Name Description Size
CalAlarm.sys.mjs Constructor for `calIAlarm` objects. @class @implements {calIAlarm} @param {string} [icalString] - Optional iCal string for initializing existing alarms. 20054
CalAlarmMonitor.sys.mjs The alarm monitor takes care of playing the alarm sound and opening one copy of the calendar-alarm-dialog. Both depend on their respective prefs to be set. This monitor is only used for DISPLAY type alarms. 7640
CalAlarmService.sys.mjs Keeps track of seemingly immutable items with alarms that we can't dismiss. Some servers quietly discard our modifications to repeating events which will cause dismissed alarms to re-appear if we do not keep track. We track the items by their "hashId" property storing it in the calendar property "alarms.ignored". 27475
calApplicationUtils.js exported launchBrowser 1726
CalAttachment.sys.mjs Constructor for `calIAttachment` objects. @class @implements {calIAttachment} @param {string} [icalString] - Optional iCal string for initializing existing attachments. 4445
CalAttendee.sys.mjs Constructor for `calIAttendee` objects. @class @implements {calIAttendee} @param {string} [icalString] - Optional iCal string for initializing existing attendees. 5929
CalCachedCalendar.sys.mjs Returns true if the exception passed is one that should cause the cache layer to retry the operation. This is usually a network error or other temporary error. @param {integer} result - The result code to check. @returns {boolean} true, if the result code means server unavailability. 34538
CalCalendarManager.sys.mjs 37701
CalDateTime.sys.mjs 4671
CalDefaultACLManager.sys.mjs calICalendarACLManager 2560
CalDeletedItems.sys.mjs Handles remembering deleted items. This is (currently) not a real trashcan. Only ids and time deleted is stored. Note also that the code doesn't strictly check the calendar of the item, except when a calendar id is passed to getDeletedDate. 6264
CalDuration.sys.mjs 2187
CalEvent.sys.mjs Constructor for `calIEvent` objects. @class @implements {calIEvent} @param {string} [icalString] - Optional iCal string for initializing existing events. 6607
CalFreeBusyService.sys.mjs 2594
CalIcsParser.sys.mjs 11541
CalIcsSerializer.sys.mjs 2068
CalICSService.sys.mjs 17983
CalICSService.worker.mjs Worker module used by CalICSService.parseICSAsync(). 529
calInternalInterfaces.idl Don't use these if you're not the calendar glue code! * 1062
CalItemBase.sys.mjs exported makeMemberAttr, makeMemberAttrProperty 34351
CalItipItem.sys.mjs 6415
CalMetronome.sys.mjs Keeps calendar UI/components in sync by ticking regularly. Fires a "minute" event every minute on the minute, an "hour" event on the hour, and a "day" event at midnight. Each event also fires if longer than the time period in question has elapsed since the last event, e.g. because the computer has been asleep. It automatically corrects clock skew: if a minute event is more than one second late, the time to the next event is recalculated and should fire a few milliseconds late at worst. @implements {nsIObserver} @implements {EventEmitter} 3917
CalMimeConverter.sys.mjs 2178
CalPeriod.sys.mjs 1918
CalProtocolHandler.sys.mjs CalProtocolHandler. @param {string} scheme - The scheme to init for (webcal, webcals). @implements {nsIProtocolHandler} 1830
CalReadableStreamFactory.sys.mjs Function used to transform each value received from a stream. @callback MapStreamFunction @param {any} value @returns {Promise<any>|any} 7632
CalRecurrenceDate.sys.mjs 3203
CalRecurrenceInfo.sys.mjs Constructor for `calIRecurrenceInfo` objects. @class @implements {calIRecurrenceInfo} @param {calIItemBase} [item] - Optional calendar item for which this recurrence applies. 27819
CalRecurrenceRule.sys.mjs Tests whether the "FREQ" value for this rule is supported or not. A warning is logged if an unsupported value ("SECONDLY"|"MINUTELY") is encountered. @returns {boolean} 7001
CalRelation.sys.mjs Constructor for `calIRelation` objects. @class @implements {calIRelation} @param {string} [icalString] - Optional iCal string for initializing existing relations. 3033
CalStartupService.sys.mjs Helper function to asynchronously call a certain method on the objects passed in 'services' in order (i.e wait until the first completes before calling the second @param {"startup"|"shutdown"} method - The method name to call. @param {object[]} services - The array of service objects to call on. 3907
CalTimezone.sys.mjs 2018
CalTimezoneService.sys.mjs 7644
CalTodo.sys.mjs Constructor for `calITodo` objects. @class @implements {calITodo} @param {string} [icalString] - Optional iCal string for initializing existing todos. 7628
CalTransactionManager.sys.mjs CalTransactionManager is used to track user initiated operations on calendar items. These transactions can be undone or repeated when appropriate. This implementation is used instead of nsITransactionManager because better support for async transactions and access to batch transactions is needed which nsITransactionManager does not provide. 8960
CalWeekInfoService.sys.mjs @implements {calIWeekInfoService} 4576
components.conf 8310 1685
TimezoneDatabase.cpp 4350
TimezoneDatabase.h 530