -1 if hdr not found.
nsMsgViewIndex findIndexOfMsgHdr(in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsgHdr, in boolean aExpand);
* Expands a thread and selects all it's member messages.
* @param aIndex - View index of a message in the thread to expand (can be
any message which is a member of the thread).
* @param aAugment - If true, Augment the existing selection.
* If false, replace it.
void ExpandAndSelectThreadByIndex(in nsMsgViewIndex aIndex, in boolean aAugment);
* This method returns the nsIMsgThread object containing the header displayed
* at the desired row. For grouped views and cross folder saved searches,
* this will be the view thread, not the db thread.
* @param aIndex view index we want corresponding thread object of.
* @return the thread object at the requested view index
nsIMsgThread getThreadContainingIndex(in nsMsgViewIndex aIndex);
* Insert rows into the view. The caller should use NoteChange() below to
* update the view.
* @param aIndex view index for insertion start.
* @param aNumRows number of rows to insert.
* @param aKey msgKey.
* @param aFlags msgFlags.
* @param aLevel treeview indent level.
* @param aFolder nsIMsgFolder, required for search/xfvf views.
void insertTreeRows(in nsMsgViewIndex aIndex, in unsigned long aNumRows,
in nsMsgKey aKey, in nsMsgViewFlagsTypeValue aFlags,
in unsigned long aLevel, in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);
* Remove rows from the view. The caller should use NoteChange() below to
* update the view.
* @param aIndex view index for removal start.
* @param aNumRows number of rows to remove.
void removeTreeRows(in nsMsgViewIndex aIndex, in unsigned long aNumRows);
* Notify tree that rows have changed.
* @param aFirstLineChanged first view index for changed rows.
* @param aNumRows number of rows changed; < 0 means removed.
* @param aChangeType changeType.
void NoteChange(in nsMsgViewIndex aFirstLineChanged, in long aNumRows,
in nsMsgViewNotificationCodeValue aChangeType);
* Return the view thread corresponding to aMsgHdr. If we're a cross-folder
* view, then it would be the cross folder view thread, otherwise, the
* db thread object.
* @param aMsgHdr message header we want the view thread object of.
* @return view thread object for msg hdr.
nsIMsgThread getThreadContainingMsgHdr(in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsgHdr);
// use lines or kB for size?
readonly attribute boolean usingLines;
// Custom Column Implementation note: see nsIMsgCustomColumnHandler
// attaches a custom column handler to a specific column (can be a new column or a built in)
void addColumnHandler(in AString aColumn, in nsIMsgCustomColumnHandler aHandler);
// removes a custom column handler leaving the column to be handled by the system
void removeColumnHandler(in AString aColumn);
// returns the custom column handler attached to a specific column - if any
nsIMsgCustomColumnHandler getColumnHandler(in AString aColumn);
* The custom column to use for sorting purposes (when sort type is
* nsMsgViewSortType.byCustom.)
attribute AString curCustomColumn;
* The custom column used for a secondary sort, blank if secondarySort is
* not byCustom. The secondary sort design is such that the desired secondary
* is sorted first, followed by sort by desired primary. The secondary is
* read only, as it is set internally according to this design.
readonly attribute AString secondaryCustomColumn;
* Scriptable accessor for the cell text for a column
* @param aRow - row we want cell text for
* @param aColumnName - name of column we want cell text for
* @returns The cell text for the given row and column, if any.
* @notes This does not work for custom columns yet.
AString cellTextForColumn(in long aRow, in AString aColumnName);
* Get all of the data needed to display a row. Effectively a combination of
* CellTextForColumn, GetRowProperties and GetLevel, for performance reasons.
* @param aRow - Index of the row we want data for.
* @param aColumnNames - The column names we want cell text for.
* @param aProperties - The properties of the row.
* @param aThreadLevel - The thread level of the row.
* @returns The cell text for the columns in `aColumnNames`.
Array<AString> cellDataForColumns(in long aRow,
in Array<AString> aColumnNames,
out AString aProperties,
out long aThreadLevel);
/* this interface is rapidly morphing from a command updater interface into a more generic
FE updater interface to handle changes in the view
[scriptable, uuid(ce8f52ee-e742-4b31-8bdd-2b3a8168a117)]
interface nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater : nsISupports
/* Eventually we'll flush this out into some kind of rich interface
which may take specific selection changed type notifications like
no selections, single selection, multi-selection, etc. For starters,
we are going to keep it generic. The back end will only push an update
command status when the # of selected items changes.
void updateCommandStatus();
/* displayed message has changed */
void displayMessageChanged(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in AString aSubject, in ACString aKeywords);
* allows the backend to tell the front end to re-determine
* which message we should selet after a delete or move
void updateNextMessageAfterDelete();
* tell the front end that the selection has changed, and may need to be
* resummarized.
* @return true if we did summarize, false otherwise.
boolean summarizeSelection();
* Tell the front end that the selected message was removed and it should update.
void selectedMessageRemoved();
* A shim of XULTreeElement, with only the methods called by nsMsgDBView.
[scriptable, uuid(c5f6b1a2-f56a-49cb-b863-badf158206d5)]
interface nsIMsgJSTree : nsISupports
void beginUpdateBatch();
void endUpdateBatch();
void ensureRowIsVisible(in long index);
void invalidate();
void invalidateRange(in long startIndex, in long endIndex);
void rowCountChanged(in long index, in long count);
attribute long currentIndex;