Name Description Size
AccountManager.js Here's how this dialog works: The main dialog contains a tree on the left (id="accounttree") and an iframe which loads a particular preference document (such as am-main.xhtml) on the right. When the user clicks on items in the tree on the left, two things have to be determined before the UI can be updated: - the relevant account - the relevant page When both of these are known, this is what happens: - every form element of the previous page is saved in the account value hashtable for the previous account - the relevant page is loaded into the iframe - each form element in the page is filled in with an appropriate value from the current account's hashtable - in the iframe inside the page, if there is an onInit() method, it is called. The onInit method can further update this page based on values set in the previous step. 58892
AccountManager.xhtml &accountManagerTitle.label; 7758
accountUtils.js import-globals-from AccountManager.js 8230
AccountWizard.js import-globals-from accountUtils.js 19690
AccountWizard.xhtml 7253 5606
am-addressing.js import-globals-from am-prefs.js 1669
am-addressing.xhtml &addressing.label; 1418
am-archiveoptions.js Load the archive options dialog, set the radio/checkbox items to the appropriate values, and update the archive hierarchy example. 3600
am-archiveoptions.xhtml 5453 14540
am-copies.js import-globals-from am-prefs.js 16688
am-copies.xhtml &copyAndFolderTitle.label; 1765
am-identities-list.js Rebuilds the listbox holding the list of identities. @param {number} aSelectIndex - Attempt to select the identity with this index. 5824
am-identities-list.xhtml <!-- identity-list-title --> 3380
am-identity-edit.js import-globals-from am-addressing.js 20386
am-identity-edit.xhtml <!-- identityDialogTitleEdit --> 10110
am-junk.js import-globals-from am-prefs.js 10260
am-junk.xhtml &junkSettings.label; 9702
am-main.js import-globals-from am-identity-edit.js 4652
am-main.xhtml 12482
am-offline.js import-globals-from am-prefs.js 14802
am-offline.xhtml 12023
am-prefs.js functions for disabling front end elements when the appropriate back-end preference is locked. 4692
am-server-advanced.js 4883
am-server-advanced.xhtml &serverAdvanced.label; 7209
am-server.js import-globals-from am-prefs.js 20976
am-server.xhtml &serverSettings.label; 23629
am-serverwithnoidentities.js Called when the store type menu is clicked. @param {object} aStoreTypeElement - store type menu list element. 3989
am-serverwithnoidentities.xhtml &accountTitle.label; 5964
am-smtp.js import-globals-from amUtils.js 7710
am-smtp.xhtml &smtpServer.label; 4322
amUtils.js import-globals-from am-smtp.js 7963
aw-accname.js import-globals-from AccountWizard.js 997
aw-done.js import-globals-from AccountWizard.js 1228
aw-identity.js import-globals-from AccountWizard.js 2300
aw-incoming.js import-globals-from AccountWizard.js 1475
converterDialog.js This file contains functionality for the front-end part of the mail store type conversion. 12885
converterDialog.xhtml &converterDialog.title; 2160
removeAccount.js Show the local directory. 5447
removeAccount.xhtml &dialogTitle; 3393
SmtpServerEdit.js 7897
SmtpServerEdit.xhtml &smtpEditTitle.label; 7465