Name Description Size
addressBooks.sys.mjs AddressBookRecord represents the state of an add-on in an application. Each add-on has its own record for each application ID it is installed on. The ID of add-on records is a randomly-generated GUID. It is random instead of deterministic so the URIs of the records cannot be guessed and so compromised server credentials won't result in disclosure of the specific add-ons present in a Sync account. The record contains the following fields: 10924
calendars.sys.mjs CalendarRecord represents the state of an add-on in an application. Each add-on has its own record for each application ID it is installed on. The ID of add-on records is a randomly-generated GUID. It is random instead of deterministic so the URIs of the records cannot be guessed and so compromised server credentials won't result in disclosure of the specific add-ons present in a Sync account. The record contains the following fields: 8713
identities.sys.mjs IdentityRecord represents the state of an add-on in an application. Each add-on has its own record for each application ID it is installed on. The ID of add-on records is a randomly-generated GUID. It is random instead of deterministic so the URIs of the records cannot be guessed and so compromised server credentials won't result in disclosure of the specific add-ons present in a Sync account. The record contains the following fields: 9687
servers.sys.mjs ServerRecord represents the state of an add-on in an application. Each add-on has its own record for each application ID it is installed on. The ID of add-on records is a randomly-generated GUID. It is random instead of deterministic so the URIs of the records cannot be guessed and so compromised server credentials won't result in disclosure of the specific add-ons present in a Sync account. The record contains the following fields: 12354