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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
This file contains initialization code for mach commands that are outside of
the Firefox source repository.
import os
import sys
from build import mach_initialize as mach_init
def mach_sys_path(mozilla_dir):
# We need the "mach" module to access the logic to parse virtualenv
# requirements. Since that depends on "packaging" (and, transitively,
# "pyparsing"), we add those to the path too.
sys.path[0:0] = [
os.path.join(mozilla_dir, module)
for module in (
os.path.join("python", "mach"),
os.path.join("testing", "mozbase", "mozfile"),
os.path.join("third_party", "python", "packaging"),
os.path.join("third_party", "python", "pyparsing"),
os.path.join("third_party", "python", "six"),
from mach.requirements import MachEnvRequirements
requirements = MachEnvRequirements.from_requirements_definition(
True, # is_thunderbird
os.path.join(mozilla_dir, "comm/python/sites/tb_common.txt"),
return sorted(
os.path.normcase(os.path.join(mozilla_dir, pth.path))
for pth in requirements.pth_requirements
def initialize(topsrcdir, args=()):
# Add comm Python module paths
"thunderbird": {
"short": "Thunderbird Development",
"long": "Mach commands that aid Thunderbird Development",
"priority": 65,
from mach.command_util import MACH_COMMANDS, MachCommandReference
# Additional Thunderbird mach commands
"commlint": MachCommandReference("comm/tools/lint/"),
"tb-add-missing-ftls": MachCommandReference("comm/python/l10n/"),
"tb-doc": MachCommandReference("comm/docs/"),
"tb-fluent-migration-test": MachCommandReference("comm/python/l10n/"),
"tb-l10n-quarantine-to-strings": MachCommandReference("comm/python/l10n/"),
"tb-l10n-x-channel": MachCommandReference("comm/python/l10n/"),
"tb-rust": MachCommandReference("comm/rust/"),
"tb-storybook": MachCommandReference("comm/mail/components/storybook/"),
"tb-release": MachCommandReference("comm/python/"),
# Gets added afterward since it's adding a new subcommand to "mach release"
driver = mach_init.initialize(topsrcdir, args)
return driver