Name Description Size
calendar-alarm-widget.js global Cr MozElements MozXULElement PluralForm Services 15098
calendar-dnd-widgets.js globals currentView MozElements MozXULElement 6330
calendar-filter-tree-view.js globals cal, getEventStatusString, CalendarFilteredViewMixin, PROTO_TREE_VIEW 13010
calendar-filter.js import-globals-from ../calendar-views-utils.js 46132
calendar-invitation-panel.js globals cal, MozXULElement, MozElements 25520
calendar-invitation-panel.xhtml 4662
calendar-item-summary.js global MozElements MozXULElement 28730
calendar-minidate.js globals cal 2237
calendar-minidate.xhtml 732
calendar-minimonth.js globals cal MozXULElement 33754
calendar-modebox.js globals MozXULElement 9654
calendar-notifications-setting.js globals MozXULElement 8462
datetimepickers.js global MozElements, MozXULElement 60119
mouseoverPreviews.js Code which generates event and task (todo) preview tooltips/titletips when the mouse hovers over either the event list, the task list, or an event or task box in one of the grid views. (Portions of this code were previously in calendar.js and unifinder.js, some of it duplicated.) 14683