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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* There are a variety of non-standard extensions to IRC that are implemented by
* different servers. This implementation is based on a combination of
* documentation and reverse engineering. Each handler must include a comment
* listing the known servers that support this extension.
* Resources for these commands include:
import { l10nHelper } from "resource:///modules/imXPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
import { ircHandlerPriorities } from "resource:///modules/ircHandlerPriorities.sys.mjs";
import {
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "_", () =>
export var ircNonStandard = {
name: "Non-Standard IRC Extensions",
priority: ircHandlerPriorities.DEFAULT_PRIORITY + 1,
isEnabled: () => true,
commands: {
NOTICE(aMessage) {
// NOTICE <msgtarget> <text>
if (
aMessage.params[1].startsWith("*** You cannot list within the first")
) {
// SECURELIST: "You cannot list within the first N seconds of connecting.
// Please try again later." This NOTICE will be followed by a 321/323
// pair, but no list data.
// We fake the last LIST time so that we will retry LIST the next time
// the user requires it after the interval specified.
const kMinute = 60000;
const waitTime = aMessage.params[1].split(" ")[7] * 1000 || kMinute;
this._lastListTime = + waitTime - kListRefreshInterval;
return true;
// If the user is connected, fallback to normal processing, everything
// past this points deals with NOTICE messages that occur before 001 is
// received.
if (this.connected) {
return false;
const target = aMessage.params[0].toLowerCase();
// If we receive a ZNC error message requesting a password, the
// serverPassword preference was not set by the user. Attempt to log into
// ZNC using the account password.
if (
target == "auth" &&
aMessage.params[1].startsWith("*** You need to send your password.")
) {
if (this.imAccount.password) {
// Send the password now, if it is available.
this.shouldAuthenticate = false;
"PASS <password not logged>"
} else {
// Otherwise, put the account in an error state.
// All done for ZNC.
return true;
// Some servers, e.g., use NOTICE during connection
// negotiation to give directions to users, these MUST be shown to the
// user. If the message starts with ***, we assume it is probably an AUTH
// message, which falls through to normal NOTICE processing.
// Note that if the user's nick is auth this COULD be a notice directed at
// them. For reference: moznet sends Auth (previously sent AUTH), freenode
// sends *.
const isAuth = target == "auth" && this._nickname.toLowerCase() != "auth";
if (!aMessage.params[1].startsWith("***") && !isAuth) {
incoming: true,
tags: aMessage.tags,
return true;
return false;
"042": function () {
// <nick> <id> :your unique ID
return true;
307(aMessage) {
// TODO RPL_USERIP (Undernet)
// <user ips>
// RPL_WHOISREGNICK (Unreal & Bahamut)
// <nick> :is a registered nick
if (aMessage.params.length == 3) {
return this.setWhois(aMessage.params[1], { registered: true });
return false;
317(aMessage) {
// RPL_WHOISIDLE (Unreal & Charybdis)
// <nick> <integer> <integer> :seconds idle, signon time
// This is a non-standard extension to RPL_WHOISIDLE which includes the
// sign-on time.
if (aMessage.params.length == 5) {
this.setWhois(aMessage.params[1], { signonTime: aMessage.params[3] });
return false;
328() {
// RPL_CHANNEL_URL (Bahamut & Austhex)
// <channel> :<URL>
return true;
329() {
// RPL_CREATIONTIME (Bahamut & Unreal)
// <channel> <creation time>
return true;
330(aMessage) {
// RPL_WHOISACCOUNT (Charybdis, ircu & Quakenet)
// <nick> <authname> :is logged in as
if (aMessage.params.length == 4) {
const [, nick, authname] = aMessage.params;
// If the authname differs from the nickname, add it to the WHOIS
// information; otherwise, ignore it.
if (this.normalize(nick) != this.normalize(authname)) {
this.setWhois(nick, { registeredAs: authname });
return true;
335(aMessage) {
// RPL_WHOISBOT (Unreal)
// <nick> :is a \002Bot\002 on <network>
return this.setWhois(aMessage.params[1], { bot: true });
338() {
// RPL_WHOISACTUALLY (ircu, Bahamut, Charybdis)
// <nick> <user> <ip> :actually using host
return true;
378(aMessage) {
// RPL_WHOISHOST (Unreal & Charybdis)
// <nick> :is connecting from <host> <ip>
const [host, ip] = aMessage.params[2].split(" ").slice(-2);
return this.setWhois(aMessage.params[1], { host, ip });
379() {
// RPL_WHOISMODES (Unreal, Inspircd)
// <nick> :is using modes <modes>
// Sent in response to a WHOIS on the user.
return true;
396(aMessage) {
// RPL_HOSTHIDDEN (Charybdis, Hybrid, ircu, etc.)
// <host> :is now your hidden host
// This is the host that will be sent to other users.
this.prefix = "!" + aMessage.user + "@" + aMessage.params[1];
return true;
464(aMessage) {
// :Password required
// If we receive a ZNC error message requesting a password, eat it since
// a NOTICE AUTH will follow causing us to send the password. This numeric
// is, unfortunately, also sent if you give a wrong password. The
// parameter in that case is "Invalid Password".
return (
aMessage.origin == "" &&
aMessage.params[1] == "Password required"
470(aMessage) {
// Channel forward (Unreal, inspircd)
// <requested channel> <redirect channel>: You may not join this channel,
// so you are automatically being transferred to the redirect channel.
// Join redirect channel so when the automatic join happens, we are
// not surprised.
// Mark requested channel as left and add a system message.
return conversationErrorMessage(
499(aMessage) {
// <channel> :You're not the channel owner (status +q is needed)
return conversationErrorMessage(this, aMessage, "error.notChannelOwner");
671(aMessage) {
// RPL_WHOISSECURE (Unreal & Charybdis)
// <nick> :is using a Secure connection
return this.setWhois(aMessage.params[1], { secure: true });
998(aMessage) {
// shows an ASCII captcha that must be typed in by the user.
incoming: true,
noFormat: true,
return true;