Name Description Size 1328
nsIAbAddressCollector.idl nsIAbAddressCollector is the interface to the address collecter service. It will save and update the supplied addresses into the address book specified by the "mail.collect_addressbook" pref. 2247
nsIAbAutoCompleteResult.idl This interface is used to extend the nsIAutoCompleteResult interface to provide extra facilities for obtaining more details of the results of an address book search. 1835
nsIAbBooleanExpression.idl Condition types Constants defining the types of condition to obtain a boolean result of TRUE or FALSE 2868
nsIAbCard.idl An interface representing an address book card. None of these IDs will be reflected in the property collection. Neither nsIAbCard::properties, nsIAbCard::deleteProperty, nor any of the property getters and setters are able to interact with these properties. Fundamentally, a card is a collection of properties. Modifying a property in some way on a card does not change the backend used to store the card; the directory is required to do make the changes here. The following are the core properties that are used: - Names: - FirstName, LastName - PhoneticFirstName, PhoneticLastName - DisplayName, NickName - SpouseName, FamilyName - PrimaryEmail, SecondEmail - Home Contact: - HomeAddress, HomeAddress2, HomeCity, HomeState, HomeZipCode, HomeCountry - HomePhone, HomePhoneType - Work contact. Same as home, but with `Work' instead of `Home' - Other Contact: - FaxNumber, FaxNumberType - PagerNumber, PagerNumberType - CellularNumber, CellularNumberType - JobTitle, Department, Company - _AimScreenName - Dates: - AnniversaryYear, AnniversaryMonth, AnniversaryDay - BirthYear, BirthMonth, BirthDay - WebPage1 (work), WebPage2 (home) - Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, Custom4 - Notes - Integral properties: - LastModifiedDate - PopularityIndex - Photo properties: - PhotoName - PhotoType - PhotoURI The contract id for the standard implementation is <tt>\;1</tt>. 14949
nsIAbDirectory.idl moz-abdirectory:// is the URI to access nsAbBSDirectory, which is the root directory for all types of address books this is used to get all address book directories. 13485
nsIAbDirectoryQuery.idl The arguments for a query. Contains an expression for perform matches and an array of properties which should be returned if a match is found from the expression 3674
nsIAbDirectoryQueryProxy.idl 463
nsIAbDirSearchListener.idl Listener callbacks for addressbook nsIAbDirectory searches and queries. 1794
nsIAbLDAPAttributeMap.idl A mapping between addressbook properties and ldap attributes. Each addressbook property can map to one or more attributes. If there is no entry in preferences for a field, the getters generally return null; empty strings are passed through as usual. The intent is that properties with a non-zero number of attributes can be overridden for a specific server by supplying a zero-length string. For this to work, most callers are likely to want to check for both success and a non-empty string. Note that the one exception to this pattern is getAttributes, which throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE for non-existent property entries, since XPConnect doesn't like returning null arrays. Note that each LDAP attribute can map to at most one addressbook property. The checkState method is a useful tool in enforcing this. Failure to enforce it may make it impossible to guarantee that getProperty will do something consistent and reasonable. Maybe someday once we support ldap autoconfig stuff (ie draft-joslin-config-schema-11.txt), we can simplify this and other code and only allow a property to map to a single attribute. 7488
nsIAbLDAPDirectory.idl XXX This should really inherit from nsIAbDirectory, and some day it will. But for now, doing that complicates implementation. 2676
nsIAbLDAPReplicationData.idl this service does replication of an LDAP directory to a local AB Database. 1745
nsIAbLDAPReplicationQuery.idl this interface provides methods to perform LDAP Replication Queries 1694
nsIAbLDAPReplicationService.idl this service does replication of an LDAP directory to a local AB Database. 981
nsIAbLDIFService.idl Determine if a file is likely to be an LDIF file based on field names that commonly appear in LDIF files. @param aSrc The file to examine @return true if the file appears to be of LDIF type, false otherwise 1568
nsIAbManager.idl nsIAbManager is an interface to the main address book manager via the contract id ";1" It contains the main functions to create and delete address books as well as some helper functions. 4564
nsIAbOutlookInterface.idl 476
nsILDAPBERElement.idl nsILDAPBERElement is a wrapper interface for a C-SDK BerElement object. Typically, this is used as an intermediate object to aid in the manual construction of a BER value. Once the construction is completed by calling methods on this object, an nsILDAPBERValue can be retrieved from the asValue attribute on this interface. <> contains some documentation that mostly (but not exactly) matches the code that this wraps in section 17. 4116
nsILDAPBERValue.idl Representation of a BER value as an interface containing an array of bytes. Someday this should perhaps be obsoleted by a better, more generalized version of nsIByteBuffer, but that's currently not even scriptable (see bug 125596). 1452
nsILDAPConnection.idl the string version of lderrno 2169
nsILDAPControl.idl XPCOM representation of the C SDK LDAPControl structure. 1387
nsILDAPErrors.idl UMich LDAPv2 extension 13698
nsILDAPMessage.idl The Distinguished Name of the entry associated with this message. @exception NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ran out of memory @exception NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE null pointer passed in @exception NS_ERROR_LDAP_DECODING_ERROR problem during BER-decoding @exception NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED bug or memory corruption 5121
nsILDAPMessageListener.idl A callback interface to be implemented by any objects that want to receive results from an nsILDAPOperation (ie nsILDAPMessages) as they come in. 1618
nsILDAPModification.idl The operation to perform. 1365
nsILDAPOperation.idl The connection this operation is on. @exception NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE a NULL pointer was passed in 12494
nsILDAPService.idl This interface is a catch-all for any LDAP functionality that is needed in XPCOM and not provided elsewhere. 1950
nsILDAPSyncQuery.idl Create a new LDAP connection do a synchronous LDAP search and return the results. @param aServerURL - LDAP URL with parameters to a LDAP search ("ldap://host/base?attributes?one/sub?filter") @return results 756
nsILDAPURL.idl Strings in methods inherited from nsIURI, which are using XPIDL |string| types, are expected to be UTF8 encoded. All such strings in this interface, except attribute types (e.g. "cn"), should in fact be UTF8. It's important to remember that attributes can not be UTF8, they can only be of a limited subset of ASCII (see RFC 2251). 5792
nsIMsgVCardService.idl Translates a vCard string into a nsIAbCard. @param vCardStr - The string containing the vCard data. @return - A card containing the translated vCard data. 882