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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var CC = Components.Constructor;
import { GlodaAccount } from "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaDataModel.sys.mjs";
import { GlodaConstants } from "resource:///modules/gloda/GlodaConstants.sys.mjs";
import {
import { IMServices } from "resource:///modules/IMServices.sys.mjs";
import { MailServices } from "resource:///modules/MailServices.sys.mjs";
import { FileUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs";
import { clearTimeout, setTimeout } from "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
var kCacheFileName = "indexedFiles.json";
var FileInputStream = CC(
var ScriptableInputStream = CC(
// kIndexingDelay is how long we wait from the point of scheduling an indexing
// job to actually carrying it out.
var kIndexingDelay = 5000; // in milliseconds
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "MailFolder", () =>
var gIMAccounts = {};
function GlodaIMConversation(aTitle, aTime, aPath, aContent) {
// grokNounItem from Gloda.sys.mjs puts automatically the values of all
// JS properties in the jsonAttributes magic attribute, except if
// they start with _, so we put the values in _-prefixed properties,
// and have getters in the prototype.
this._title = aTitle;
this._time = aTime;
this._path = aPath;
this._content = aContent;
GlodaIMConversation.prototype = {
get title() {
return this._title;
get time() {
return this._time;
get path() {
return this._path;
get content() {
return this._content;
// for glodaFacetBindings.xml compatibility (pretend we are a message object)
get account() {
const [protocol, username] = this._path.split("/", 2);
const cacheName = protocol + "/" + username;
if (cacheName in gIMAccounts) {
return gIMAccounts[cacheName];
// Find the nsIIncomingServer for the current imIAccount.
for (const account of MailServices.accounts.accounts) {
const incomingServer = account.incomingServer;
if (!incomingServer || incomingServer.type != "im") {
const imAccount = incomingServer.wrappedJSObject.imAccount;
if (
imAccount.protocol.normalizedName == protocol &&
imAccount.normalizedName == username
) {
return (gIMAccounts[cacheName] = new GlodaAccount(incomingServer));
// The IM conversation is probably for an account that no longer exists.
return null;
get subject() {
return this._title;
get date() {
return new Date(this._time * 1000);
get involves() {
return GlodaConstants.IGNORE_FACET;
_recipients: null,
get recipients() {
if (!this._recipients) {
this._recipients = [{ contact: { name: this._path.split("/", 2)[1] } }];
return this._recipients;
_from: null,
get from() {
if (!this._from) {
let from = "";
const account = this.account;
if (account) {
from =;
this._from = { value: "", contact: { name: from } };
return this._from;
get tags() {
return [];
get starred() {
return false;
get attachmentNames() {
return null;
get indexedBodyText() {
return this._content;
get read() {
return true;
get folder() {
return GlodaConstants.IGNORE_FACET;
// for glodaFacetView.js _removeDupes
get headerMessageID() {
var WidgetProvider = {
providerName: "widget",
*process() {
// XXX What is this supposed to do?
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
var IMConversationNoun = {
name: "im-conversation",
clazz: GlodaIMConversation,
allowsArbitraryAttrs: true,
tableName: "imConversations",
schema: {
columns: [
["title", "STRING"],
["time", "NUMBER"],
["path", "STRING"],
fulltextColumns: [["content", "STRING"]],
// Needs to be set after calling defineNoun, otherwise it's replaced
// by GlodaDatabind.sys.mjs' implementation.
IMConversationNoun.objFromRow = function (aRow) {
// Row columns are:
// 0 id
// 1 title
// 2 time
// 3 path
// 4 jsonAttributes
// 5 content
// 6 offsets
const conv = new GlodaIMConversation(
); = aRow.getInt64(0); // handleResult will keep only our first result
// if the id property isn't set.
return conv;
var EXT_NAME = "im";
// --- special (on-row) attributes
provider: WidgetProvider,
extensionName: EXT_NAME,
attributeType: GlodaConstants.kAttrFundamental,
attributeName: "time",
singular: true,
special: GlodaConstants.kSpecialColumn,
specialColumnName: "time",
subjectNouns: [],
objectNoun: GlodaConstants.NOUN_NUMBER,
canQuery: true,
provider: WidgetProvider,
extensionName: EXT_NAME,
attributeType: GlodaConstants.kAttrFundamental,
attributeName: "title",
singular: true,
special: GlodaConstants.kSpecialString,
specialColumnName: "title",
subjectNouns: [],
objectNoun: GlodaConstants.NOUN_STRING,
canQuery: true,
provider: WidgetProvider,
extensionName: EXT_NAME,
attributeType: GlodaConstants.kAttrFundamental,
attributeName: "path",
singular: true,
special: GlodaConstants.kSpecialString,
specialColumnName: "path",
subjectNouns: [],
objectNoun: GlodaConstants.NOUN_STRING,
canQuery: true,
// --- fulltext attributes
provider: WidgetProvider,
extensionName: EXT_NAME,
attributeType: GlodaConstants.kAttrFundamental,
attributeName: "content",
singular: true,
special: GlodaConstants.kSpecialFulltext,
specialColumnName: "content",
subjectNouns: [],
objectNoun: GlodaConstants.NOUN_FULLTEXT,
canQuery: true,
// -- fulltext search helper
// fulltextMatches. Match over message subject, body, and attachments
// @testpoint gloda.noun.message.attr.fulltextMatches
provider: WidgetProvider,
extensionName: EXT_NAME,
attributeType: GlodaConstants.kAttrDerived,
attributeName: "fulltextMatches",
singular: true,
special: GlodaConstants.kSpecialFulltext,
specialColumnName: "imConversationsText",
subjectNouns: [],
objectNoun: GlodaConstants.NOUN_FULLTEXT,
// For Facet.sys.mjs DateFaceter
provider: WidgetProvider,
extensionName: EXT_NAME,
attributeType: GlodaConstants.kAttrDerived,
attributeName: "date",
singular: true,
special: GlodaConstants.kSpecialColumn,
subjectNouns: [],
objectNoun: GlodaConstants.NOUN_NUMBER,
facet: {
type: "date",
canQuery: true,
var GlodaIMIndexer = {
name: "index_im",
cacheVersion: 1,
enable() {
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "conversation-closed");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "new-ui-conversation");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "conversation-update-type");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "ui-conversation-closed");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "ui-conversation-replaced");
// The shutdown blocker ensures pending saves happen even if the app
// gets shut down before the timer fires.
if (this._shutdownBlockerAdded) {
this._shutdownBlockerAdded = true;
"GlodaIMIndexer cache save",
() => {
if (!this._cacheSaveTimer) {
return Promise.resolve();
return this._saveCacheNow();
this._knownFiles = {};
const dir = new FileUtils.File(
PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "logs")
if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) {
const cacheFile = dir.clone();
if (!cacheFile.exists()) {
const PR_RDONLY = 0x01;
const fis = new FileInputStream(
parseInt("0444", 8),
const sis = new ScriptableInputStream(fis);
const text =;
const data = JSON.parse(text);
// Check to see if the Gloda datastore ID matches the one that we saved
// in the cache. If so, we can trust it. If not, that means that the
// cache is likely invalid now, so we ignore it (and eventually
// overwrite it).
if (
"datastoreID" in data &&
Gloda.datastoreID &&
data.datastoreID === Gloda.datastoreID
) {
// Ok, the cache's datastoreID matches the one we expected, so it's
// still valid.
this._knownFiles = data.knownFiles;
this.cacheVersion = data.version;
// If there was no version set on the cache, there is a chance that the index
// is affected by bug 1069845. fixEntriesWithAbsolutePaths() sets the version to 1.
if (!this.cacheVersion) {
disable() {
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "conversation-closed");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "new-ui-conversation");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "conversation-update-type");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "ui-conversation-closed");
Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "ui-conversation-replaced");
/* _knownFiles is a tree whose leaves are the last modified times of
* log files when they were last indexed.
* Each level of the tree is stored as an object. The root node is an
* object that maps a protocol name to an object representing the subtree
* for that protocol. The structure is:
* _knownFiles -> protoObj -> accountObj -> convObj
* The corresponding keys of the above objects are:
* protocol names -> account names -> conv names -> file names -> last modified time
* convObj maps ALL previously indexed log files of a chat buddy or MUC to
* their last modified times. Note that gloda knows nothing about log grouping
* done by logger.js.
_knownFiles: {},
_cacheSaveTimer: null,
_shutdownBlockerAdded: false,
_scheduleCacheSave() {
if (this._cacheSaveTimer) {
this._cacheSaveTimer = setTimeout(this._saveCacheNow, 5000);
_saveCacheNow() {
GlodaIMIndexer._cacheSaveTimer = null;
const data = {
knownFiles: GlodaIMIndexer._knownFiles,
datastoreID: Gloda.datastoreID,
version: GlodaIMIndexer.cacheVersion,
// Asynchronously copy the data to the file.
const path = PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
return IOUtils.writeJSON(path, data, {
tmpPath: path + ".tmp",
}).catch(aError => console.error("Failed to write cache file: " + aError));
_knownConversations: {},
// Promise queue for indexing jobs. The next indexing job is queued using this
// promise's then() to ensure we only load logs for one conv at a time.
_indexingJobPromise: null,
// Maps a conv id to the function that resolves the promise representing the
// ongoing indexing job on it. This is called from indexIMConversation when it
// finishes and will trigger the next queued indexing job.
_indexingJobCallbacks: new Map(),
_scheduleIndexingJob(aConversation) {
const convId =;
// If we've already scheduled this conversation to be indexed, let's
// not repeat.
if (!(convId in this._knownConversations)) {
this._knownConversations[convId] = {
id: convId,
scheduledIndex: null,
logFileCount: null,
convObj: {},
if (!this._knownConversations[convId].scheduledIndex) {
// Ok, let's schedule the job.
this._knownConversations[convId].scheduledIndex = setTimeout(
this._beginIndexingJob.bind(this, aConversation),
_beginIndexingJob(aConversation) {
const convId =;
// In the event that we're triggering this indexing job manually, without
// bothering to schedule it (for example, when a conversation is closed),
// we give the conversation an entry in _knownConversations, which would
// normally have been done in _scheduleIndexingJob.
if (!(convId in this._knownConversations)) {
this._knownConversations[convId] = {
id: convId,
scheduledIndex: null,
logFileCount: null,
convObj: {},
const conv = this._knownConversations[convId];
(async () => {
// We need to get the log files every time, because a new log file might
// have been started since we last got them.
const logFiles = await IMServices.logs.getLogPathsForConversation(
if (!logFiles || !logFiles.length) {
// No log files exist yet, nothing to do!
if (conv.logFileCount == undefined) {
// We initialize the _knownFiles tree path for the current files below in
// case it doesn't already exist.
let folder = PathUtils.parent(logFiles[0]);
const convName = PathUtils.filename(folder);
folder = PathUtils.parent(folder);
const accountName = PathUtils.filename(folder);
folder = PathUtils.parent(folder);
const protoName = PathUtils.filename(folder);
if (
!, protoName)
) {
this._knownFiles[protoName] = {};
const protoObj = this._knownFiles[protoName];
if (!, accountName)) {
protoObj[accountName] = {};
const accountObj = protoObj[accountName];
if (!, convName)) {
accountObj[convName] = {};
// convObj is the penultimate level of the tree,
// maps file name -> last modified time
conv.convObj = accountObj[convName];
conv.logFileCount = 0;
// The last log file in the array is the one currently being written to.
// When new log files are started, we want to finish indexing the previous
// one as well as index the new ones. The index of the previous one is
// conv.logFiles.length - 1, so we slice from there. This gives us all new
// log files even if there are multiple new ones.
const currentLogFiles =
conv.logFileCount > 1
? logFiles.slice(conv.logFileCount - 1)
: logFiles;
for (const logFile of currentLogFiles) {
const fileName = PathUtils.filename(logFile);
const lastModifiedTime = (await IOUtils.stat(logFile)).lastModified;
if (, fileName) &&
conv.convObj[fileName] == lastModifiedTime
) {
// The file hasn't changed since we last indexed it, so we're done.
if (this._indexingJobPromise) {
await this._indexingJobPromise;
this._indexingJobPromise = new Promise(aResolve => {
this._indexingJobCallbacks.set(convId, aResolve);
const job = new IndexingJob("indexIMConversation", null);
job.conversation = conv;
job.path = logFile;
job.lastModifiedTime = lastModifiedTime;
conv.logFileCount = logFiles.length;
// Now clear the job, so we can index in the future.
this._knownConversations[convId].scheduledIndex = null;
observe(aSubject, aTopic) {
if (
aTopic == "new-ui-conversation" ||
aTopic == "conversation-update-type"
) {
// Add ourselves to the ui-conversation's list of observers for the
// unread-message-count-changed notification.
// For this notification, aSubject is the ui-conversation that is opened.
if (
aTopic == "ui-conversation-closed" ||
aTopic == "ui-conversation-replaced"
) {
if (aTopic == "unread-message-count-changed") {
// We get this notification by attaching observers to conversations
// directly (see the new-ui-conversation handler for when we attach).
if (aSubject.unreadIncomingMessageCount == 0) {
// The unread message count changed to 0, meaning that a conversation
// that had been in the background and receiving messages was suddenly
// moved to the foreground and displayed to the user. We schedule an
// indexing job on this conversation now, since we want to index messages
// that the user has seen.
if (aTopic == "conversation-closed") {
const convId =;
// If there's a scheduled indexing job, cancel it, because we're going
// to index now.
if (
convId in this._knownConversations &&
this._knownConversations[convId].scheduledIndex != null
) {
delete this._knownConversations[convId];
if (aTopic == "new-text" && !aSubject.noLog) {
// Ok, some new text is about to be put into a conversation. For this
// notification, aSubject is a prplIMessage.
const conv = aSubject.conversation;
const uiConv = IMServices.conversations.getUIConversation(conv);
// We only want to schedule an indexing job if this message is
// immediately visible to the user. We figure this out by finding
// the unread message count on the associated UIConversation for this
// message. If the unread count is 0, we know that the message has been
// displayed to the user.
if (uiConv.unreadIncomingMessageCount == 0) {
/* If there is an existing gloda conversation for the given path,
* find its id.
_getIdFromPath(aPath) {
const selectStatement = lazy.GlodaDatastore._createAsyncStatement(
"SELECT id FROM imConversations WHERE path = ?1"
selectStatement.bindByIndex(0, aPath);
let id;
return new Promise(resolve => {
handleResult: aResultSet => {
const row = aResultSet.getNextRow();
if (!row) {
if (id || aResultSet.getNextRow()) {
"Warning: found more than one gloda conv id for " + aPath + "\n"
id = id || row.getInt64(0); // We use the first found id.
handleError: aError =>
console.error("Error finding gloda id from path:\n" + aError),
handleCompletion: () => {
// Get the path of a log file relative to the logs directory - the last 4
// components of the path.
_getRelativePath(aLogPath) {
return PathUtils.split(aLogPath).slice(-4).join("/");
* @param {object} aCache - An object mapping file names to their last
* modified times at the time they were last indexed. The value for the file
* currently being indexed is updated to the aLastModifiedTime parameter's
* value once indexing is complete.
* @param {GlodaIMConversation} [aGlodaConv] - An optional in-out param that
* lets the caller save and reuse the GlodaIMConversation instance created
* when the conversation is indexed the first time. After a conversation is
* indexed for the first time, the GlodaIMConversation instance has its id
* property set to the row id of the conversation in the database. This id
* is required to later update the conversation in the database, so the
* caller dealing with ongoing conversation has to provide the aGlodaConv
* parameter, while the caller dealing with old conversations doesn't care.
async indexIMConversation(
) {
const log = await IMServices.logs.getLogFromFile(aLogPath);
const logConv = await log.getConversation();
// Ignore corrupted log files.
if (!logConv) {
return GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
const fileName = PathUtils.filename(aLogPath);
const messages = logConv
// Some messages returned, e.g. sessionstart messages,
// may have the noLog flag set. Ignore these.
.filter(m => !m.noLog);
let content = [];
while (messages.length > 0) {
await new Promise(resolve => {
ChromeUtils.idleDispatch(timing => {
while (timing.timeRemaining() > 5 && messages.length > 0) {
const m = messages.shift();
const who = m.alias || m.who;
// Messages like topic change notifications may not have a source.
const prefix = who ? who + ": " : "";
prefix +
"<!DOCTYPE html>" + m.message
content = content.join("\n\n");
let glodaConv;
if (aGlodaConv && aGlodaConv.value) {
glodaConv = aGlodaConv.value;
glodaConv._content = content;
} else {
const relativePath = this._getRelativePath(aLogPath);
glodaConv = new GlodaIMConversation(
// If we've indexed this file before, we need the id of the existing
// gloda conversation so that the existing entry gets updated. This can
// happen if the log sweep detects that the last messages in an open
// chat were not in fact indexed before that session was shut down.
const id = await this._getIdFromPath(relativePath);
if (id) { = id;
if (aGlodaConv) {
aGlodaConv.value = glodaConv;
if (!aCache) {
throw new Error("indexIMConversation called without aCache parameter.");
const isNew =
!, fileName) && !;
const rv = aCallbackHandle.pushAndGo(
Gloda.grokNounItem(glodaConv, {}, true, isNew, aCallbackHandle)
if (!aLastModifiedTime) {
"indexIMConversation called without lastModifiedTime parameter."
aCache[fileName] = aLastModifiedTime || 1;
return rv;
*_worker_indexIMConversation(aJob, aCallbackHandle) {
const glodaConv = {};
const existingGlodaConv = aJob.conversation.glodaConv;
if (
existingGlodaConv &&
existingGlodaConv.path == this._getRelativePath(aJob.path)
) {
glodaConv.value = aJob.conversation.glodaConv;
// indexIMConversation may initiate an async grokNounItem sub-job.
).then(() => GlodaIndexer.callbackDriver());
// Tell the Indexer that we're doing async indexing. We'll be left alone
// until callbackDriver() is called above.
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkAsync;
// Resolve the promise for this job.
this._indexingJobPromise = null;
aJob.conversation.indexPending = false;
aJob.conversation.glodaConv = glodaConv.value;
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
*_worker_logsFolderSweep() {
const dir = new FileUtils.File(
PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "logs")
if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) {
// If the folder does not exist, then we are done.
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
// Sweep the logs directory for log files, adding any new entries to the
// _knownFiles tree as we traverse.
for (const proto of dir.directoryEntries) {
if (!proto.isDirectory()) {
const protoName = proto.leafName;
if (!, protoName)) {
this._knownFiles[protoName] = {};
const protoObj = this._knownFiles[protoName];
const accounts = proto.directoryEntries;
for (const account of accounts) {
if (!account.isDirectory()) {
const accountName = account.leafName;
if (!, accountName)) {
protoObj[accountName] = {};
const accountObj = protoObj[accountName];
for (const conv of account.directoryEntries) {
const convName = conv.leafName;
if (!conv.isDirectory() || convName == ".system") {
if (!, convName)) {
accountObj[convName] = {};
const job = new IndexingJob("convFolderSweep", null);
job.folder = conv;
job.convObj = accountObj[convName];
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
*_worker_convFolderSweep(aJob, aCallbackHandle) {
const folder = aJob.folder;
for (const file of folder.directoryEntries) {
const fileName = file.leafName;
if (
!file.isFile() ||
!file.isReadable() ||
!fileName.endsWith(".json") ||
(, fileName) &&
aJob.convObj[fileName] == file.lastModifiedTime)
) {
// indexIMConversation may initiate an async grokNounItem sub-job.
).then(() => GlodaIndexer.callbackDriver());
// Tell the Indexer that we're doing async indexing. We'll be left alone
// until callbackDriver() is called above.
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkAsync;
yield GlodaConstants.kWorkDone;
get workers() {
return [
["indexIMConversation", { worker: this._worker_indexIMConversation }],
["logsFolderSweep", { worker: this._worker_logsFolderSweep }],
["convFolderSweep", { worker: this._worker_convFolderSweep }],
initialSweep() {
const job = new IndexingJob("logsFolderSweep", null);
// Due to bug 1069845, some logs were indexed against their full paths instead
// of their path relative to the logs directory. These entries are updated to
// use relative paths below.
fixEntriesWithAbsolutePaths() {
const store = lazy.GlodaDatastore;
const selectStatement = store._createAsyncStatement(
"SELECT id, path FROM imConversations"
const updateStatement = store._createAsyncStatement(
"UPDATE imConversations SET path = ?1 WHERE id = ?2"
handleResult: aResultSet => {
let row;
while ((row = aResultSet.getNextRow())) {
// If the path has more than 4 components, it is not relative to
// the logs folder. Update it to use only the last 4 components.
// The absolute paths were stored as OS-specific paths, so we split
// them with PathUtils.split(). It's a safe assumption that nobody
// ported their profile folder to a different OS since the regression,
// so this should work.
const pathComponents = PathUtils.split(row.getString(1));
if (pathComponents.length > 4) {
updateStatement.bindByIndex(1, row.getInt64(0)); // id
updateStatement.bindByIndex(0, pathComponents.slice(-4).join("/")); // Last 4 path components
handleResult: () => {},
handleError: aError =>
console.error("Error updating bad entry:\n" + aError),
handleCompletion: () => {},
handleError: aError =>
console.error("Error looking for bad entries:\n" + aError),
handleCompletion: () => {
store.runPostCommit(() => {
this.cacheVersion = 1;