imAccounts.sys.mjs |
@param {string} aKey - Account key for preferences.
@param {string} [aName] - Name of the account if it is new. Will be stored
in account preferences. If not provided, the value from the account
preferences is used instead.
@param {string} [aPrplId] - Protocol ID for this account if it is new. Will
be stored in account preferences. If not provided, the value from the
account preferences is used instead.
40970 |
imCommands.sys.mjs |
@typedef {object} Command
@property {string} name
@property {string} helpString - Help message displayed when the user types
/help <name>.
Format: <command name> <parameters>: <help message>
Example: "help <name>: show the help message for the <name>
command, or the list of possible commands when used without
@property {number} usageContext - Value should be one of
@property {number} priority - Any integer value is usable as a priority.
0 is the default priority. (CommandsService.COMMAND_PRIORITY.DEFAULT)
< 0 is lower priority.
> 0 is higher priority.
Commands registered by protocol plugins will usually use
@property {(aMessage: string, aConversation?: prplIConversation, aReturnedConv?: prplIConversation) => boolean} run -
Will return true if the command handled the message (it should not be sent).
The leading slash, the command name and the following space are not included
in the aMessage parameter.
If a conversation is returned as a result of executing the command,
the caller should consider focusing it.
11269 |
imContacts.sys.mjs |
Get the default tag (ie. "Contacts" for en-US).
@type {imITag}
54511 |
imConversations.sys.mjs |
@implements {prplIMessage}
@implements {nsIObserver}
30008 |
imCore.sys.mjs |
Register a new chat protocol. Does nothing if a protocol with the same ID
already exists.
This doesn't handle accounts of the protocol ID, since this is intended for
@param {string} id - The internal ID of the protocol.
@param {string} cid - The contract ID of the protocol.
14364 |
logger.sys.mjs |
Maps file paths to promises returned by ongoing IOUtils operations on them.
This is so that a file can be read after a pending write operation completes
and vice versa (opening a file multiple times concurrently may fail on Windows).
33906 | |
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