Name Description Size
test_autoconfigUtils.js Tests for GuessConfig.sys.mjs Currently tested: - getHostEntry function. - getIncomingTryOrder function. - getOutgoingTryOrder function. TODO: - Test the returned CMDS. - Figure out what else to test. 8288
test_autoconfigXML.js Tests accountcreation/readFromXML.js , reading the XML files containing a mail configuration. To allow forwards-compatibility (add new stuff in the future without breaking old clients on the new files), we are now fairly tolerant when reading and allow fallback mechanisms. This test checks whether that works, and of course also whether we can read a normal config and get the proper values. 26342
test_fetchConfig.js Tests the FetchConfig module, getting a configuration file from the local `isp` directory, the ISP's server, or the autoconfig service server, and reading that file. 16353
test_findConfig.js Tests the Find Config module functions. test_fetchConfig tests the network calls already, so just testing the config result. 6802
test_guessConfig.js Tests the GuessConfig module, starting with the basic function for checking a server's response, then adding more layers until finally doing a full configuration guess. This test uses mock servers, behind a SOCKS proxy pretending they exist with known hostnames and standard ports. It also creates exceptions for TLS connections using a test certificate. 26583
xpcshell.ini 300