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<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title id="title"></title>
content="default-src 'none'; style-src 'unsafe-inline'"
table {
width: 100%;
border: 1px black outset;
border-spacing: 0;
page-break-inside: avoid;
display: grid;
td {
display: contents;
th > div,
td > div {
border: 1px black inset;
padding: 2px;
overflow: hidden;
td > div {
min-height: 100px;
.day-title {
text-align: end;
font-size: 13px;
ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style: none;
li {
margin-block-start: 2px;
padding: 2px;
font-size: 11px;
#list-container .vevent {
border: 1px solid black;
padding: 0;
margin-bottom: 10px;
#list-container .key {
font-style: italic;
margin-inline-start: 3px;
#list-container .value {
margin-inline-start: 20px;
#list-container .summarykey {
display: none;
#list-container .summary {
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 3px;
#list-container .description {
white-space: pre-wrap;
#month-container table {
grid-template-columns: repeat(7, 1fr);
#month-container .month-title {
grid-column: 1 / 8;
#week-container table {
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: min-content 2fr 2fr 1fr 1fr;
#week-container .week-title {
grid-column: 1 / 3;
#week-container .monday-box > div {
grid-column: 1;
grid-row: 2;
#week-container .tuesday-box > div {
grid-column: 1;
grid-row: 3;
#week-container .wednesday-box > div {
grid-column: 1;
grid-row: 4 / 6;
<!-- This is what is printed when printing the calendar.
It is filled dynamically by calPrintUtils.sys.mjs. -->
<div id="list-container"></div>
<div id="month-container"></div>
<div id="week-container"></div>
<div id="tasks-list-box" hidden="true">
<h3 id="tasks-title"></h3>
<ul id="task-container" class="taskList"></ul>
<!-- List item template for the "list" layout. -->
<template id="list-item-template">
<div class="vevent">
<div class="row summaryrow">
<div class="key summarykey"></div>
<div class="value summary"></div>
<div class="row intervalrow">
<div class="key intervalkey"></div>
<div class="value dtstart"></div>
<div class="row locationrow">
<div class="key locationkey"></div>
<div class="value location"></div>
<div class="row descriptionrow">
<div class="key descriptionkey"></div>
<div class="value description"></div>
<!-- Month template for the "monthly grid" layout. -->
<template id="month-template">
<th><div class="month-title"></div></th>
<!-- Week template for the "monthly grid" layout. -->
<template id="month-week-template">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<!-- Week template for the "weekly planner" layout. -->
<template id="week-template">
<div class="week-title"></div>
<td class="monday-box">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<td class="tuesday-box">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<td class="wednesday-box">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<td class="thursday-box">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<td class="friday-box">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<td class="saturday-box">
<div class="day-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<td class="sunday-box">
<div class="day-title sunday-title"></div>
<ul class="items"></ul>
<!-- List item template for the "monthly grid" and "weekly planner" layouts. -->
<template id="item-template">
<li class="category-color-box calendar-color-box">
<span class="item-interval"></span>
<span class="item-title"></span>
<!-- Template for tasks with no due date. -->
<template id="task-template">
<input type="checkbox" class="task-checkbox" disabled="disabled" />
<span class="task-title"></span>