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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, you can obtain one at */
import {
import {
import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs";
import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
* Maps XUL toolbar item IDs to unified toolbar item IDs. If null, the item is
* not available in the unified toolbar.
separator: null,
spacer: "spacer",
spring: "spacer",
"button-getmsg": "get-messages",
"button-newmsg": "write-message",
"button-reply": "reply",
"button-replyall": "reply-all",
"button-replylist": "reply-list",
"button-forward": "forward-inline",
"button-redirect": "redirect",
"button-file": "move-to",
"button-archive": "archive",
"button-showconversation": "conversation",
"button-goback": "go-back",
"button-goforward": "go-forward",
"button-previous": "previous-unread",
"button-previousMsg": "previous",
"button-next": "next-unread",
"button-nextMsg": "next",
"button-junk": "junk",
"button-delete": "delete",
"button-print": "print",
"button-mark": "mark-as",
"button-tag": "tag-message",
"qfb-show-filter-bar": "quick-filter-bar",
"button-address": "address-book",
"button-chat": "chat",
"throbber-box": "throbber",
"button-stop": "stop",
"button-compact": "compact",
"folder-location-container": "folder-location",
"mailviews-container": "view-picker",
"button-addons": "add-ons-and-themes",
"button-appmenu": null,
"gloda-search": "search-bar",
"lightning-button-calendar": "calendar",
"lightning-button-tasks": "tasks",
extractEventButton: "add-as-event",
extractTaskButton: "add-as-task",
"menubar-items": null,
"calendar-synchronize-button": "synchronize",
"calendar-newevent-button": "new-event",
"calendar-newtask-button": "new-task",
"calendar-goto-today-button": "go-to-today",
"calendar-edit-button": "edit-event",
"calendar-delete-button": "delete-event",
"calendar-print-button": "print-event",
"calendar-unifinder-button": "unifinder",
"calendar-appmenu-button": null,
"task-synchronize-button": "synchronize",
"task-newevent-button": "new-event",
"task-newtask-button": "new-task",
"task-edit-button": "edit-event",
"task-delete-button": "delete-event",
"task-print-button": "print-event",
"task-appmenu-button": null,
* Maps space names to the ID of the toolbar in the messenger window.
mail: "mail-bar3",
calendar: "calendar-toolbar2",
tasks: "task-toolbar2",
* XUL toolbars store a special value when there are no items in the toolbar.
const EMPTY_SET = "__empty";
* Map from the XUL toolbar id to its default set. Since toolbars we're
* migrating were removed from the DOM. The value should be the value of the
* defaultset attribute of the respective element in the markup.
* @type {{[string]: string}}
AppConstants.platform == "macosx"
? "button-getmsg,button-newmsg,button-tag,qfb-show-filter-bar,spring,gloda-search,button-appmenu"
: "button-getmsg,button-newmsg,separator,button-tag,qfb-show-filter-bar,spring,gloda-search,button-appmenu",
"tabbar-toolbar": "",
"toolbar-menubar": "menubar-items,spring",
const MESSENGER_WINDOW = "chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml";
const EXTENSION_WIDGET_SUFFIX = "-browserAction-toolbarbutton";
value => Object.keys(JSON.parse(value))
* Get the extension ID from a XUL toolbar button ID of an extension.
* @param {string} buttonId - ID of the XUL toolbar button.
* @returns {?string} ID of the extension the button belonged to.
function getExtensionIdFromExtensionButton(buttonId) {
const widgetId = buttonId.slice(0, -EXTENSION_WIDGET_SUFFIX.length);
return lazy.extensionIds.find(
extensionId => lazy.ExtensionCommon.makeWidgetId(extensionId) === widgetId
* Convert the string contents of an old toolbar *set attribute to an array of
* item IDs.
* @param {string} setString - Contents of the set attribute.
* @returns {string[]} Array of items in the set.
function toolbarSetAttributeToArray(setString) {
if (!setString || setString === EMPTY_SET) {
return [];
return setString.split(",").filter(Boolean);
* Get the default set (without extensions) of a XUL toolbar.
* @param {string} toolbarId - ID of the XUL toolbar element.
* @param {string} window - URI of the window the toolbar is in.
* @returns {string} defaultset attribute of the given XUL toolbar.
function getOldToolbarDefaultContents(toolbarId, window = MESSENGER_WINDOW) {
let setString = Services.xulStore.getValue(window, toolbarId, "defaultset");
if (!setString) {
setString = XUL_TOOLBAR_DEFAULT_SET[toolbarId];
return setString;
* Get the items in a XUL toolbar area. Will return defaults if the area is not
* customized.
* @param {string} toolbarId - ID of the XUL toolbar element.
* @param {string} window - URI of the window the toolbar is in.
* @returns {string[]} Item IDs in the given XUL toolbar.
function getOldToolbarContents(toolbarId, window = MESSENGER_WINDOW) {
let setString = Services.xulStore.getValue(window, toolbarId, "currentset");
if (!setString) {
setString = getOldToolbarDefaultContents(toolbarId, window);
return toolbarSetAttributeToArray(setString);
* Converts XUL toolbar item IDs to unified toolbar item IDs, filtering out
* items that are not supported in the unified toolbar.
* @param {string[]} items - XUL toolbar item IDs to convert.
* @returns {string[]} Unified toolbar item IDs.
function convertContents(items) {
return items
.map(itemId => {
if (MIGRATION_MAP.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
return MIGRATION_MAP[itemId];
if (itemId.endsWith(EXTENSION_WIDGET_SUFFIX)) {
const extensionId = getExtensionIdFromExtensionButton(itemId);
if (extensionId) {
return `${EXTENSION_PREFIX}${extensionId}`;
return null;
* Get the unified toolbar item IDs for items that were in the tab bar and the
* menu bar areas.
* @returns {string[]} Item IDs that were available in any tab in the XUL
* toolbars.
function getGlobalItems() {
const tabsContent = convertContents(getOldToolbarContents("tabbar-toolbar"));
const menubarContent = convertContents(
return [...menubarContent, ...tabsContent];
* Converts the items in the old xul toolbar of a given space and the tab bar
* and menu bar areas to unified toolbar item IDs.
* Filters out any items not available and items that appear multiple times, if
* they can't be repeated. The first instance is kept.
* If there is no old toolbar for the given space, only the global items are
* returned.
* @param {string} space - Name of the space to get the items for.
* @returns {string[]} Unified toolbar item IDs based on the old contents of the
* xul toolbar of the space.
function getItemsForSpace(space) {
let spaceContent = [];
if (TOOLBAR_FOR_SPACE.hasOwnProperty(space)) {
spaceContent = convertContents(
} else {
spaceContent = getDefaultItemIdsForSpace(space);
const newContents = [...spaceContent, ...getGlobalItems()];
const availableItems = getAvailableItemIdsForSpace(space, true).concat( => `${EXTENSION_PREFIX}${id}`)
const encounteredItems = new Set();
const finalItems = newContents.filter((itemId, index, items) => {
if (
(encounteredItems.has(itemId) &&
!availableItems.includes(itemId) ||
(itemId === "spacer" && index > 0 && items[index - 1] === itemId)
) {
return false;
return true;
return finalItems;
* Convert the persisted extensions from the old extensionset to the new space
* specific store for extensions.
* @param {string} space - Name of the migrated space.
function convertExtensionState(space) {
if (
) {
const extensionSet = Services.xulStore
.getValue(MESSENGER_WINDOW, TOOLBAR_FOR_SPACE[space], "extensionset")
const extensionsInExtensionSet = =>
const cachedAllowedSpaces = lazy.getCachedAllowedSpaces();
for (const extensionId of extensionsInExtensionSet) {
const allowedSpaces = cachedAllowedSpaces.get(extensionId) ?? [];
if (!allowedSpaces.includes(space)) {
cachedAllowedSpaces.set(extensionId, allowedSpaces);
* Check if the XUL toolbar matches the default state.
* @param {string} toolbarId - ID of the old XUL toolbar element to check the
* state of.
* @returns {boolean} If the toolbar with the given ID has a currentset matching
* the default state for that toolbar.
function oldToolbarContainsDefaultItems(toolbarId) {
// Fast path: if there is no current set, the contents of the toolbar were
// never modified.
if (!Services.xulStore.hasValue(MESSENGER_WINDOW, toolbarId, "currentset")) {
return true;
const toolbarContents = getOldToolbarContents(toolbarId);
let defaultContents = toolbarSetAttributeToArray(
const extensionContents = toolbarSetAttributeToArray(
Services.xulStore.getValue(MESSENGER_WINDOW, toolbarId, "extensionset")
// Extensions are inserted before the appmenu button, which is usually at the
// end of the default set.
if (extensionContents.length) {
const appmenuIndex = defaultContents.findIndex(
itemId => itemId === "button-appmenu"
if (appmenuIndex !== -1) {
defaultContents.splice(appmenuIndex, 0, ...extensionContents);
} else {
defaultContents = defaultContents.concat(extensionContents);
return (
toolbarContents.length === defaultContents.length &&
toolbarContents.every((itemId, index) => itemId === defaultContents[index])
* Check if the XUL toolbar customization state is equivalent to its default set
* for a given space.
* @param {string} space - Name of the space to check the default set for.
* @returns {boolean} If the state of the old XUL toolbars matches the default
* set for that space. True if we don't know any toolbar for the given space.
function stateMatchesDefault(space) {
if (!TOOLBAR_FOR_SPACE.hasOwnProperty(space)) {
return true;
if (!oldToolbarContainsDefaultItems(TOOLBAR_FOR_SPACE[space])) {
return false;
if (space === "mail") {
if (!oldToolbarContainsDefaultItems("tabbar-toolbar")) {
return false;
if (!oldToolbarContainsDefaultItems("toolbar-menubar")) {
return false;
return true;
* Remove all the persisted state of a XUL toolbar from the XUL store.
* @param {string} toolbarId - Element ID of the XUL toolbar to clear the state
* of.
export function clearXULToolbarState(toolbarId) {
Services.xulStore.removeValue(MESSENGER_WINDOW, toolbarId, "currentset");
Services.xulStore.removeValue(MESSENGER_WINDOW, toolbarId, "defaultset");
Services.xulStore.removeValue(MESSENGER_WINDOW, toolbarId, "extensionset");
* Migrate the old xul toolbar contents for a given space to the unified toolbar
* if the unified toolbar has not yet been customized.
* Adds both the contents of the space specific toolbar and the tab bar and menu
* bar areas to the unified toolbar, if the items are available.
* When the migration is complete, the old XUL store values for the XUL toolbar
* area are deleted.
* @param {string} space - Name of the space to migrate.
export function migrateToolbarForSpace(space) {
const state = getState();
// If the mail toolbar areas are all in their default state, we don't want to
// migrate their contents.
const mailToolbarInDefaultState =
space === "mail" && stateMatchesDefault(space);
// Don't migrate contents if the state of the space is already customized.
if (state[space] || mailToolbarInDefaultState) {
if (mailToolbarInDefaultState && TOOLBAR_FOR_SPACE.hasOwnProperty(space)) {
state[space] = getItemsForSpace(space);
if (TOOLBAR_FOR_SPACE.hasOwnProperty(space)) {
// Remove all the state for the old toolbar of the space.