Name Description Size 7966
browserPopups.js import-globals-from ../utilityOverlay.js 30164
customizable-toolbar.js globals MozXULElement 9290
folder-tree-row.mjs Represents a single row in the folder tree. The row can be for a server or a folder. Use `folderPane._createServerRow` or `folderPane._createFolderRow` to create rows. 13035
foldersummary.js global MozElements 10175
gloda-autocomplete-input.js global MozXULElement 7375
glodaFacet.js global DateFacetVis, FacetContext 57814
header-fields.js global gMessageHeader, gMessage 36458
mailWidgets.js import-globals-from ../../../components/compose/content/addressingWidgetOverlay.js 74304
pane-splitter.js A widget for adjusting the size of its {@link PaneSplitter#resizeElement}. By default, the splitter will resize the height of the resizeElement, but this can be changed using the "resize-direction" attribute. If dragged, the splitter will set a CSS variable on the parent element, which is named from the id of the element plus "width" or "height" as appropriate (e.g. --splitter-width). The variable should be used to set the border-area width or height of the resizeElement. Often, you will want to naturally limit the size of the resizeElement to prevent it exceeding its min or max size bounds, and to remain within the available space of its container. One way to do this is to use a grid layout on the container and size the resizeElement's row with "minmax(auto, --splitter-height)", or similar for the column when adjusting the width. This splitter element fires a "splitter-resizing" event as dragging begins, and "splitter-resized" when it ends. The resizeElement can be collapsed and expanded. Whilst collapsed, the "collapsed-by-splitter" class will be added to the resizeElement and the "--<id>-width" or "--<id>-height" CSS variable, will be be set to "0px". The "splitter-collapsed" and "splitter-expanded" events are fired as appropriate. If the splitter has a "collapse-width" or "collapse-height" attribute, collapsing and expanding happens automatically when below the given size. 17416 846
search-bar.mjs Search input with customizable search button and placeholder. Template ID: #searchBarTemplate (from @tagname search-bar @attribute {string} label - Search field label for accessibility tree. @attribute {boolean} disabled - When present, disable the search field and button. @attribute {number} maxlength - Max length of the input in the search field. @slot placeholder - Content displayed as placeholder. When not provided, the value of the label attribute is shown as placeholder. @slot clear-button - Content displayed on the clear button. @slot search-button - Content displayed on the search button. @fires {CustomEvent} search - Event when a search should be executed. detail holds the search term. @fires {CustomEvent} autocomplete - Auto complete update. detail holds the current search term. @cssproperty --search-bar-color - Text color of the search bar. @cssproperty --search-bar-border-color - Border color of the search bar. @cssproperty --search-bar-background - Background color of the search bar. @cssproperty --search-bar-focus-background - Background color of the search bar when focused. 5583
statuspanel.js global MozXULElement 1983
tabmail-tab.js global MozElements, MozXULElement 6003
tabmail-tabs.js global MozElements, MozXULElement 20785
toolbarbutton-menu-button.js global MozXULElement 2584 1094
tree-selection.mjs This implementation attempts to mimic the behavior of nsTreeSelection. In a few cases, this leads to potentially confusing actions. I attempt to note when we are doing this and why we do it. Unit test is in mail/base/test/unit/test_treeSelection.js 22974
tree-view.mjs Main tree view container that takes care of generating the main scrollable DIV and the tree table. 85792