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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
var { IMServices } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const {
} = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource:///modules/logger.sys.mjs");
var logDirPath = PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
var dummyAccount = {
name: "dummy-account",
normalizedName: "dummyaccount",
protocol: {
normalizedName: "dummy",
id: "prpl-dummy",
var dummyConv = {
account: dummyAccount,
id: 0,
title: "dummy conv",
normalizedName: "dummyconv",
get name() {
return this.normalizedName;
get startDate() {
return new Date(2011, 5, 28).valueOf() * 1000;
isChat: false,
// A day after the first one.
var dummyConv2 = {
account: dummyAccount,
id: 0,
title: "dummy conv",
normalizedName: "dummyconv",
get name() {
return this.normalizedName;
get startDate() {
return new Date(2011, 5, 29).valueOf() * 1000;
isChat: false,
var dummyMUC = {
account: dummyAccount,
id: 1,
title: "Dummy MUC",
normalizedName: "dummymuc",
get name() {
return this.normalizedName;
startDate: new Date(2011, 5, 28).valueOf() * 1000,
isChat: true,
var encodeName_input = [
"file ",
var encodeName_output = [
"file _",
"%5c" + "fi" + "%3f%2a%26%25" + "le" + "%3c%3e", // eslint-disable-line no-useless-concat
var test_queueFileOperation = async function () {
const dummyRejectedOperation = () => Promise.reject("Rejected!");
const dummyResolvedOperation = () => Promise.resolve("Resolved!");
// Immediately after calling qFO, "path1" should be mapped to p1.
// After yielding, the reference should be cleared from the map.
const p1 = queueFileOperation("path1", dummyResolvedOperation);
equal(gFilePromises.get("path1"), p1);
await p1;
// Repeat above test for a rejected promise.
const p2 = queueFileOperation("path2", dummyRejectedOperation);
equal(gFilePromises.get("path2"), p2);
// This should throw since p2 rejected. Drop the error.
await p2.then(
() => do_throw(),
() => {}
const onPromiseComplete = (aPromise, aHandler) => {
return aPromise.then(aHandler, aHandler);
const test_queueOrder = aOperation => {
const promise = queueFileOperation("queueOrderPath", aOperation);
let firstOperationComplete = false;
onPromiseComplete(promise, () => (firstOperationComplete = true));
return queueFileOperation("queueOrderPath", () => {
// Test the queue order for rejected and resolved promises.
await test_queueOrder(dummyResolvedOperation);
await test_queueOrder(dummyRejectedOperation);
var test_getLogFolderPathForAccount = async function () {
const path = getLogFolderPathForAccount(dummyAccount);
// Tests the global function getLogFilePathForConversation in logger.js.
var test_getLogFilePathForConversation = async function () {
const path = getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyConv);
let expectedPath = PathUtils.join(
expectedPath = PathUtils.join(
expectedPath = PathUtils.join(
getNewLogFileName(dummyConv.startDate / 1000)
equal(path, expectedPath);
var test_getLogFilePathForMUC = async function () {
const path = getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyMUC);
let expectedPath = PathUtils.join(
expectedPath = PathUtils.join(
encodeName(dummyMUC.normalizedName + ".chat")
expectedPath = PathUtils.join(
getNewLogFileName(dummyMUC.startDate / 1000)
equal(path, expectedPath);
var test_appendToFile = async function () {
const kStringToWrite = "Hello, world!";
const path = PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
await IOUtils.write(path, new Uint8Array());
appendToFile(path, kStringToWrite);
appendToFile(path, kStringToWrite);
ok(await queueFileOperation(path, () => IOUtils.exists(path)));
const text = await queueFileOperation(path, () => IOUtils.readUTF8(path));
// The read text should be equal to kStringToWrite repeated twice.
equal(text, kStringToWrite + kStringToWrite);
await IOUtils.remove(path);
add_task(async function test_appendToFileHeader() {
const kStringToWrite = "Lorem ipsum";
const path = PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
await appendToFile(path, kStringToWrite, true);
await appendToFile(path, kStringToWrite, true);
const text = await queueFileOperation(path, () => IOUtils.readUTF8(path));
// The read text should be equal to kStringToWrite once, since the second
// create should just noop.
equal(text, kStringToWrite);
await IOUtils.remove(path);
// Tests the getLogPathsForConversation API defined in the Logger interface.
var test_getLogPathsForConversation = async function () {
const logger = new Logger();
let paths = await logger.getLogPathsForConversation(dummyConv);
// The path should be null since a LogWriter hasn't been created yet.
equal(paths, null);
const logWriter = getLogWriter(dummyConv);
paths = await logger.getLogPathsForConversation(dummyConv);
equal(paths.length, 1);
equal(paths[0], logWriter.currentPath);
ok(await IOUtils.exists(paths[0]));
// Ensure this doesn't interfere with future tests.
await IOUtils.remove(paths[0]);
var test_logging = async function () {
const logger = new Logger();
const oneSec = 1000000; // Microseconds.
// Creates a set of dummy messages for a conv (sets appropriate times).
const getMsgsForConv = function (aConv) {
// Convert to seconds because that's what logMessage expects.
const startTime = Math.round(aConv.startDate / oneSec);
return [
time: startTime + 1,
who: "personA",
displayMessage: "Hi!",
outgoing: true,
time: startTime + 2,
who: "personB",
displayMessage: "Hello!",
incoming: true,
time: startTime + 3,
who: "personA",
displayMessage: "What's up?",
outgoing: true,
time: startTime + 4,
who: "personB",
displayMessage: "Nothing much!",
incoming: true,
time: startTime + 5,
who: "personB",
displayMessage: "Encrypted msg",
remoteId: "identifier",
incoming: true,
isEncrypted: true,
time: startTime + 6,
who: "personA",
displayMessage: "Deleted",
remoteId: "otherID",
outgoing: true,
isEncrypted: true,
deleted: true,
const firstDayMsgs = getMsgsForConv(dummyConv);
const secondDayMsgs = getMsgsForConv(dummyConv2);
const logMessagesForConv = async function (aConv, aMessages) {
const logWriter = getLogWriter(aConv);
for (const message of aMessages) {
// If we don't wait for the messages to get written, we have no guarantee
// later in the test that the log files were created, and getConversation
// will return an EmptyEnumerator. Logging the messages is queued on the
// _initialized promise, so we need to await on that first.
await logWriter._initialized;
await gFilePromises.get(logWriter.currentPath);
// Ensure two different files for the different dates.
await logMessagesForConv(dummyConv, firstDayMsgs);
await logMessagesForConv(dummyConv2, secondDayMsgs);
// Write a zero-length file and a file with incorrect JSON for each day
// to ensure they are handled correctly.
const logDir = PathUtils.parent(getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyConv));
const createBadFiles = async function (aConv) {
const blankFile = PathUtils.join(
getNewLogFileName((aConv.startDate + oneSec) / 1000)
const invalidJSONFile = PathUtils.join(
getNewLogFileName((aConv.startDate + 2 * oneSec) / 1000)
await IOUtils.write(blankFile, new Uint8Array());
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(invalidJSONFile, "This isn't JSON!");
await createBadFiles(dummyConv);
await createBadFiles(dummyConv2);
const testMsgs = function (aMsgs, aExpectedMsgs, aExpectedSessions) {
// Ensure the number of session messages is correct.
const sessions = aMsgs.filter(aMsg => aMsg.who == "sessionstart").length;
equal(sessions, aExpectedSessions);
// Discard session messages, etc.
aMsgs = aMsgs.filter(aMsg => !aMsg.noLog);
equal(aMsgs.length, aExpectedMsgs.length);
for (let i = 0; i < aMsgs.length; ++i) {
const message = aMsgs[i],
expectedMessage = aExpectedMsgs[i];
for (const prop in expectedMessage) {
ok(prop in message);
equal(expectedMessage[prop], message[prop]);
// Accepts time in seconds, reduces it to a date, and returns the value in millis.
const reduceTimeToDate = function (aTime) {
const date = new Date(aTime * 1000);
return date.valueOf();
// Group expected messages by day.
const messagesByDay = new Map();
firstDayMsgs.filter(msg => !msg.deleted)
secondDayMsgs.filter(msg => !msg.deleted)
const logs = await logger.getLogsForConversation(dummyConv);
for (const log of logs) {
const conv = await log.getConversation();
const date = reduceTimeToDate(log.time);
// 3 session messages - for daily logs, bad files are included.
testMsgs(conv.getMessages(), messagesByDay.get(date), 3);
// Remove the created log files, testing forEach in the process.
await logger.forEach({
async processLog(aLog) {
const info = await IOUtils.stat(aLog);
notEqual(info.type, "directory");
await IOUtils.remove(aLog);
const logFolder = PathUtils.parent(getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyConv));
// The folder should now be empty - this will throw if it isn't.
await IOUtils.remove(logFolder, { ignoreAbsent: false });
var test_logFileSplitting = async function () {
// Start clean, remove the log directory.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
const logWriter = getLogWriter(dummyConv);
const startTime = logWriter._startTime / 1000; // Message times are in seconds.
let oldPath = logWriter.currentPath;
const message = {
time: startTime,
who: "John Doe",
originalMessage: "Hello, world!",
outgoing: true,
const logMessage = async function (aMessage) {
await logWriter._initialized;
await gFilePromises.get(logWriter.currentPath);
await logMessage(message);
message.time += logWriter.constructor.kInactivityLimit / 1000 + 1;
// This should go in a new log file.
await logMessage(message);
notEqual(logWriter.currentPath, oldPath);
// The log writer's new start time should be the time of the message.
equal(message.time * 1000, logWriter._startTime);
const getCurrentHeader = async function () {
return JSON.parse(
(await IOUtils.readUTF8(logWriter.currentPath)).split("\n")[0]
// The header of the new log file should not have the continuedSession flag set.
ok(!(await getCurrentHeader()).continuedSession);
// Set the start time sufficiently before midnight, and the last message time
// to just before midnight. A new log file should be created at midnight.
logWriter._startTime = new Date(logWriter._startTime).setHours(
-(logWriter.constructor.kDayOverlapLimit + 1)
const nearlyMidnight = new Date(logWriter._startTime).setHours(24, 0, 0, -1);
oldPath = logWriter.currentPath;
logWriter._lastMessageTime = nearlyMidnight;
message.time = new Date(nearlyMidnight).setHours(24, 0, 0, 1) / 1000;
await logMessage(message);
// The message should have gone in a new file.
notEqual(oldPath, logWriter.currentPath);
// The header should have the continuedSession flag set this time.
ok((await getCurrentHeader()).continuedSession);
// Ensure a new file is created every kMessageCountLimit messages.
oldPath = logWriter.currentPath;
const messageCountLimit = logWriter.constructor.kMessageCountLimit;
for (let i = 0; i < messageCountLimit; ++i) {
await logMessage(message);
notEqual(oldPath, logWriter.currentPath);
// The header should have the continuedSession flag set this time too.
ok((await getCurrentHeader()).continuedSession);
// Again, to make sure it still works correctly after splitting it once already.
oldPath = logWriter.currentPath;
// We already logged one message to ensure it went into a new file, so i = 1.
for (let i = 1; i < messageCountLimit; ++i) {
await logMessage(message);
notEqual(oldPath, logWriter.currentPath);
ok((await getCurrentHeader()).continuedSession);
// The new start time is the time of the message. If we log sufficiently more
// messages with the same time property, ensure that the start time of the next
// log file is greater than the previous one, and that a new path is being used.
let oldStartTime = logWriter._startTime;
oldPath = logWriter.currentPath;
logWriter._messageCount = messageCountLimit;
await logMessage(message);
notEqual(oldPath, logWriter.currentPath);
Assert.greater(logWriter._startTime, oldStartTime);
// Do it again with the same message.
oldStartTime = logWriter._startTime;
oldPath = logWriter.currentPath;
logWriter._messageCount = messageCountLimit;
await logMessage(message);
notEqual(oldPath, logWriter.currentPath);
Assert.greater(logWriter._startTime, oldStartTime);
// Clean up.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
add_task(async function test_logWithEdits() {
// Start clean, remove the log directory.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
const logger = new Logger();
const logFilePath = getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyConv);
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(
date: "2022-03-04T12:00:03.508Z",
name: "test",
title: "test",
account: "",
protocol: "matrix",
isChat: false,
normalizedName: "!",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:48.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Decrypting...",
flags: ["incoming", "delayed", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$AjmS57jkBbYnSnC01r3fXya8BfuHIMAw9mOYQRlnkFk",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:51.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Decrypting...",
flags: ["incoming", "delayed", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$00zdmKvErkDR4wMaxZBCFsV1WwqPQRolP0kYiXPIXsQ",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:53.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Decrypting...",
flags: ["incoming", "delayed", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$Z6ILSf7cBMRbr_B6Z6DPHJWzf-Utxa8_s0f6vxhR_VQ",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:56.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Decrypting...",
flags: ["incoming", "delayed", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$GFlcel-9tWrTvSb7HM_113-WpkzEdB4neglPVpZn3dM",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:56.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
flags: ["incoming", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$GFlcel-9tWrTvSb7HM_113-WpkzEdB4neglPVpZn3dM",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:53.000Z",
who: "",
text: "consectetur adipiscing elit",
flags: ["incoming", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$Z6ILSf7cBMRbr_B6Z6DPHJWzf-Utxa8_s0f6vxhR_VQ",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:51.000Z",
who: "",
text: "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua",
flags: ["incoming", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$00zdmKvErkDR4wMaxZBCFsV1WwqPQRolP0kYiXPIXsQ",
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:48.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Ut enim ad minim veniam",
flags: ["incoming", "isEncrypted"],
remoteId: "$AjmS57jkBbYnSnC01r3fXya8BfuHIMAw9mOYQRlnkFk",
alias: "other",
.map(message => JSON.stringify(message))
mode: "create",
const logs = await logger.getLogsForConversation(dummyConv);
equal(logs.length, 1);
const conv = await logs[0].getConversation();
const messages = conv.getMessages();
equal(messages.length, 5);
for (const msg of messages) {
if (msg.who !== "sessionstart") {
notEqual(msg.displayMessage, "Decrypting...");
// Clean up.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
// Ensure that any message with a remoteId that has a deleted flag in the
// latest version is not visible in logs.
add_task(async function test_logWithDeletedMessages() {
// Start clean, remove the log directory.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
const logger = new Logger();
const logFilePath = getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyConv);
const remoteId = "$GFlcel-9tWrTvSb7HM_113-WpkzEdB4neglPVpZn3dM";
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(
date: "2022-03-04T12:00:03.508Z",
name: "test",
title: "test",
account: "",
protocol: "matrix",
isChat: false,
normalizedName: "!",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:56.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Decrypting...",
flags: ["incoming", "isEncrypted"],
alias: "other",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:56.000Z",
who: "",
text: "Message was redacted.",
flags: ["incoming", "isEncrypted", "deleted"],
alias: "other",
.map(message => JSON.stringify(message))
mode: "create",
const logs = await logger.getLogsForConversation(dummyConv);
equal(logs.length, 1);
const conv = await logs[0].getConversation();
const messages = conv.getMessages();
equal(messages.length, 1);
equal(messages[0].who, "sessionstart");
// Clean up.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
add_task(async function test_logDeletedMessageCleanup() {
// Start clean, remove the log directory.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
const logger = new Logger();
const logWriter = getLogWriter(dummyConv);
const remoteId = "testId";
const logMessage = async function (aMessage) {
await logWriter._initialized;
await gFilePromises.get(logWriter.currentPath);
await logMessage({
time: Math.floor(dummyConv.startDate / 1000000) + 10,
who: "test",
displayMessage: "delete me",
incoming: true,
await logMessage({
time: Math.floor(dummyConv.startDate / 1000000) + 20,
who: "test",
displayMessage: "Message is deleted",
deleted: true,
incoming: true,
await new Promise(resolve => ChromeUtils.idleDispatch(resolve));
await (gFilePromises.get(logWriter.currentPath) || Promise.resolve());
equal(Services.prefs.getStringPref("chat.logging.cleanup.pending"), "[]");
const logs = await logger.getLogsForConversation(dummyConv);
equal(logs.length, 1, "Only a single log file for this conversation");
const conv = await logs[0].getConversation();
const messages = conv.getMessages();
equal(messages.length, 1, "Only the log header is left");
equal(messages[0].who, "sessionstart");
// Check that the message contents were removed from the file on disk. The
// log parser above removes it either way.
const logOnDisk = await IOUtils.readUTF8(logWriter.currentPath);
const rawMessages = logOnDisk
.map(line => JSON.parse(line));
equal(rawMessages.length, 3);
equal(rawMessages[1].text, "", "Deleted message content was removed");
"Message is deleted",
"Deletion content is unaffected"
// Clean up.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
add_task(async function test_displayOldActionLog() {
// Start clean, remove the log directory.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
const logger = new Logger();
const logFilePath = getLogFilePathForConversation(dummyConv);
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(
date: "2022-03-04T12:00:03.508Z",
name: "test",
title: "test",
account: "",
protocol: "matrix",
isChat: false,
normalizedName: "!",
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:56.000Z",
who: "",
text: "/me an old action",
flags: ["incoming"],
date: "2022-03-04T11:59:56.000Z",
who: "",
text: "a new action",
flags: ["incoming", "action"],
.map(message => JSON.stringify(message))
mode: "create",
const logs = await logger.getLogsForConversation(dummyConv);
equal(logs.length, 1);
for (const log of logs) {
const conv = await log.getConversation();
const messages = conv.getMessages();
equal(messages.length, 3);
for (const message of messages) {
if (message.who !== "sessionstart") {
ok(message.action, "Message is marked as action");
"Message has no leading /me"
// Clean up.
await IOUtils.remove(logDirPath, { recursive: true });
add_task(function test_encodeName() {
// Test encodeName().
for (let i = 0; i < encodeName_input.length; ++i) {
equal(encodeName(encodeName_input[i]), encodeName_output[i]);