Name Description Size
components.conf 1553 742
nsMailProfileMigratorUtils.cpp 3314
nsMailProfileMigratorUtils.h 2112
nsNetscapeProfileMigratorBase.cpp 12093
nsNetscapeProfileMigratorBase.h 4256
nsOutlookProfileMigrator.cpp 4094
nsOutlookProfileMigrator.h 930
nsProfileMigratorBase.cpp 5405
nsProfileMigratorBase.h 1416
nsSeamonkeyProfileMigrator.cpp 41511
nsSeamonkeyProfileMigrator.h 3579
ThunderbirdProfileMigrator.sys.mjs A pref is represented as [type, name, value]. @typedef {["Bool"|"Char"|"Int", string, number|string|boolean]} PrefItem A map from source smtp server key to target smtp server key. @typedef {Map<string, string>} SmtpServerKeyMap A map from source identity key to target identity key. @typedef {Map<string, string>} IdentityKeyMap A map from source IM account key to target IM account key. @typedef {Map<string, string>} IMAccountKeyMap A map from source incoming server key to target incoming server key. @typedef {Map<string, string>} IncomingServerKeyMap 28364