Name Description Size
.eslintrc.js 76
AccountManagerHelpers.sys.mjs Waits until the Account Manager tree fully loads after first open. 5882
AddressBookHelpers.sys.mjs Make sure that there is a card for this email address @param {string} emailAddress - The address that should have a card. @param {string} displayName - The display name the card should have. 4915
AttachmentHelpers.sys.mjs Create a body part with attachments for the message generator @param {string} body - The text of the main body of the message. @param {string[]} attachments - An array of attachment objects (as strings). @param {string} boundary - An optional string defining the boundary of the parts. @returns {object} an object suitable for passing as the |bodyPart| for create_message 4914
CloudfileHelpers.sys.mjs @param {string} aFilename @param {string} aRoot 7520
ComposeHelpers.sys.mjs Opens the compose window by starting a new message @param {Window} [win] - The window from which to spawn the compose window. If left blank, defaults to the first window. @returns {Window} The loaded window of type "msgcompose". 76135
ContentTabHelpers.sys.mjs Opens a content tab with the given URL. @param {string} aURL - The URL to load. @param {string} [aLinkHandler=null] - See specialTabs.contentTabType.openTab. @param {boolean} [aBackground=false] Whether the tab is opened in the background. @returns {object} The newly-opened tab. 7707
DOMHelpers.sys.mjs This function takes either a string or an elementlibs.Elem, and returns whether it is hidden or not (simply by poking at its hidden property). It doesn't try to do anything smart, like is it not into view, or whatever. @param {Element|string} aElt - The element, or ID to query. @returns {boolean} Whether the element is visible or not. 5698
EventUtils.sys.mjs Parse the key modifier flags from aEvent. Used to share code between synthesizeMouse and synthesizeKey. 23693
FolderDisplayHelpers.sys.mjs Server hostname as set in 89655
JunkHelpers.sys.mjs Mark the selected messages as junk. This is done by pressing the J key. 2396
KeyboardHelpers.sys.mjs Emulates manual input. @param {Window} aWin - The window to input keypresses into. @param {string} aStr - The string to input into the control element. @param {Element} [aElement] - Element on which to perform the input. 1154
MouseEventHelpers.sys.mjs Execute a drag and drop session. @param {Element} aDragObject - The element from which the drag session should be started. @param {Window} aDragWindow - The window the aDragObject is in. @param {Element} aDropObject the element at which the drag session should be ended. @param {Window} aDropWindow - The window the aDropObject is in @param {integer} aRelDropX - The relative x-position the element is dropped over the aDropObject in percent of the aDropObject width. @param {integer} aRelDropY - The relative y-position the element is dropped over the aDropObject in percent of the aDropObject height. @param {Element} aListener - The element who's drop target should be captured and returned. 5746 959
NNTPHelpers.sys.mjs 3099
NotificationBoxHelpers.sys.mjs A helper function for determining whether or not a notification with a particular value is being displayed. @param {Window} aWindow - The window to check. @param {string} aBoxId - The id of the notification box. @param {string}aValue - The value of the notification to look for. @param {object} [aNotification] - An optional out parameter; object that will pass the notification element out of this function in its 'notification' property. @returns {boolean} true/false depending on the state of the notification. 7186
OpenPGPTestUtils.sys.mjs Given a compose message window, clicks on the "Digitally Sign This Message" menu item. 10298
PrefTabHelpers.sys.mjs Helpers to deal with the preferences tab. 1524
PromptHelpers.sys.mjs Sets the value that the alert, confirm, etc dialog will return to the caller. 3998
QuickFilterBarHelpers.sys.mjs Maps names to bar DOM ids to simplify checking. 9814
SearchWindowHelpers.sys.mjs Open a search window using the accel-shift-f shortcut. @returns {Window} The search window. 5942
SubscribeWindowHelpers.sys.mjs Open a subscribe dialog from the context menu. @param {nsIMsgFolder} aFolder - The folder to open the subscribe dialog for. @param {Function} aFunction - Callback that will be invoked with a window for the subscribe dialogue as parameter. 2592
ViewHelpers.sys.mjs Module to help debugging view wrapper issues. 2410
WindowHelpers.sys.mjs Timeout for focusing a window. Only really an issue on linux. 15098