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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
import { IMServices } from "resource:///modules/IMServices.sys.mjs";
export function IMIncomingServer() {}
IMIncomingServer.prototype = {
get wrappedJSObject() {
return this;
_imAccount: null,
get imAccount() {
if (this._imAccount) {
return this._imAccount;
const id = this.getCharValue("imAccount");
if (!id) {
return null;
return (this._imAccount = IMServices.accounts.getAccountById(id));
set imAccount(aImAccount) {
this._imAccount = aImAccount;
_prefBranch: null,
valid: true,
hidden: false,
get offlineSupportLevel() {
return 0;
get supportsDiskSpace() {
return false;
_key: "",
get key() {
return this._key;
set key(aKey) {
this._key = aKey;
this._prefBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch("mail.server." + aKey + ".");
equals(aServer) {
return "wrappedJSObject" in aServer && aServer.wrappedJSObject == this;
clearAllValues() {
for (const prefName of this._prefBranch.getChildList("")) {
delete this._prefBranch;
delete this._imAccount;
// Returns the directory where the account would have its data stored.
// There are currently conversation logs only.
// It may not exist yet.
// This is used in account removal dialog and should return the same path
// that the removeFiles() function deletes.
get localPath() {
const logPath = IMServices.logs.getLogFolderPathForAccount(this.imAccount);
const file = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
return file;
// Removes files created by this account.
removeFiles() {
// called by nsMsgAccountManager while deleting an account:
forgetSessionPassword() {},
forgetPassword() {
// Password is cleared in imAccount.remove()
// TODO: this may need to be implemented here as a separate function
// once IM accounts support changing username/hostname.
// Shown in the "Remove Account" confirm prompt.
get prettyName() {
const protocol = ||;
return protocol + " - " +;
// XXX Flo: I don't think constructedPrettyName is visible in the UI
get constructedPrettyName() {
return "constructedPrettyName FIXME";
port: -1,
accountManagerChrome: "am-im.xhtml",
// FIXME need a new imIIncomingService iface + classinfo for these 3 properties :(
get password() {
return this.imAccount.password;
set password(aPassword) {
this.imAccount.password = aPassword;
get alias() {
return this.imAccount.alias;
set alias(aAlias) {
this.imAccount.alias = aAlias;
get autojoin() {
try {
const prefName = "messenger.account." + + ".autoJoin";
return Services.prefs.getStringPref(prefName);
} catch (e) {
return "";
set autojoin(aAutoJoin) {
const prefName = "messenger.account." + + ".autoJoin";
Services.prefs.setStringPref(prefName, aAutoJoin);
get autologin() {
try {
const prefName = "messenger.account." + + ".autoLogin";
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
} catch (e) {
return false;
set autologin(aAutoLogin) {
const prefName = "messenger.account." + + ".autoLogin";
Services.prefs.setBoolPref(prefName, aAutoLogin);
// This is used for user-visible advanced preferences.
setUnicharValue(aPrefName, aValue) {
if (aPrefName == "autojoin") {
this.autojoin = aValue;
} else if (aPrefName == "alias") {
this.alias = aValue;
} else if (aPrefName == "password") {
this.password = aValue;
} else {
this.imAccount.setString(aPrefName, aValue);
getUnicharValue(aPrefName) {
if (aPrefName == "autojoin") {
return this.autojoin;
if (aPrefName == "alias") {
return this.alias;
if (aPrefName == "password") {
return this.password;
try {
const prefName =
"messenger.account." + + ".options." + aPrefName;
return Services.prefs.getStringPref(prefName);
} catch (x) {
return this._getDefault(aPrefName);
setBoolValue(aPrefName, aValue) {
if (aPrefName == "autologin") {
this.autologin = aValue;
this.imAccount.setBool(aPrefName, aValue);
getBoolValue(aPrefName) {
if (aPrefName == "autologin") {
return this.autologin;
try {
const prefName =
"messenger.account." + + ".options." + aPrefName;
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
} catch (x) {
return this._getDefault(aPrefName);
setIntValue(aPrefName, aValue) {
this.imAccount.setInt(aPrefName, aValue);
getIntValue(aPrefName) {
try {
const prefName =
"messenger.account." + + ".options." + aPrefName;
return Services.prefs.getIntPref(prefName);
} catch (x) {
return this._getDefault(aPrefName);
_defaultOptionValues: null,
_getDefault(aPrefName) {
if (aPrefName == "otrVerifyNudge") {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("chat.otr.default.verifyNudge");
if (aPrefName == "otrRequireEncryption") {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("chat.otr.default.requireEncryption");
if (aPrefName == "otrAllowMsgLog") {
return Services.prefs.getBoolPref("chat.otr.default.allowMsgLog");
if (this._defaultOptionValues) {
return this._defaultOptionValues[aPrefName];
this._defaultOptionValues = {};
for (const opt of this.imAccount.protocol.getOptions()) {
const type = opt.type;
if (type == Ci.prplIPref.typeBool) {
this._defaultOptionValues[] = opt.getBool();
} else if (type == Ci.prplIPref.typeInt) {
this._defaultOptionValues[] = opt.getInt();
} else if (type == Ci.prplIPref.typeString) {
this._defaultOptionValues[] = opt.getString();
} else if (type == Ci.prplIPref.typeList) {
this._defaultOptionValues[] = opt.getListDefault();
return this._defaultOptionValues[aPrefName];
// the "Char" type will be used only for "imAccount" and internally.
setCharValue(aPrefName, aValue) {
this._prefBranch.setCharPref(aPrefName, aValue);
getCharValue(aPrefName) {
try {
return this._prefBranch.getCharPref(aPrefName);
} catch (x) {
return "";
get type() {
return this._prefBranch.getCharPref("type");
set type(aType) {
this._prefBranch.setCharPref("type", aType);
get username() {
return this._prefBranch.getCharPref("userName");
set username(aUsername) {
if (!aUsername) {
// nsMsgAccountManager::GetIncomingServer expects the pref to
// be named userName but some early test versions with IM had
// the pref named username.
this._prefBranch.setCharPref("userName", aUsername);
get hostName() {
return this._prefBranch.getCharPref("hostname");
set hostName(aHostName) {
this._prefBranch.setCharPref("hostname", aHostName);
writeToFolderCache() {},
closeCachedConnections() {},
// Shutdown the server instance so at least disconnect from the server.
shutdown() {
// Ensure this account has not been destroyed already.
if (this.imAccount.prplAccount) {
setFilterList() {},
get canBeDefaultServer() {
return false;
// AccountManager.js verifies that spamSettings is non-null before
// using the initialize method, but we can't just use a null value
// because that would crash nsMsgPurgeService::PerformPurge which
// only verifies the nsresult return value of the spamSettings
// getter before accessing the level property.
get spamSettings() {
return {
level: 0,
initialize() {},
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsISpamSettings"]),
// nsMsgDBFolder.cpp crashes in HandleAutoCompactEvent if this doesn't exist:
msgStore: {
supportsCompaction: false,
get serverURI() {
return "im://" + + "/" +;
_rootFolder: null,
get rootMsgFolder() {
return this.rootFolder;
get rootFolder() {
if (this._rootFolder) {
return this._rootFolder;
return (this._rootFolder = {
isServer: true,
server: this,
get URI() {
return this.server.serverURI;
get prettyName() {
return this.server.prettyName;
}, // used in the account manager tree
get name() {
return this.server.prettyName + " name";
}, // never displayed?
// used in the folder pane tree, if we don't hide the IM accounts:
get abbreviatedName() {
return this.server.prettyName + "abbreviatedName";
AddFolderListener() {},
RemoveFolderListener() {},
descendants: [],
getFlag: () => false,
getFolderWithFlags: () => null,
getFoldersWithFlags: () => [],
get subFolders() {
return [];
getStringProperty: () => "",
getNumUnread: () => 0,
Shutdown() {},
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIMsgFolder"]),
get sortOrder() {
return 300000000;
get protocolInfo() {
return Cc[";1?type=im"].getService(
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIMsgIncomingServer"]),