AccountManagerUtils.sys.mjs |
Utility methods for the account settings.
1799 |
AttachmentChecker.worker.js |
eslint-env worker |
4109 |
AttachmentInfo.sys.mjs |
A class to handle attachment information and actions.
21424 |
BrowserWindowTracker.sys.mjs |
324 |
CommandController.mjs |
Command controller implementation for tabs. Allows registering commands
without requiring command elements in the markup. Shape is similar to
nsIController, except that doCommand is enhanced similar to
nsICommandController's doCommandWithParams.
2319 |
ConversationOpener.sys.mjs |
2719 |
DBViewWrapper.sys.mjs |
Helper singleton for DBViewWrapper that tells instances when something
interesting is happening to the folder(s) they care about. The rationale
for this is to:
- reduce listener overhead (although arguably the events we listen to are
fairly rare)
- make testing / verification easier by centralizing and exposing listeners.
78788 |
DisplayNameUtils.sys.mjs |
Take an email address and compose a sensible display name based on the
header display name and/or the display name from the address book. If no
appropriate name can be made (e.g. there is no card for this address),
returns |null|.
@param {string} emailAddress - The email address to format.
@param {string} headerDisplayName - The display name from the header, if any.
@param {string} context - The field being formatted (e.g. "to", "from").
@returns {?string} the formatted display name, or null.
4261 |
DNS.sys.mjs |
This module is responsible for performing DNS queries using ctypes for
loading system DNS libraries on Linux, Mac and Windows.
2444 |
DNS.worker.mjs |
globals ctypes |
14557 |
docs |
ExtensionsUI.sys.mjs |
Mapping of error code -> [error-id, local-error-id]
error-id is used for errors in DownloadedAddonInstall,
local-error-id for errors in LocalAddonInstall.
The error codes are defined in AddonManager's _errors Map.
Not all error codes listed there are translated,
since errors that are only triggered during updates
will never reach this code.
@see browser/base/content/browser-addons.js (where this is copied from)
46571 |
ExtensionSupport.sys.mjs |
Helper functions for use by extensions that should ease them plug
into the application.
7687 |
FolderPaneUtils.sys.mjs |
Used for comparing folder names. This matches the collator used in
@type {Intl.Collator}
901 |
FolderTreeProperties.sys.mjs |
Persistent storage for various properties of items on the folder tree.
Data is serialised to the file folderTree.json in the profile directory.
2060 |
GlobalPopupNotifications.sys.mjs |
This file is a semi-fork of PopupNotifications.sys.mjs |
55544 |
LinkHelper.sys.mjs |
Clone principal and add permission to use the application associated with
the specified external protocol/scheme.
@param { nsIPrincipal } principal - the principal to clone and attach the
permission to
@param {nsIURI} uri - the uri which is to be opened
@param {OriginAttributesDictionary} [originAttributes]
@returns {nsIPrincipal}
4169 |
MailConsts.sys.mjs |
This is a place to store constants and enumerations that are needed only by
JavaScript code, especially component/module code.
1311 |
MailE10SUtils.sys.mjs |
Loads about:blank in `browser` without switching remoteness. about:blank
can load in a local browser or a remote browser, and `loadURI` will make
it load in a remote browser even if you don't want it to.
@param {nsIBrowser} browser
2957 |
MailMigrator.sys.mjs |
This module handles migrating mail-specific preferences, etc. Migration has
traditionally been a part of messenger.js, but separating the code out into
a module makes unit testing much easier.
17329 |
MailUsageTelemetry.sys.mjs |
-*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
11287 |
MailUtils.sys.mjs |
This module has several utility functions for use by both core and
third-party code. Some functions are aimed at code that doesn't have a
window context, while others can be used anywhere.
40810 |
MailViewManager.sys.mjs |
Put the MailViewConstants in an object so we can export them to
msgViewPickerOverlay in one blob without contaminating everyone's address
space who might want to import us.
5537 |
MessageArchiver.sys.mjs |
The maximum number of messages to try to examine directly to determine if
they can be archived; if we exceed this count, we'll try to approximate
the answer by looking at the server's identities. This is only here to
let tests tweak the value.
13078 | |
1575 |
PhishingDetector.sys.mjs |
Analyze the currently loaded message in the message pane, looking for signs
of a phishing attempt. Also checks for forms with action URLs, which are
Assumes the message has finished loading in the message pane (i.e.
OnMsgParsed has fired).
@param {nsIMsgMailNewsUrl} aUrl
Url for the message being analyzed.
@param {Element} browser
The browser element where the message is loaded.
@returns {boolean}
Returns true if this does have phishing urls. Returns false if we
do not check this message or the phishing message does not need to be
8531 |
PluralForm.sys.mjs |
This module provides the PluralForm object which contains a method to figure
out which plural form of a word to use for a given number based on the
current localization. There is also a makeGetter method that creates a get
function for the desired plural rule. This is useful for extensions that
specify their own plural rule instead of relying on the browser default.
(I.e., the extension hasn't been localized to the browser's locale.)
NOTE: any change to these plural forms need to be reflected in
List of methods:
string pluralForm
get(int aNum, string aWords)
int numForms
[string pluralForm get(int aNum, string aWords), int numForms numForms()]
makeGetter(int aRuleNum)
Note: Basically, makeGetter returns 2 functions that do "get" and "numForm"
9437 |
QRExport.sys.mjs |
Incoming server types supported by the Android app.
9371 |
QuickFilterManager.sys.mjs |
Should the filter be visible when there's no previous state to propagate it
from? The idea is that when session persistence is working this should only
ever affect the first time Thunderbird is started up. Although opening
additional 3-panes will likely trigger this unless we go out of our way to
implement propagation across those boundaries (and we're not).
47901 |
SearchSpec.sys.mjs |
Wrapper abstraction around a view's search session. This is basically a
friend class of FolderDisplayWidget and is privy to some of its internals.
18950 |
SessionStore.sys.mjs |
This is a shim for SessionStore in moz-central to prevent bug 1713801. Only
the methods that appear to be hit by comm-central are implemented.
466 |
SessionStoreManager.sys.mjs |
asuth arbitrarily chose this value to trade-off powersaving,
processor usage, and recency of state in the face of the impossibility of
our crashing; he also worded this.
8773 |
ShortcutsManager.sys.mjs |
Module used to collect all global shortcuts that can (will) be customizable.
Use the shortcuts[] array to add global shortcuts that need to work on the
whole window. The `context` property allows using the same shortcut for
different context. The event handling needs to be defined in the window.
9041 |
SmartMailboxUtils.sys.mjs |
Returns the server of the smart mailbox account.
@returns {nsIMsgIncomingServer}
9389 |
SummaryFrameManager.sys.mjs |
The SummaryFrameManager manages the source attribute of iframes which can
be multi-purposed. For example, the thread/multimessage summary and the
folder summary both use it. The SummaryFrameManager takes care of
causing the content file to be reloaded as necessary, and manages event
handlers, so that the right callback is called when the specified
document is loaded.
@param {HTMLIFrameElement} aFrame - The iframe that we're managing.
3391 |
TabStateFlusher.sys.mjs |
351 |
TagUtils.sys.mjs |
Checks if black writing on 'aColor' background has enough contrast |
4446 |
TBDistCustomizer.sys.mjs |
4821 |
UIDensity.sys.mjs |
Set the UI density.
@param {integer} mode - One of the MODE constants.
1745 |
UIFontSize.sys.mjs |
Loop through all registered windows and update the font size.
10139 |
WindowsJumpLists.sys.mjs |
Task list
4321 |
XULStoreUtils.sys.mjs |
Simple wrapper around the Services.xulStore methods to reduce the amount of
duplicated code and repeated store URLs across the application. In case the
xulStore API ever change, we will need to only touch this file.
2904 |