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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "nsCocoaWindow.h"
#include "NativeKeyBindings.h"
#include "ScreenHelperCocoa.h"
#include "TextInputHandler.h"
#include "nsCocoaUtils.h"
#include "nsObjCExceptions.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsWidgetsCID.h"
#include "nsIRollupListener.h"
#include "nsChildView.h"
#include "nsWindowMap.h"
#include "nsAppShell.h"
#include "nsIAppShellService.h"
#include "nsIBaseWindow.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
#include "nsIAppWindow.h"
#include "nsToolkit.h"
#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
#include "nsMenuBarX.h"
#include "nsMenuUtilsX.h"
#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
#include "nsNativeThemeColors.h"
#include "nsNativeThemeCocoa.h"
#include "nsChildView.h"
#include "nsCocoaFeatures.h"
#include "nsIScreenManager.h"
#include "nsIWidgetListener.h"
#include "nsXULPopupManager.h"
#include "VibrancyManager.h"
#include "nsPresContext.h"
#include "nsDocShell.h"
#include "gfxPlatform.h"
#include "qcms.h"
#include "mozilla/AutoRestore.h"
#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/NativeKeyBindingsType.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_gfx.h"
#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_widget.h"
#include "mozilla/WritingModes.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorBridgeChild.h"
#include "mozilla/widget/Screen.h"
#include <algorithm>
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
class LayerManager;
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla
using namespace mozilla::layers;
using namespace mozilla::widget;
using namespace mozilla;
BOOL sTouchBarIsInitialized = NO;
// defined in
extern NSMenu* sApplicationMenu; // Application menu shared by all menubars
// defined in
extern BOOL gSomeMenuBarPainted;
static uint32_t sModalWindowCount = 0;
extern "C" {
// CGSPrivate.h
typedef NSInteger CGSConnection;
typedef NSUInteger CGSSpaceID;
typedef NSInteger CGSWindow;
typedef enum {
kCGSSpaceIncludesCurrent = 1 << 0,
kCGSSpaceIncludesOthers = 1 << 1,
kCGSSpaceIncludesUser = 1 << 2,
kCGSAllSpacesMask =
kCGSSpaceIncludesCurrent | kCGSSpaceIncludesOthers | kCGSSpaceIncludesUser
} CGSSpaceMask;
static NSString* const CGSSpaceIDKey = @"ManagedSpaceID";
static NSString* const CGSSpacesKey = @"Spaces";
extern CGSConnection _CGSDefaultConnection(void);
extern CGError CGSSetWindowTransform(CGSConnection cid, CGSWindow wid,
CGAffineTransform transform);
static void RollUpPopups(nsIRollupListener::AllowAnimations aAllowAnimations =
nsIRollupListener::AllowAnimations::Yes) {
if (RefPtr pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance()) {
nsIRollupListener* rollupListener = nsBaseWidget::GetActiveRollupListener();
if (!rollupListener) {
if (rollupListener->RollupNativeMenu()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> rollupWidget = rollupListener->GetRollupWidget();
if (!rollupWidget) {
nsIRollupListener::RollupOptions options{
0, nsIRollupListener::FlushViews::Yes, nullptr, aAllowAnimations};
: mParent(nullptr),
mWindowAnimationBehavior(NSWindowAnimationBehaviorDefault) {
// Disable automatic tabbing. We need to do this before we
// orderFront any of our windows.
NSWindow.allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing = NO;
void nsCocoaWindow::DestroyNativeWindow() {
if (!mWindow) {
"We shouldn't be trying to destroy a window we didn't create.");
// Clear our class state that is keyed off of mWindow. It's our last
// chance! This ensures that other nsCocoaWindow instances are not waiting
// for us to finish a native transition that will have no listener once
// we clear our delegate.
[mWindow releaseJSObjects];
// We want to unhook the delegate here because we don't want events
// sent to it after this object has been destroyed.
mWindow.delegate = nil;
[mWindow close];
mWindow = nil;
[mDelegate autorelease];
nsCocoaWindow::~nsCocoaWindow() {
// Notify the children that we're gone. Popup windows (e.g. tooltips) can
// have nsChildView children. 'kid' is an nsChildView object if and only if
// its 'type' is 'WindowType::Child'.
// childView->ResetParent() can change our list of children while it's
// being iterated, so the way we iterate the list must allow for this.
for (nsIWidget* kid = mLastChild; kid;) {
WindowType kidType = kid->GetWindowType();
if (kidType == WindowType::Child) {
nsChildView* childView = static_cast<nsChildView*>(kid);
kid = kid->GetPrevSibling();
} else {
nsCocoaWindow* childWindow = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(kid);
childWindow->mParent = nullptr;
childWindow->mAncestorLink = mAncestorLink;
kid = kid->GetPrevSibling();
if (mWindow && mWindowMadeHere) {
// Find the screen that overlaps aRect the most,
// if none are found default to the mainScreen.
static NSScreen* FindTargetScreenForRect(const DesktopIntRect& aRect) {
NSScreen* targetScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
NSEnumerator* screenEnum = [[NSScreen screens] objectEnumerator];
int largestIntersectArea = 0;
while (NSScreen* screen = [screenEnum nextObject]) {
DesktopIntRect screenRect =
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRect([screen visibleFrame]);
screenRect = screenRect.Intersect(aRect);
int area = screenRect.width * screenRect.height;
if (area > largestIntersectArea) {
largestIntersectArea = area;
targetScreen = screen;
return targetScreen;
DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale ParentBackingScaleFactor(nsIWidget* aParent,
NSView* aParentView) {
if (aParent) {
return aParent->GetDesktopToDeviceScale();
NSWindow* parentWindow = [aParentView window];
if (parentWindow) {
return DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale(parentWindow.backingScaleFactor);
return DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale(1.0);
// Returns the screen rectangle for the given widget.
// Child widgets are positioned relative to this rectangle.
// Exactly one of the arguments must be non-null.
static DesktopRect GetWidgetScreenRectForChildren(nsIWidget* aWidget,
NSView* aView) {
if (aWidget) {
mozilla::DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale scale =
if (aWidget->GetWindowType() == WindowType::Child) {
return aWidget->GetScreenBounds() / scale;
return aWidget->GetClientBounds() / scale;
// 1. Transform the view rect into window coords.
// The returned rect is in "origin bottom-left" coordinates.
NSRect rectInWindowCoordinatesOBL = [aView convertRect:[aView bounds]
// 2. Turn the window-coord rect into screen coords, still origin bottom-left.
NSRect rectInScreenCoordinatesOBL =
[[aView window] convertRectToScreen:rectInWindowCoordinatesOBL];
// 3. Convert the NSRect to a DesktopRect. This will convert to coordinates
// with the origin in the top left corner of the primary screen.
return DesktopRect(
// aRect here is specified in desktop pixels
// For child windows (where either aParent or aNativeParent is non-null),
// aRect.{x,y} are offsets from the origin of the parent window and not an
// absolute position.
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const DesktopIntRect& aRect,
widget::InitData* aInitData) {
// Because the hidden window is created outside of an event loop,
// we have to provide an autorelease pool (see bug 559075).
nsAutoreleasePool localPool;
// Set defaults which can be overriden from aInitData in BaseCreate
mWindowType = WindowType::TopLevel;
mBorderStyle = BorderStyle::Default;
// Ensure that the toolkit is created.
Inherited::BaseCreate(aParent, aInitData);
mParent = aParent;
mAncestorLink = aParent;
mAlwaysOnTop = aInitData->mAlwaysOnTop;
mIsAlert = aInitData->mIsAlert;
// If we have a parent widget, the new widget will be offset from the
// parent widget by aRect.{x,y}. Otherwise, we'll use aRect for the
// new widget coordinates.
DesktopIntPoint parentOrigin;
// Do we have a parent widget?
if (aParent || aNativeParent) {
DesktopRect parentDesktopRect =
GetWidgetScreenRectForChildren(aParent, (NSView*)aNativeParent);
parentOrigin = gfx::RoundedToInt(parentDesktopRect.TopLeft());
DesktopIntRect widgetRect = aRect + parentOrigin;
nsresult rv =
mBorderStyle, false, aInitData->mIsPrivate);
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
// now we can convert widgetRect to device pixels for the window we created,
// as the child view expects a rect expressed in the dev pix of its parent
LayoutDeviceIntRect devRect =
RoundedToInt(aRect * GetDesktopToDeviceScale());
return CreatePopupContentView(devRect, aInitData);
mIsAnimationSuppressed = aInitData->mIsAnimationSuppressed;
return NS_OK;
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::Create(nsIWidget* aParent, nsNativeWidget aNativeParent,
const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect,
widget::InitData* aInitData) {
DesktopIntRect desktopRect = RoundedToInt(
aRect / ParentBackingScaleFactor(aParent, (NSView*)aNativeParent));
return Create(aParent, aNativeParent, desktopRect, aInitData);
static unsigned int WindowMaskForBorderStyle(BorderStyle aBorderStyle) {
bool allOrDefault = (aBorderStyle == BorderStyle::All ||
aBorderStyle == BorderStyle::Default);
/* Apple's docs on NSWindow styles say that "a window's style mask should
* include NSWindowStyleMaskTitled if it includes any of the others [besides
* NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless]". This implies that a borderless window
* shouldn't have any other styles than NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless.
if (!allOrDefault && !(aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::Title)) {
if (aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::Minimize) {
/* It appears that at a minimum, borderless windows can be miniaturizable,
* effectively contradicting some of Apple's documentation referenced
* above. One such exception is the screen share indicator, see
return NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable;
return NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless;
unsigned int mask = NSWindowStyleMaskTitled;
if (allOrDefault || aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::Close) {
mask |= NSWindowStyleMaskClosable;
if (allOrDefault || aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::Minimize) {
mask |= NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable;
if (allOrDefault || aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::ResizeH) {
mask |= NSWindowStyleMaskResizable;
return mask;
// If aRectIsFrameRect, aRect specifies the frame rect of the new window.
// Otherwise, aRect.x/y specify the position of the window's frame relative to
// the bottom of the menubar and aRect.width/height specify the size of the
// content rect.
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::CreateNativeWindow(const NSRect& aRect,
BorderStyle aBorderStyle,
bool aRectIsFrameRect,
bool aIsPrivateBrowsing) {
// We default to NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless, add features if needed.
unsigned int features = NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless;
// Configure the window we will create based on the window type.
switch (mWindowType) {
case WindowType::Invisible:
case WindowType::Child:
case WindowType::Popup:
if (aBorderStyle != BorderStyle::Default &&
mBorderStyle & BorderStyle::Title) {
features |= NSWindowStyleMaskTitled;
if (aBorderStyle & BorderStyle::Close) {
features |= NSWindowStyleMaskClosable;
case WindowType::TopLevel:
case WindowType::Dialog:
features = WindowMaskForBorderStyle(aBorderStyle);
NS_ERROR("Unhandled window type!");
NSRect contentRect;
if (aRectIsFrameRect) {
contentRect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:aRect styleMask:features];
} else {
* We pass a content area rect to initialize the native Cocoa window. The
* content rect we give is the same size as the size we're given by gecko.
* The origin we're given for non-popup windows is moved down by the height
* of the menu bar so that an origin of (0,100) from gecko puts the window
* 100 pixels below the top of the available desktop area. We also move the
* origin down by the height of a title bar if it exists. This is so the
* origin that gecko gives us for the top-left of the window turns out to
* be the top-left of the window we create. This is how it was done in
* Carbon. If it ought to be different we'll probably need to look at all
* the callers.
* Note: This means that if you put a secondary screen on top of your main
* screen and open a window in the top screen, it'll be incorrectly shifted
* down by the height of the menu bar. Same thing would happen in Carbon.
* Note: If you pass a rect with 0,0 for an origin, the window ends up in a
* weird place for some reason. This stops that without breaking popups.
// Compensate for difference between frame and content area height (e.g.
// title bar).
NSRect newWindowFrame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:aRect
contentRect = aRect;
contentRect.origin.y -= (newWindowFrame.size.height - aRect.size.height);
if (mWindowType != WindowType::Popup) {
contentRect.origin.y -= NSApp.mainMenu.menuBarHeight;
// NSLog(@"Top-level window being created at Cocoa rect: %f, %f, %f, %f\n",
// rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, rect.size.width, rect.size.height);
Class windowClass = [BaseWindow class];
if ((mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel ||
mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog) &&
(features & NSWindowStyleMaskTitled)) {
// If we have a titlebar on a top-level window, we want to be able to
// control the titlebar color (for unified windows), so use the special
// ToolbarWindow class. Note that we need to check the window type because
// we mark sheets as having titlebars.
windowClass = [ToolbarWindow class];
} else if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
windowClass = [PopupWindow class];
// If we're a popup window we need to use the PopupWindow class.
} else if (features == NSWindowStyleMaskBorderless) {
// If we're a non-popup borderless window we need to use the
// BorderlessWindow class.
windowClass = [BorderlessWindow class];
// Create the window
mWindow = [[windowClass alloc] initWithContentRect:contentRect
// Make sure that window titles don't leak to disk in private browsing mode
// due to macOS' resume feature.
mWindow.restorable = !aIsPrivateBrowsing;
if (aIsPrivateBrowsing) {
[mWindow disableSnapshotRestoration];
// setup our notification delegate. Note that setDelegate: does NOT retain.
mDelegate = [[WindowDelegate alloc] initWithGeckoWindow:this];
mWindow.delegate = mDelegate;
// Make sure that the content rect we gave has been honored.
NSRect wantedFrame = [mWindow frameRectForChildViewRect:contentRect];
if (!NSEqualRects(mWindow.frame, wantedFrame)) {
// This can happen when the window is not on the primary screen.
[mWindow setFrame:wantedFrame display:NO];
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Invisible) {
mWindow.level = kCGDesktopWindowLevelKey;
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
mWindow.backgroundColor = NSColor.clearColor;
mWindow.opaque = NO;
// When multiple spaces are in use and the browser is assigned to a
// particular space, override the "Assign To" space and display popups on
// the active space. Does not work with multiple displays. See
// NeedsRecreateToReshow() for multi-display with multi-space workaround.
mWindow.collectionBehavior = mWindow.collectionBehavior |
} else {
// Non-popup windows are always opaque.
mWindow.opaque = YES;
if (mAlwaysOnTop || mIsAlert) {
mWindow.level = NSFloatingWindowLevel;
mWindow.collectionBehavior =
mWindow.collectionBehavior | NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces;
mWindow.contentMinSize = NSMakeSize(60, 60);
[mWindow disableCursorRects];
// Make the window use CoreAnimation from the start, so that we don't
// switch from a non-CA window to a CA-window in the middle.
mWindow.contentView.wantsLayer = YES;
// Make sure the window starts out not draggable by the background.
// We will turn it on as necessary.
mWindow.movableByWindowBackground = NO;
[WindowDataMap.sharedWindowDataMap ensureDataForWindow:mWindow];
mWindowMadeHere = true;
return NS_OK;
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::CreatePopupContentView(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect,
widget::InitData* aInitData) {
// We need to make our content view a ChildView.
mPopupContentView = new nsChildView();
if (!mPopupContentView) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
nsIWidget* thisAsWidget = static_cast<nsIWidget*>(this);
nsresult rv =
mPopupContentView->Create(thisAsWidget, nullptr, aRect, aInitData);
if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
return rv;
NSView* contentView = mWindow.contentView;
auto* childView = static_cast<ChildView*>(
childView.frame = contentView.bounds;
childView.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable;
[contentView addSubview:childView];
return NS_OK;
void nsCocoaWindow::Destroy() {
if (mOnDestroyCalled) {
mOnDestroyCalled = true;
// Deal with the possiblity that we're being destroyed while running modal.
if (mModal) {
// If we don't hide here we run into problems with panels, this is not ideal.
// (Bug 891424)
if (mPopupContentView) mPopupContentView->Destroy();
if (mFullscreenTransitionAnimation) {
[mFullscreenTransitionAnimation stopAnimation];
// nsBaseWidget::Destroy() calls GetParent()->RemoveChild(this). But we
// don't implement GetParent(), so we need to do the equivalent here.
if (mParent) {
if (mInFullScreenMode && !mInNativeFullScreenMode) {
// Keep these calls balanced for emulated fullscreen.
// Destroy the native window here (and not wait for that to happen in our
// destructor). Otherwise this might not happen for several seconds because
// at least one object holding a reference to ourselves is usually waiting
// to be garbage-collected.
if (mWindow && mWindowMadeHere) {
void* nsCocoaWindow::GetNativeData(uint32_t aDataType) {
void* retVal = nullptr;
switch (aDataType) {
// to emulate how windows works, we always have to return a NSView
retVal = mWindow.contentView;
retVal = mWindow;
// There isn't anything that makes sense to return here,
// and it doesn't matter so just return nullptr.
NS_ERROR("Requesting NS_NATIVE_GRAPHIC on a top-level window!");
retVal = GetPseudoIMEContext();
if (retVal) {
NSView* view = mWindow ? mWindow.contentView : nil;
if (view) {
retVal = view.inputContext;
// If inputContext isn't available on this window, return this window's
// pointer instead of nullptr since if this returns nullptr,
// IMEStateManager cannot manage composition with TextComposition
// instance. Although, this case shouldn't occur.
if (NS_WARN_IF(!retVal)) {
retVal = this;
return retVal;
bool nsCocoaWindow::IsVisible() const {
return mWindow && mWindow.isVisibleOrBeingShown;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetModal(bool aModal) {
if (mModal == aModal) {
// Unlike many functions here, we explicitly *do not check* for the
// existence of mWindow. This is to ensure that calls to SetModal have
// no early exits and always update state. That way, if the calls are
// balanced, we get expected behavior even if the native window has
// been destroyed during the modal period. Within this function, all
// the calls to mWindow will resolve even if mWindow is nil (as is
// guaranteed by Objective-C). And since those calls are only concerned
// with changing mWindow appearance/level, it's fine for them to be
// no-ops if mWindow has already been destroyed.
// This is used during startup (outside the event loop) when creating
// the add-ons compatibility checking dialog and the profile manager UI;
// therefore, it needs to provide an autorelease pool to avoid cocoa
// objects leaking.
nsAutoreleasePool localPool;
mModal = aModal;
if (aModal) {
} else {
// When a window gets "set modal", make the window(s) that it appears over
// behave as they should. We can't rely on native methods to do this, for the
// following reason: The OS runs modal non-sheet windows in an event loop
// (using [NSApplication runModalForWindow:] or similar methods) that's
// incompatible with the modal event loop in AppWindow::ShowModal() (each of
// these event loops is "exclusive", and can't run at the same time as other
// (similar) event loops).
for (auto* ancestor = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(mAncestorLink); ancestor;
ancestor = static_cast<nsCocoaWindow*>(ancestor->mParent)) {
const bool changed = aModal ? ancestor->mNumModalDescendants++ == 0
: --ancestor->mNumModalDescendants == 0;
NS_ASSERTION(ancestor->mNumModalDescendants >= 0,
"Widget hierarchy changed while modal!");
if (!changed || ancestor->mWindowType == WindowType::Invisible) {
NSWindow* win = ancestor->GetCocoaWindow();
[[win standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled:!aModal];
[[win standardWindowButton:NSWindowMiniaturizeButton] setEnabled:!aModal];
[[win standardWindowButton:NSWindowZoomButton] setEnabled:!aModal];
if (aModal) {
mWindow.level = NSModalPanelWindowLevel;
} else if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
} else {
mWindow.level = NSNormalWindowLevel;
bool nsCocoaWindow::IsRunningAppModal() { return [NSApp _isRunningAppModal]; }
// Hide or show this window
void nsCocoaWindow::Show(bool aState) {
if (!mWindow) {
// Early exit if our current visibility state is already the requested
// state.
if (aState == mWindow.isVisibleOrBeingShown) {
[mWindow setBeingShown:aState];
if (aState && !mWasShown) {
mWasShown = true;
NSWindow* nativeParentWindow =
mParent ? (NSWindow*)mParent->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW) : nil;
if (aState && !mBounds.IsEmpty()) {
// If we had set the activationPolicy to accessory, then right now we won't
// have a dock icon. Make sure that we undo that and show a dock icon now
// that we're going to show a window.
if (NSApp.activationPolicy != NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular) {
NSApp.activationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular;
// Don't try to show a popup when the parent isn't visible or is minimized.
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup && nativeParentWindow) {
if (!nativeParentWindow.isVisible || nativeParentWindow.isMiniaturized) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
// Ensure our content view is visible. We never need to hide it.
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
// For reasons that aren't yet clear, calls to [NSWindow orderFront:] or
// [NSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:] can sometimes trigger "Error (1000)
// creating CGSWindow", which in turn triggers an internal inconsistency
// NSException. These errors shouldn't be fatal. So we need to wrap
// calls to ...orderFront: in TRY blocks. See bmo bug 470864.
[[mWindow contentView] setNeedsDisplay:YES];
if (!nativeParentWindow || mPopupLevel != PopupLevel::Parent) {
[mWindow orderFront:nil];
// If our popup window is a non-native context menu, tell the OS (and
// other programs) that a menu has opened. This is how the OS knows to
// close other programs' context menus when ours open.
if ([mWindow isKindOfClass:[PopupWindow class]] &&
[(PopupWindow*)mWindow isContextMenu]) {
// If a parent window was supplied and this is a popup at the parent
// level, set its child window. This will cause the child window to
// appear above the parent and move when the parent does.
if (nativeParentWindow && mPopupLevel == PopupLevel::Parent) {
[nativeParentWindow addChildWindow:mWindow ordered:NSWindowAbove];
} else {
if (mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel &&
[mWindow respondsToSelector:@selector(setAnimationBehavior:)]) {
NSWindowAnimationBehavior behavior;
if (mIsAnimationSuppressed) {
behavior = NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone;
} else {
switch (mAnimationType) {
case nsIWidget::eDocumentWindowAnimation:
behavior = NSWindowAnimationBehaviorDocumentWindow;
MOZ_FALLTHROUGH_ASSERT("unexpected mAnimationType value");
case nsIWidget::eGenericWindowAnimation:
behavior = NSWindowAnimationBehaviorDefault;
[mWindow setAnimationBehavior:behavior];
mWindowAnimationBehavior = behavior;
// We don't want alwaysontop / alert windows to pull focus when they're
// opened, as these tend to be for peripheral indicators and displays.
if (mAlwaysOnTop || mIsAlert) {
[mWindow orderFront:nil];
} else {
[mWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
} else {
// roll up any popups if a top-level window is going away
if (mWindowType == WindowType::TopLevel ||
mWindowType == WindowType::Dialog) {
// If the window is a popup window with a parent window we need to
// unhook it here before ordering it out. When you order out the child
// of a window it hides the parent window.
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup && nativeParentWindow) {
[nativeParentWindow removeChildWindow:mWindow];
[mWindow orderOut:nil];
// If our popup window is a non-native context menu, tell the OS (and
// other programs) that a menu has closed.
if ([mWindow isKindOfClass:[PopupWindow class]] &&
[(PopupWindow*)mWindow isContextMenu]) {
[mWindow setBeingShown:NO];
// Work around a problem where with multiple displays and multiple spaces
// enabled, where the browser is assigned to a single display or space, popup
// windows that are reshown after being hidden with [NSWindow orderOut] show on
// the assigned space even when opened from another display. Apply the
// workaround whenever more than one display is enabled.
bool nsCocoaWindow::NeedsRecreateToReshow() {
// Limit the workaround to popup windows because only they need to override
// the "Assign To" setting. i.e., to display where the parent window is.
return mWindowType == WindowType::Popup && mWasShown &&
NSScreen.screens.count > 1;
WindowRenderer* nsCocoaWindow::GetWindowRenderer() {
if (mPopupContentView) {
return mPopupContentView->GetWindowRenderer();
return nullptr;
TransparencyMode nsCocoaWindow::GetTransparencyMode() {
return !mWindow || mWindow.isOpaque ? TransparencyMode::Opaque
: TransparencyMode::Transparent;
// This is called from nsMenuPopupFrame when making a popup transparent.
void nsCocoaWindow::SetTransparencyMode(TransparencyMode aMode) {
if (!mWindow) {
BOOL isTransparent = aMode == TransparencyMode::Transparent;
BOOL currentTransparency = !mWindow.isOpaque;
if (isTransparent == currentTransparency) {
mWindow.opaque = !isTransparent;
mWindow.backgroundColor =
isTransparent ? NSColor.clearColor : NSColor.whiteColor;
void nsCocoaWindow::Enable(bool aState) {}
bool nsCocoaWindow::IsEnabled() const { return true; }
void nsCocoaWindow::ConstrainPosition(DesktopIntPoint& aPoint) {
if (!mWindow || ![mWindow screen]) {
nsIntRect screenBounds;
int32_t width, height;
NSRect frame = mWindow.frame;
// zero size rects confuse the screen manager
width = std::max<int32_t>(frame.size.width, 1);
height = std::max<int32_t>(frame.size.height, 1);
nsCOMPtr<nsIScreenManager> screenMgr =
if (screenMgr) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> screen;
screenMgr->ScreenForRect(aPoint.x, aPoint.y, width, height,
if (screen) {
screen->GetRectDisplayPix(&(screenBounds.x), &(screenBounds.y),
&(screenBounds.width), &(screenBounds.height));
if (aPoint.x < screenBounds.x) {
aPoint.x = screenBounds.x;
} else if (aPoint.x >= screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - width) {
aPoint.x = screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - width;
if (aPoint.y < screenBounds.y) {
aPoint.y = screenBounds.y;
} else if (aPoint.y >= screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height - height) {
aPoint.y = screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height - height;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetSizeConstraints(const SizeConstraints& aConstraints) {
// Popups can be smaller than (32, 32)
NSRect rect = (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup)
? NSZeroRect
: NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 32, 32);
rect = [mWindow frameRectForChildViewRect:rect];
SizeConstraints c = aConstraints;
if (c.mScale.scale == MOZ_WIDGET_INVALID_SCALE) {
c.mScale.scale = BackingScaleFactor();
c.mMinSize.width = std::max(
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaPointsToDevPixels(rect.size.width, c.mScale.scale),
c.mMinSize.height = std::max(
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaPointsToDevPixels(rect.size.height, c.mScale.scale),
NSSize minSize = {
nsCocoaUtils::DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(c.mMinSize.width, c.mScale.scale),
nsCocoaUtils::DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(c.mMinSize.height, c.mScale.scale)};
mWindow.minSize = minSize;
c.mMaxSize.width = std::max(
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaPointsToDevPixels(c.mMaxSize.width, c.mScale.scale),
c.mMaxSize.height = std::max(
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaPointsToDevPixels(c.mMaxSize.height, c.mScale.scale),
NSSize maxSize = {
c.mMaxSize.width == NS_MAXSIZE ? FLT_MAX
: nsCocoaUtils::DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(
c.mMaxSize.width, c.mScale.scale),
c.mMaxSize.height == NS_MAXSIZE ? FLT_MAX
: nsCocoaUtils::DevPixelsToCocoaPoints(
c.mMaxSize.height, c.mScale.scale)};
mWindow.maxSize = maxSize;
// Coordinates are desktop pixels
void nsCocoaWindow::Move(double aX, double aY) {
if (!mWindow) {
// The point we have is in Gecko coordinates (origin top-left). Convert
// it to Cocoa ones (origin bottom-left).
NSPoint coord = {
NSRect frame = mWindow.frame;
if (frame.origin.x != coord.x ||
frame.origin.y + frame.size.height != coord.y) {
[mWindow setFrameTopLeftPoint:coord];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode aMode) {
if (aMode == nsSizeMode_Normal) {
} else if (aMode == nsSizeMode_Minimized) {
} else if (aMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized) {
} else if (aMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) {
// The (work)space switching implementation below was inspired by Phoenix:
// License: MIT.
// Runtime `CGSGetActiveSpace` library function feature detection.
typedef CGSSpaceID (*CGSGetActiveSpaceFunc)(CGSConnection cid);
static CGSGetActiveSpaceFunc GetCGSGetActiveSpaceFunc() {
static CGSGetActiveSpaceFunc func = nullptr;
static bool lookedUpFunc = false;
if (!lookedUpFunc) {
func = (CGSGetActiveSpaceFunc)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "CGSGetActiveSpace");
lookedUpFunc = true;
return func;
// Runtime `CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpaces` library function feature detection.
typedef CFArrayRef (*CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpacesFunc)(CGSConnection cid);
static CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpacesFunc GetCGSCopyManagedDisplaySpacesFunc() {
static CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpacesFunc func = nullptr;
static bool lookedUpFunc = false;
if (!lookedUpFunc) {
func = (CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpacesFunc)dlsym(
RTLD_DEFAULT, "CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpaces");
lookedUpFunc = true;
return func;
// Runtime `CGSCopySpacesForWindows` library function feature detection.
typedef CFArrayRef (*CGSCopySpacesForWindowsFunc)(CGSConnection cid,
CGSSpaceMask mask,
CFArrayRef windowIDs);
static CGSCopySpacesForWindowsFunc GetCGSCopySpacesForWindowsFunc() {
static CGSCopySpacesForWindowsFunc func = nullptr;
static bool lookedUpFunc = false;
if (!lookedUpFunc) {
func = (CGSCopySpacesForWindowsFunc)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,
lookedUpFunc = true;
return func;
// Runtime `CGSAddWindowsToSpaces` library function feature detection.
typedef void (*CGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc)(CGSConnection cid,
CFArrayRef windowIDs,
CFArrayRef spaceIDs);
static CGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc GetCGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc() {
static CGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc func = nullptr;
static bool lookedUpFunc = false;
if (!lookedUpFunc) {
func =
(CGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "CGSAddWindowsToSpaces");
lookedUpFunc = true;
return func;
// Runtime `CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpaces` library function feature detection.
typedef void (*CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpacesFunc)(CGSConnection cid,
CFArrayRef windowIDs,
CFArrayRef spaceIDs);
static CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpacesFunc GetCGSRemoveWindowsFromSpacesFunc() {
static CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpacesFunc func = nullptr;
static bool lookedUpFunc = false;
if (!lookedUpFunc) {
func = (CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpacesFunc)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,
lookedUpFunc = true;
return func;
void nsCocoaWindow::GetWorkspaceID(nsAString& workspaceID) {
int32_t sid = GetWorkspaceID();
if (sid != 0) {
int32_t nsCocoaWindow::GetWorkspaceID() {
// Mac OSX space IDs start at '1' (default space), so '0' means 'unknown',
// effectively.
CGSSpaceID sid = 0;
CGSCopySpacesForWindowsFunc CopySpacesForWindows =
if (!CopySpacesForWindows) {
return sid;
CGSConnection cid = _CGSDefaultConnection();
// Fetch all spaces that this window belongs to (in order).
NSArray<NSNumber*>* spaceIDs = CFBridgingRelease(CopySpacesForWindows(
cid, kCGSAllSpacesMask,
(__bridge CFArrayRef) @[ @([mWindow windowNumber]) ]));
if ([spaceIDs count]) {
// When spaces are found, return the first one.
// We don't support a single window painted across multiple places for now.
sid = [spaceIDs[0] integerValue];
} else {
// Fall back to the workspace that's currently active, which is '1' in the
// common case.
CGSGetActiveSpaceFunc GetActiveSpace = GetCGSGetActiveSpaceFunc();
if (GetActiveSpace) {
sid = GetActiveSpace(cid);
return sid;
void nsCocoaWindow::MoveToWorkspace(const nsAString& workspaceIDStr) {
if ([NSScreen screensHaveSeparateSpaces] && [[NSScreen screens] count] > 1) {
// We don't support moving to a workspace when the user has this option
// enabled in Mission Control.
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
int32_t workspaceID = workspaceIDStr.ToInteger(&rv);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
CGSConnection cid = _CGSDefaultConnection();
int32_t currentSpace = GetWorkspaceID();
// If an empty workspace ID is passed in (not valid on OSX), or when the
// window is already on this workspace, we don't need to do anything.
if (!workspaceID || workspaceID == currentSpace) {
CGSCopyManagedDisplaySpacesFunc CopyManagedDisplaySpaces =
CGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc AddWindowsToSpaces = GetCGSAddWindowsToSpacesFunc();
CGSRemoveWindowsFromSpacesFunc RemoveWindowsFromSpaces =
if (!CopyManagedDisplaySpaces || !AddWindowsToSpaces ||
!RemoveWindowsFromSpaces) {
// Fetch an ordered list of all known spaces.
NSArray* displaySpacesInfo = CFBridgingRelease(CopyManagedDisplaySpaces(cid));
// When we found the space we're looking for, we can bail out of the loop
// early, which this local variable is used for.
BOOL found = false;
for (NSDictionary<NSString*, id>* spacesInfo in displaySpacesInfo) {
NSArray<NSNumber*>* sids =
[spacesInfo[CGSSpacesKey] valueForKey:CGSSpaceIDKey];
for (NSNumber* sid in sids) {
// If we found our space in the list, we're good to go and can jump out of
// this loop.
if ((int)[sid integerValue] == workspaceID) {
found = true;
if (found) {
// We were unable to find the space to correspond with the workspaceID as
// requested, so let's bail out.
if (!found) {
// First we add the window to the appropriate space.
AddWindowsToSpaces(cid, (__bridge CFArrayRef) @[ @([mWindow windowNumber]) ],
(__bridge CFArrayRef) @[ @(workspaceID) ]);
// Then we remove the window from the active space.
(__bridge CFArrayRef) @[ @([mWindow windowNumber]) ],
(__bridge CFArrayRef) @[ @(currentSpace) ]);
void nsCocoaWindow::SuppressAnimation(bool aSuppress) {
if ([mWindow respondsToSelector:@selector(setAnimationBehavior:)]) {
mWindow.isAnimationSuppressed = aSuppress;
mWindow.animationBehavior =
aSuppress ? NSWindowAnimationBehaviorNone : mWindowAnimationBehavior;
// This has to preserve the window's frame bounds.
// This method requires (as does the Windows impl.) that you call Resize shortly
// after calling HideWindowChrome. See bug 498835 for fixing this.
void nsCocoaWindow::HideWindowChrome(bool aShouldHide) {
if (!mWindow || !mWindowMadeHere ||
(mWindowType != WindowType::TopLevel &&
mWindowType != WindowType::Dialog)) {
const BOOL isVisible = mWindow.isVisible;
// Remove child windows.
NSArray* childWindows = [mWindow childWindows];
NSEnumerator* enumerator = [childWindows objectEnumerator];
NSWindow* child = nil;
while ((child = [enumerator nextObject])) {
[mWindow removeChildWindow:child];
// Remove the views in the old window's content view.
// The NSArray is autoreleased and retains its NSViews.
NSArray<NSView*>* contentViewContents = [mWindow contentViewContents];
for (NSView* view in contentViewContents) {
[view removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay];
// Save state (like window title).
NSMutableDictionary* state = [mWindow exportState];
// Recreate the window with the right border style.
NSRect frameRect = mWindow.frame;
nsresult rv = CreateNativeWindow(
frameRect, aShouldHide ? BorderStyle::None : mBorderStyle, true,
// Re-import state.
[mWindow importState:state];
// Add the old content view subviews to the new window's content view.
for (NSView* view in contentViewContents) {
[[mWindow contentView] addSubview:view];
// Reparent child windows.
enumerator = [childWindows objectEnumerator];
while ((child = [enumerator nextObject])) {
[mWindow addChildWindow:child ordered:NSWindowAbove];
// Show the new window.
if (isVisible) {
bool wasAnimationSuppressed = mIsAnimationSuppressed;
mIsAnimationSuppressed = true;
mIsAnimationSuppressed = wasAnimationSuppressed;
class FullscreenTransitionData : public nsISupports {
explicit FullscreenTransitionData(NSWindow* aWindow)
: mTransitionWindow(aWindow) {}
NSWindow* mTransitionWindow;
virtual ~FullscreenTransitionData() { [mTransitionWindow close]; }
@interface FullscreenTransitionDelegate : NSObject <NSAnimationDelegate> {
nsCocoaWindow* mWindow;
nsIRunnable* mCallback;
@implementation FullscreenTransitionDelegate
- (void)cleanupAndDispatch:(NSAnimation*)animation {
[animation setDelegate:nil];
[self autorelease];
// The caller should have added ref for us.
- (void)animationDidEnd:(NSAnimation*)animation {
MOZ_ASSERT(animation == mWindow->FullscreenTransitionAnimation(),
"Should be handling the only animation on the window");
[self cleanupAndDispatch:animation];
- (void)animationDidStop:(NSAnimation*)animation {
[self cleanupAndDispatch:animation];
static bool AlwaysUsesNativeFullScreen() {
return Preferences::GetBool("full-screen-api.macos-native-full-screen",
/* virtual */ bool nsCocoaWindow::PrepareForFullscreenTransition(
nsISupports** aData) {
if (AlwaysUsesNativeFullScreen()) {
return false;
// Our fullscreen transition creates a new window occluding this window.
// That triggers an occlusion event which can cause DOM fullscreen requests
// to fail due to the context not being focused at the time the focus check
// is performed in the child process. Until the transition is cleaned up in
// CleanupFullscreenTransition(), ignore occlusion events for this window.
// If this method is changed to return false, the transition will not be
// performed and mIgnoreOcclusionCount should not be incremented.
MOZ_ASSERT(mIgnoreOcclusionCount >= 0);
nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> widgetScreen = GetWidgetScreen();
NSScreen* cocoaScreen = ScreenHelperCocoa::CocoaScreenForScreen(widgetScreen);
NSWindow* win =
[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:cocoaScreen.frame
[win setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
[win setAlphaValue:0];
[win setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES];
[win setLevel:NSScreenSaverWindowLevel];
[win makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
auto data = new FullscreenTransitionData(win);
*aData = data;
return true;
/* virtual */ void nsCocoaWindow::CleanupFullscreenTransition() {
MOZ_ASSERT(mIgnoreOcclusionCount > 0);
/* virtual */ void nsCocoaWindow::PerformFullscreenTransition(
FullscreenTransitionStage aStage, uint16_t aDuration, nsISupports* aData,
nsIRunnable* aCallback) {
auto data = static_cast<FullscreenTransitionData*>(aData);
FullscreenTransitionDelegate* delegate =
[[FullscreenTransitionDelegate alloc] init];
delegate->mWindow = this;
// Storing already_AddRefed directly could cause static checking fail.
delegate->mCallback = nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>(aCallback).forget().take();
if (mFullscreenTransitionAnimation) {
[mFullscreenTransitionAnimation stopAnimation];
NSDictionary* dict = @{
NSViewAnimationTargetKey : data->mTransitionWindow,
NSViewAnimationEffectKey : aStage == eBeforeFullscreenToggle
? NSViewAnimationFadeInEffect
: NSViewAnimationFadeOutEffect
mFullscreenTransitionAnimation =
[[NSViewAnimation alloc] initWithViewAnimations:@[ dict ]];
[mFullscreenTransitionAnimation setDelegate:delegate];
[mFullscreenTransitionAnimation setDuration:aDuration / 1000.0];
[mFullscreenTransitionAnimation startAnimation];
void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaWindowWillEnterFullscreen(bool aFullscreen) {
mHasStartedNativeFullscreen = true;
// Ensure that we update our fullscreen state as early as possible, when the
// resize happens.
mUpdateFullscreenOnResize =
Some(aFullscreen ? TransitionType::Fullscreen : TransitionType::Windowed);
void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaWindowDidEnterFullscreen(bool aFullscreen) {
mHasStartedNativeFullscreen = false;
// Check if aFullscreen matches our expected fullscreen state. It might not if
// there was a failure somewhere along the way, in which case we'll recover
// from that.
bool receivedExpectedFullscreen = false;
if (mUpdateFullscreenOnResize.isSome()) {
bool expectingFullscreen =
(*mUpdateFullscreenOnResize == TransitionType::Fullscreen);
receivedExpectedFullscreen = (expectingFullscreen == aFullscreen);
} else {
receivedExpectedFullscreen = (mInFullScreenMode == aFullscreen);
TransitionType transition =
aFullscreen ? TransitionType::Fullscreen : TransitionType::Windowed;
if (receivedExpectedFullscreen) {
// Everything is as expected. Update our state if needed.
} else {
// We weren't expecting this fullscreen state. Update our fullscreen state
// to the new reality.
UpdateFullscreenState(aFullscreen, true);
// If we have a current transition, switch it to match what we just did.
if (mTransitionCurrent.isSome()) {
mTransitionCurrent = Some(transition);
// Whether we expected this transition or not, we're ready to finish it.
void nsCocoaWindow::UpdateFullscreenState(bool aFullScreen, bool aNativeMode) {
bool wasInFullscreen = mInFullScreenMode;
mInFullScreenMode = aFullScreen;
if (aNativeMode || mInNativeFullScreenMode) {
mInNativeFullScreenMode = aFullScreen;
if (aFullScreen == wasInFullscreen) {
// Notify the mainChildView with our new fullscreen state.
nsChildView* mainChildView =
static_cast<nsChildView*>([[mWindow mainChildView] widget]);
if (mainChildView) {
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::MakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen) {
return DoMakeFullScreen(aFullScreen, AlwaysUsesNativeFullScreen());
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::MakeFullScreenWithNativeTransition(bool aFullScreen) {
return DoMakeFullScreen(aFullScreen, true);
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::DoMakeFullScreen(bool aFullScreen,
bool aUseSystemTransition) {
if (!mWindow) {
return NS_OK;
// Figure out what type of transition is being requested.
TransitionType transition = TransitionType::Windowed;
if (aFullScreen) {
// Decide whether to use fullscreen or emulated fullscreen.
transition =
(aUseSystemTransition && (mWindow.collectionBehavior &
? TransitionType::Fullscreen
: TransitionType::EmulatedFullscreen;
return NS_OK;
void nsCocoaWindow::QueueTransition(const TransitionType& aTransition) {
void nsCocoaWindow::ProcessTransitions() {
if (mInProcessTransitions) {
mInProcessTransitions = true;
// Start a loop that will continue as long as we have transitions to process
// and we aren't waiting on an asynchronous transition to complete. Any
// transition that starts something async will `continue` this loop to exit.
while (!mTransitionsPending.empty() && !IsInTransition()) {
TransitionType nextTransition = mTransitionsPending.front();
// We have to check for some incompatible transition states, and if we find
// one, instead perform an alternative transition and leave the queue
// untouched. If we add one of these transitions, we set
// mIsTransitionCurrentAdded because we don't want to confuse listeners who
// are expecting to receive exactly one event when the requested transition
// has completed.
switch (nextTransition) {
case TransitionType::Fullscreen:
case TransitionType::EmulatedFullscreen:
case TransitionType::Windowed:
case TransitionType::Zoom:
// These can't handle miniaturized windows, so deminiaturize first.
if (mWindow.miniaturized) {
mTransitionCurrent = Some(TransitionType::Deminiaturize);
mIsTransitionCurrentAdded = true;
case TransitionType::Miniaturize:
// This can't handle fullscreen, so go to windowed first.
if (mInFullScreenMode) {
mTransitionCurrent = Some(TransitionType::Windowed);
mIsTransitionCurrentAdded = true;
// If mTransitionCurrent is still empty, then we use the nextTransition and
// pop the queue.
if (mTransitionCurrent.isNothing()) {
mTransitionCurrent = Some(nextTransition);
switch (*mTransitionCurrent) {
case TransitionType::Fullscreen: {
if (!mInFullScreenMode) {
// Run a local run loop until it is safe to start a native fullscreen
// transition.
NSRunLoop* localRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
while (mWindow && !CanStartNativeTransition() &&
[localRunLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]) {
// This loop continues to process events until
// CanStartNativeTransition() returns true or our native
// window has been destroyed.
// This triggers an async animation, so continue.
[mWindow toggleFullScreen:nil];
case TransitionType::EmulatedFullscreen: {
if (!mInFullScreenMode) {
mSuppressSizeModeEvents = true;
// The order here matters. When we exit full screen mode, we need to
// show the Dock first, otherwise the newly-created window won't have
// its minimize button enabled. See bug 526282.
mSuppressSizeModeEvents = false;
UpdateFullscreenState(true, false);
case TransitionType::Windowed: {
if (mInFullScreenMode) {
if (mInNativeFullScreenMode) {
// Run a local run loop until it is safe to start a native
// fullscreen transition.
NSRunLoop* localRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
while (mWindow && !CanStartNativeTransition() &&
[localRunLoop runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]) {
// This loop continues to process events until
// CanStartNativeTransition() returns true or our native
// window has been destroyed.
// This triggers an async animation, so continue.
[mWindow toggleFullScreen:nil];
} else {
mSuppressSizeModeEvents = true;
// The order here matters. When we exit full screen mode, we need to
// show the Dock first, otherwise the newly-created window won't
// have its minimize button enabled. See bug 526282.
mSuppressSizeModeEvents = false;
UpdateFullscreenState(false, false);
} else if (mWindow.zoomed) {
[mWindow zoom:nil];
// Check if we're still zoomed. If we are, we need to do *something*
// to make the window smaller than the zoom size so Cocoa will treat
// us as being out of the zoomed state. Otherwise, we could stay
// zoomed and never be able to be "normal" from calls to SetSizeMode.
if (mWindow.zoomed) {
NSRect maximumFrame = mWindow.frame;
const CGFloat INSET_OUT_OF_ZOOM = 20.0f;
[mWindow setFrame:NSInsetRect(maximumFrame, INSET_OUT_OF_ZOOM,
"We should be able to unzoom by shrinking the frame a bit.");
case TransitionType::Miniaturize:
if (!mWindow.miniaturized) {
// This triggers an async animation, so continue.
[mWindow miniaturize:nil];
case TransitionType::Deminiaturize:
if (mWindow.miniaturized) {
// This triggers an async animation, so continue.
[mWindow deminiaturize:nil];
case TransitionType::Zoom:
if (!mWindow.zoomed) {
[mWindow zoom:nil];
mIsTransitionCurrentAdded = false;
mInProcessTransitions = false;
// When we finish processing transitions, dispatch a size mode event to cover
// the cases where an inserted transition suppressed one, and the original
// transition never sent one because it detected it was at the desired state
// when it ran. If we've already sent a size mode event, then this will be a
// no-op.
if (!IsInTransition()) {
void nsCocoaWindow::CancelAllTransitions() {
// Clear our current and pending transitions. This simplifies our
// reasoning about what happens next, and ensures that whatever is
// currently happening won't trigger another call to
// ProcessTransitions().
mIsTransitionCurrentAdded = false;
void nsCocoaWindow::FinishCurrentTransitionIfMatching(
const TransitionType& aTransition) {
// We've just finished some transition activity, and we're not sure whether it
// was triggered programmatically, or by the user. If it matches our current
// transition, then assume it was triggered programmatically and we can clean
// up that transition and start processing transitions again.
// Whether programmatic or user-initiated, we send out a size mode event.
if (mTransitionCurrent.isSome() && (*mTransitionCurrent == aTransition)) {
// This matches our current transition, so do the safe parts of transition
// cleanup.
mIsTransitionCurrentAdded = false;
// Since this function is called from nsWindowDelegate transition callbacks,
// we want to make sure those callbacks are all the way done before we
// continue processing more transitions. To accomplish this, we dispatch
// ProcessTransitions on the next event loop. Doing this will ensure that
// any async native transition methods we call (like toggleFullScreen) will
// succeed.
if (!mTransitionsPending.empty()) {
"FinishCurrentTransition", this, &nsCocoaWindow::ProcessTransitions));
bool nsCocoaWindow::HandleUpdateFullscreenOnResize() {
if (mUpdateFullscreenOnResize.isNothing()) {
return false;
bool toFullscreen =
(*mUpdateFullscreenOnResize == TransitionType::Fullscreen);
UpdateFullscreenState(toFullscreen, true);
return true;
/* static */ nsCocoaWindow* nsCocoaWindow::sWindowInNativeTransition(nullptr);
bool nsCocoaWindow::CanStartNativeTransition() {
if (sWindowInNativeTransition == nullptr) {
// Claim it and return true, indicating that the caller has permission to
// start the native fullscreen transition.
sWindowInNativeTransition = this;
return true;
return false;
void nsCocoaWindow::EndOurNativeTransition() {
if (sWindowInNativeTransition == this) {
sWindowInNativeTransition = nullptr;
// Coordinates are desktop pixels
void nsCocoaWindow::DoResize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth,
double aHeight, bool aRepaint,
bool aConstrainToCurrentScreen) {
if (!mWindow || mInResize) {
// We are able to resize a window outside of any aspect ratio contraints
// applied to it, but in order to "update" the aspect ratio contraint to the
// new window dimensions, we must re-lock the aspect ratio.
auto relockAspectRatio = MakeScopeExit([&]() {
if (mAspectRatioLocked) {
AutoRestore<bool> reentrantResizeGuard(mInResize);
mInResize = true;
CGFloat scale = mSizeConstraints.mScale.scale;
scale = BackingScaleFactor();
// mSizeConstraints is in device pixels.
int32_t width = NSToIntRound(aWidth * scale);
int32_t height = NSToIntRound(aHeight * scale);
width = std::max(mSizeConstraints.mMinSize.width,
std::min(mSizeConstraints.mMaxSize.width, width));
height = std::max(mSizeConstraints.mMinSize.height,
std::min(mSizeConstraints.mMaxSize.height, height));
DesktopIntRect newBounds(NSToIntRound(aX), NSToIntRound(aY),
NSToIntRound(width / scale),
NSToIntRound(height / scale));
// convert requested bounds into Cocoa coordinate system
NSRect newFrame = nsCocoaUtils::GeckoRectToCocoaRect(newBounds);
NSRect frame = mWindow.frame;
BOOL isMoving = newFrame.origin.x != frame.origin.x ||
newFrame.origin.y != frame.origin.y;
BOOL isResizing = newFrame.size.width != frame.size.width ||
newFrame.size.height != frame.size.height;
if (!isMoving && !isResizing) {
// We ignore aRepaint -- we have to call display:YES, otherwise the
// title bar doesn't immediately get repainted and is displayed in
// the wrong place, leading to a visual jump.
[mWindow setFrame:newFrame display:YES];
// Coordinates are desktop pixels
void nsCocoaWindow::Resize(double aX, double aY, double aWidth, double aHeight,
bool aRepaint) {
DoResize(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aRepaint, false);
// Coordinates are desktop pixels
void nsCocoaWindow::Resize(double aWidth, double aHeight, bool aRepaint) {
double invScale = 1.0 / BackingScaleFactor();
DoResize(mBounds.x * invScale, mBounds.y * invScale, aWidth, aHeight,
aRepaint, true);
// Return the area that the Gecko ChildView in our window should cover, as an
// NSRect in screen coordinates (with 0,0 being the bottom left corner of the
// primary screen).
NSRect nsCocoaWindow::GetClientCocoaRect() {
if (!mWindow) {
return NSZeroRect;
return [mWindow childViewRectForFrameRect:mWindow.frame];
LayoutDeviceIntRect nsCocoaWindow::GetClientBounds() {
CGFloat scaleFactor = BackingScaleFactor();
return nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRectDevPix(GetClientCocoaRect(),
NS_OBJC_END_TRY_BLOCK_RETURN(LayoutDeviceIntRect(0, 0, 0, 0));
void nsCocoaWindow::UpdateBounds() {
NSRect frame = NSZeroRect;
if (mWindow) {
frame = mWindow.frame;
mBounds =
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRectDevPix(frame, BackingScaleFactor());
if (mPopupContentView) {
LayoutDeviceIntRect nsCocoaWindow::GetScreenBounds() {
#ifdef DEBUG
LayoutDeviceIntRect r = nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRectDevPix(
mWindow.frame, BackingScaleFactor());
NS_ASSERTION(mWindow && mBounds == r, "mBounds out of sync!");
return mBounds;
NS_OBJC_END_TRY_BLOCK_RETURN(LayoutDeviceIntRect(0, 0, 0, 0));
double nsCocoaWindow::GetDefaultScaleInternal() { return BackingScaleFactor(); }
static CGFloat GetBackingScaleFactor(NSWindow* aWindow) {
NSRect frame = aWindow.frame;
if (frame.size.width > 0 && frame.size.height > 0) {
return nsCocoaUtils::GetBackingScaleFactor(aWindow);
// For windows with zero width or height, the backingScaleFactor method
// is broken - it will always return 2 on a retina macbook, even when
// the window position implies it's on a non-hidpi external display
// (to the extent that a zero-area window can be said to be "on" a
// display at all!)
// And to make matters worse, Cocoa even fires a
// windowDidChangeBackingProperties notification with the
// NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey key when a window on an
// external display is resized to/from zero height, even though it hasn't
// really changed screens.
// This causes us to handle popup window sizing incorrectly when the
// popup is resized to zero height (bug 820327) - nsXULPopupManager
// becomes (incorrectly) convinced the popup has been explicitly forced
// to a non-default size and needs to have size attributes attached.
// Workaround: instead of asking the window, we'll find the screen it is on
// and ask that for *its* backing scale factor.
// (See bug 853252 and additional comments in windowDidChangeScreen: below
// for further complications this causes.)
// First, expand the rect so that it actually has a measurable area,
// for FindTargetScreenForRect to use.
if (frame.size.width == 0) {
frame.size.width = 1;
if (frame.size.height == 0) {
frame.size.height = 1;
// Then identify the screen it belongs to, and return its scale factor.
NSScreen* screen =
return nsCocoaUtils::GetBackingScaleFactor(screen);
CGFloat nsCocoaWindow::BackingScaleFactor() {
if (mBackingScaleFactor > 0.0) {
return mBackingScaleFactor;
if (!mWindow) {
return 1.0;
mBackingScaleFactor = GetBackingScaleFactor(mWindow);
return mBackingScaleFactor;
void nsCocoaWindow::BackingScaleFactorChanged() {
CGFloat newScale = GetBackingScaleFactor(mWindow);
// ignore notification if it hasn't really changed (or maybe we have
// disabled HiDPI mode via prefs)
if (mBackingScaleFactor == newScale) {
mBackingScaleFactor = newScale;
if (!mWidgetListener || mWidgetListener->GetAppWindow()) {
if (PresShell* presShell = mWidgetListener->GetPresShell()) {
int32_t nsCocoaWindow::RoundsWidgetCoordinatesTo() {
if (BackingScaleFactor() == 2.0) {
return 2;
return 1;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetCursor(const Cursor& aCursor) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::SetTitle(const nsAString& aTitle) {
if (!mWindow) {
return NS_OK;
const nsString& strTitle = PromiseFlatString(aTitle);
const unichar* uniTitle = reinterpret_cast<const unichar*>(strTitle.get());
NSString* title = [NSString stringWithCharacters:uniTitle
if (mWindow.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame && !mWindow.wantsTitleDrawn) {
// Don't cause invalidations when the title isn't displayed.
[mWindow disableSetNeedsDisplay];
[mWindow setTitle:title];
[mWindow enableSetNeedsDisplay];
} else {
[mWindow setTitle:title];
return NS_OK;
void nsCocoaWindow::Invalidate(const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
// Pass notification of some drag event to Gecko
// The drag manager has let us know that something related to a drag has
// occurred in this window. It could be any number of things, ranging from
// a drop, to a drag enter/leave, or a drag over event. The actual event
// is passed in |aMessage| and is passed along to our event hanlder so Gecko
// knows about it.
bool nsCocoaWindow::DragEvent(unsigned int aMessage,
mozilla::gfx::Point aMouseGlobal,
UInt16 aKeyModifiers) {
return false;
void nsCocoaWindow::SendSetZLevelEvent() {
if (mWidgetListener) {
nsWindowZ placement = nsWindowZTop;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> actualBelow;
mWidgetListener->ZLevelChanged(true, &placement, nullptr,
// Invokes callback and ProcessEvent methods on Event Listener object
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::DispatchEvent(WidgetGUIEvent* event,
nsEventStatus& aStatus) {
aStatus = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> kungFuDeathGrip(event->mWidget);
mozilla::Unused << kungFuDeathGrip; // Not used within this function
if (mWidgetListener) {
aStatus = mWidgetListener->HandleEvent(event, mUseAttachedEvents);
return NS_OK;
// aFullScreen should be the window's mInFullScreenMode. We don't have access to
// that from here, so we need to pass it in. mInFullScreenMode should be the
// canonical indicator that a window is currently full screen and it makes sense
// to keep all sizemode logic here.
static nsSizeMode GetWindowSizeMode(NSWindow* aWindow, bool aFullScreen) {
if (aFullScreen) {
return nsSizeMode_Fullscreen;
if (aWindow.isMiniaturized) {
return nsSizeMode_Minimized;
if ((aWindow.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskResizable) && aWindow.isZoomed) {
return nsSizeMode_Maximized;
return nsSizeMode_Normal;
void nsCocoaWindow::ReportMoveEvent() {
// Prevent recursion, which can become infinite (see bug 708278). This
// can happen when the call to [NSWindow setFrameTopLeftPoint:] in
// nsCocoaWindow::Move() triggers an immediate NSWindowDidMove notification
// (and a call to [WindowDelegate windowDidMove:]).
if (mInReportMoveEvent) {
mInReportMoveEvent = true;
// The zoomed state can change when we're moving, in which case we need to
// update our internal mSizeMode. This can happen either if we're maximized
// and then moved, or if we're not maximized and moved back to zoomed state.
if (mWindow && (mSizeMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized) ^ mWindow.isZoomed) {
// Dispatch the move event to Gecko
NotifyWindowMoved(mBounds.x, mBounds.y);
mInReportMoveEvent = false;
void nsCocoaWindow::DispatchSizeModeEvent() {
if (!mWindow) {
if (mSuppressSizeModeEvents || mIsTransitionCurrentAdded) {
nsSizeMode newMode = GetWindowSizeMode(mWindow, mInFullScreenMode);
if (mSizeMode == newMode) {
mSizeMode = newMode;
if (mWidgetListener) {
void nsCocoaWindow::DispatchOcclusionEvent() {
if (!mWindow) {
// Our new occlusion state is true if the window is not visible.
bool newOcclusionState =
!(mHasStartedNativeFullscreen ||
([mWindow occlusionState] & NSWindowOcclusionStateVisible));
// Don't dispatch if the new occlustion state is the same as the current
// state.
if (mIsFullyOccluded == newOcclusionState) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mIgnoreOcclusionCount >= 0);
if (newOcclusionState && mIgnoreOcclusionCount > 0) {
mIsFullyOccluded = newOcclusionState;
if (mWidgetListener) {
void nsCocoaWindow::ReportSizeEvent() {
if (mWidgetListener) {
LayoutDeviceIntRect innerBounds = GetClientBounds();
mWidgetListener->WindowResized(this, innerBounds.width, innerBounds.height);
void nsCocoaWindow::SetMenuBar(RefPtr<nsMenuBarX>&& aMenuBar) {
if (!mWindow) {
mMenuBar = nullptr;
mMenuBar = std::move(aMenuBar);
// Only paint for active windows, or paint the hidden window menu bar if no
// other menu bar has been painted yet so that some reasonable menu bar is
// displayed when the app starts up.
if (mMenuBar && ((!gSomeMenuBarPainted &&
nsMenuUtilsX::GetHiddenWindowMenuBar() == mMenuBar) ||
mWindow.isMainWindow)) {
void nsCocoaWindow::SetFocus(Raise aRaise,
mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType) {
if (!mWindow) return;
if (mPopupContentView) {
return mPopupContentView->SetFocus(aRaise, aCallerType);
if (aRaise == Raise::Yes && (mWindow.isVisible || mWindow.isMiniaturized)) {
if (mWindow.isMiniaturized) {
[mWindow deminiaturize:nil];
[mWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
LayoutDeviceIntPoint nsCocoaWindow::WidgetToScreenOffset() {
return nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRectDevPix(GetClientCocoaRect(),
NS_OBJC_END_TRY_BLOCK_RETURN(LayoutDeviceIntPoint(0, 0));
LayoutDeviceIntPoint nsCocoaWindow::GetClientOffset() {
LayoutDeviceIntRect clientRect = GetClientBounds();
return clientRect.TopLeft() - mBounds.TopLeft();
NS_OBJC_END_TRY_BLOCK_RETURN(LayoutDeviceIntPoint(0, 0));
LayoutDeviceIntMargin nsCocoaWindow::ClientToWindowMargin() {
if (!mWindow || mWindow.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame ||
mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
return {};
NSRect clientNSRect = mWindow.contentLayoutRect;
NSRect frameNSRect = [mWindow frameRectForChildViewRect:clientNSRect];
CGFloat backingScale = BackingScaleFactor();
const auto clientRect =
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRectDevPix(clientNSRect, backingScale);
const auto frameRect =
nsCocoaUtils::CocoaRectToGeckoRectDevPix(frameNSRect, backingScale);
return frameRect - clientRect;
nsMenuBarX* nsCocoaWindow::GetMenuBar() { return mMenuBar; }
void nsCocoaWindow::CaptureRollupEvents(bool aDoCapture) {
if (aDoCapture) {
if (!NSApp.isActive) {
// We need to capture mouse event if we aren't
// the active application. We only set this up when needed
// because they cause spurious mouse event after crash
// and gdb sessions. See bug 699538.
// Sometimes more than one popup window can be visible at the same time
// (e.g. nested non-native context menus, or the test case (attachment
// 276885) for bmo bug 392389, which displays a non-native combo-box in a
// non-native popup window). In these cases the "active" popup window
// should be the topmost -- the (nested) context menu the mouse is currently
// over, or the combo-box's drop-down list (when it's displayed). But
// (among windows that have the same "level") OS X makes topmost the window
// that last received a mouse-down event, which may be incorrect (in the
// combo-box case, it makes topmost the window containing the combo-box).
// So here we fiddle with a non-native popup window's level to make sure the
// "active" one is always above any other non-native popup windows that
// may be visible.
if (mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
} else {
// XXXndeakin this doesn't make sense.
// Why is the new window assumed to be a modal panel?
if (mWindow && mWindowType == WindowType::Popup) {
mWindow.level = NSModalPanelWindowLevel;
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::GetAttention(int32_t aCycleCount) {
[NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest];
return NS_OK;
bool nsCocoaWindow::HasPendingInputEvent() {
return nsChildView::DoHasPendingInputEvent();
void nsCocoaWindow::SetWindowShadowStyle(WindowShadow aStyle) {
if (mShadowStyle == aStyle) {
mShadowStyle = aStyle;
if (!mWindow || mWindowType != WindowType::Popup) {
mWindow.shadowStyle = mShadowStyle;
[mWindow setEffectViewWrapperForStyle:mShadowStyle];
[mWindow setHasShadow:aStyle != WindowShadow::None];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetWindowOpacity(float aOpacity) {
if (!mWindow) {
[mWindow setAlphaValue:(CGFloat)aOpacity];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetColorScheme(const Maybe<ColorScheme>& aScheme) {
if (!mWindow) {
NSAppearance* appearance =
aScheme ? NSAppearanceForColorScheme(*aScheme) : nil;
if (mWindow.appearance != appearance) {
mWindow.appearance = appearance;
static inline CGAffineTransform GfxMatrixToCGAffineTransform(
const gfx::Matrix& m) {
CGAffineTransform t;
t.a = m._11;
t.b = m._12;
t.c = m._21;
t.d = m._22;
t.tx = m._31;
t.ty = m._32;
return t;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetWindowTransform(const gfx::Matrix& aTransform) {
if (!mWindow) {
// Calling CGSSetWindowTransform when the window is not visible results in
// misplacing the window into doubled x,y coordinates (see bug 1448132).
if (!mWindow.isVisible || NSIsEmptyRect(mWindow.frame)) {
if (StaticPrefs::widget_window_transforms_disabled()) {
// CGSSetWindowTransform is a private API. In case calling it causes
// problems either now or in the future, we'll want to have an easy kill
// switch. So we allow disabling it with a pref.
gfx::Matrix transform = aTransform;
// aTransform is a transform that should be applied to the window relative
// to its regular position: If aTransform._31 is 100, then we want the
// window to be displayed 100 pixels to the right of its regular position.
// The transform that CGSSetWindowTransform accepts has a different meaning:
// It's used to answer the question "For the screen pixel at x,y (with the
// origin at the top left), what pixel in the window's buffer (again with
// origin top left) should be displayed at that position?"
// In the example above, this means that we need to call
// CGSSetWindowTransform with a horizontal translation of -windowPos.x - 100.
// So we need to invert the transform and adjust it by the window's position.
if (!transform.Invert()) {
// Treat non-invertible transforms as the identity transform.
transform = gfx::Matrix();
bool isIdentity = transform.IsIdentity();
if (isIdentity && mWindowTransformIsIdentity) {
transform.PreTranslate(-mBounds.x, -mBounds.y);
// Snap translations to device pixels, to match what we do for CSS transforms
// and because the window server rounds down instead of to nearest.
if (!transform.HasNonTranslation() && transform.HasNonIntegerTranslation()) {
auto snappedTranslation = gfx::IntPoint::Round(transform.GetTranslation());
transform =
gfx::Matrix::Translation(snappedTranslation.x, snappedTranslation.y);
// We also need to account for the backing scale factor: aTransform is given
// in device pixels, but CGSSetWindowTransform works with logical display
// pixels.
CGFloat backingScale = BackingScaleFactor();
transform.PreScale(backingScale, backingScale);
transform.PostScale(1 / backingScale, 1 / backingScale);
CGSConnection cid = _CGSDefaultConnection();
CGSSetWindowTransform(cid, [mWindow windowNumber],
mWindowTransformIsIdentity = isIdentity;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetInputRegion(const InputRegion& aInputRegion) {
MOZ_ASSERT(mWindowType == WindowType::Popup,
"This should only be called on popup windows.");
// TODO: Somehow support aInputRegion.mMargin? Though maybe not.
if (aInputRegion.mFullyTransparent) {
[mWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES];
} else {
[mWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetShowsToolbarButton(bool aShow) {
if (mWindow) [mWindow setShowsToolbarButton:aShow];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetSupportsNativeFullscreen(
bool aSupportsNativeFullscreen) {
if (mWindow) {
// This determines whether we tell cocoa that the window supports native
// full screen. If we do so, and another window is in native full screen,
// this window will also appear in native full screen. We generally only
// want to do this for primary application windows. We'll set the
// relevant macnativefullscreen attribute on those, which will lead to us
// being called with aSupportsNativeFullscreen set to `true` here.
NSWindowCollectionBehavior newBehavior = [mWindow collectionBehavior];
if (aSupportsNativeFullscreen) {
newBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
} else {
newBehavior &= ~NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary;
[mWindow setCollectionBehavior:newBehavior];
void nsCocoaWindow::SetWindowAnimationType(
nsIWidget::WindowAnimationType aType) {
mAnimationType = aType;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetDrawsTitle(bool aDrawTitle) {
// If we don't draw into the window frame, we always want to display window
// titles.
mWindow.wantsTitleDrawn = aDrawTitle || !mWindow.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame;
nsresult nsCocoaWindow::SetNonClientMargins(
const LayoutDeviceIntMargin& margins) {
SetDrawsInTitlebar( == 0);
return NS_OK;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetDrawsInTitlebar(bool aState) {
if (mWindow) {
[mWindow setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:aState];
NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, NativeMouseMessage aNativeMessage,
MouseButton aButton, nsIWidget::Modifiers aModifierFlags,
nsIObserver* aObserver) {
AutoObserverNotifier notifier(aObserver, "mouseevent");
if (mPopupContentView) {
return mPopupContentView->SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(
aPoint, aNativeMessage, aButton, aModifierFlags, nullptr);
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsCocoaWindow::SynthesizeNativeMouseScrollEvent(
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aPoint, uint32_t aNativeMessage, double aDeltaX,
double aDeltaY, double aDeltaZ, uint32_t aModifierFlags,
uint32_t aAdditionalFlags, nsIObserver* aObserver) {
AutoObserverNotifier notifier(aObserver, "mousescrollevent");
if (mPopupContentView) {
// Pass nullptr as the observer so that the AutoObserverNotification in
// nsChildView::SynthesizeNativeMouseScrollEvent will be ignored.
return mPopupContentView->SynthesizeNativeMouseScrollEvent(
aPoint, aNativeMessage, aDeltaX, aDeltaY, aDeltaZ, aModifierFlags,
aAdditionalFlags, nullptr);
return NS_OK;
void nsCocoaWindow::LockAspectRatio(bool aShouldLock) {
if (aShouldLock) {
[mWindow setContentAspectRatio:mWindow.frame.size];
mAspectRatioLocked = true;
} else {
// According to
// aspect ratios and resize increments are mutually exclusive, and the
// accepted way of cancelling an established aspect ratio is to set the
// resize increments to 1.0, 1.0
[mWindow setResizeIncrements:NSMakeSize(1.0, 1.0)];
mAspectRatioLocked = false;
void nsCocoaWindow::UpdateThemeGeometries(
const nsTArray<ThemeGeometry>& aThemeGeometries) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
return mPopupContentView->UpdateThemeGeometries(aThemeGeometries);
void nsCocoaWindow::SetPopupWindowLevel() {
if (!mWindow) {
// Otherwise, this is a top-level or parent popup. Parent popups always
// appear just above their parent and essentially ignore the level.
mWindow.level = NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel;
mWindow.hidesOnDeactivate = NO;
void nsCocoaWindow::SetInputContext(const InputContext& aContext,
const InputContextAction& aAction) {
mInputContext = aContext;
bool nsCocoaWindow::GetEditCommands(NativeKeyBindingsType aType,
const WidgetKeyboardEvent& aEvent,
nsTArray<CommandInt>& aCommands) {
// Validate the arguments.
if (NS_WARN_IF(!nsIWidget::GetEditCommands(aType, aEvent, aCommands))) {
return false;
NativeKeyBindings* keyBindings = NativeKeyBindings::GetInstance(aType);
// When the keyboard event is fired from this widget, it must mean that no web
// content has focus because any web contents should be on `nsChildView`. And
// in any locales, the system UI is always horizontal layout. So, let's pass
// `Nothing()` for the writing mode here, it won't be treated as in a vertical
// content.
keyBindings->GetEditCommands(aEvent, Nothing(), aCommands);
return true;
void nsCocoaWindow::PauseOrResumeCompositor(bool aPause) {
if (auto* mainChildView =
static_cast<nsIWidget*>(mWindow.mainChildView.widget)) {
bool nsCocoaWindow::AsyncPanZoomEnabled() const {
if (mPopupContentView) {
return mPopupContentView->AsyncPanZoomEnabled();
return nsBaseWidget::AsyncPanZoomEnabled();
bool nsCocoaWindow::StartAsyncAutoscroll(const ScreenPoint& aAnchorLocation,
const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
return mPopupContentView->StartAsyncAutoscroll(aAnchorLocation, aGuid);
return nsBaseWidget::StartAsyncAutoscroll(aAnchorLocation, aGuid);
void nsCocoaWindow::StopAsyncAutoscroll(const ScrollableLayerGuid& aGuid) {
if (mPopupContentView) {
already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> nsIWidget::CreateTopLevelWindow() {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> window = new nsCocoaWindow();
return window.forget();
already_AddRefed<nsIWidget> nsIWidget::CreateChildWindow() {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> window = new nsChildView();
return window.forget();
@implementation WindowDelegate
// We try to find a gecko menu bar to paint. If one does not exist, just paint
// the application menu by itself so that a window doesn't have some other
// window's menu bar.
+ (void)paintMenubarForWindow:(NSWindow*)aWindow {
// make sure we only act on windows that have this kind of
// object as a delegate
id windowDelegate = [aWindow delegate];
if ([windowDelegate class] != [self class]) return;
nsCocoaWindow* geckoWidget = [windowDelegate geckoWidget];
NS_ASSERTION(geckoWidget, "Window delegate not returning a gecko widget!");
if (nsMenuBarX* geckoMenuBar = geckoWidget->GetMenuBar()) {
} else {
// sometimes we don't have a native application menu early in launching
if (!sApplicationMenu) {
NSMenu* mainMenu = NSApp.mainMenu;
mainMenu.numberOfItems > 0,
"Main menu does not have any items, something is terribly wrong!");
// Create a new menu bar.
// We create a GeckoNSMenu because all menu bar NSMenu objects should use
// that subclass for key handling reasons.
GeckoNSMenu* newMenuBar =
[[GeckoNSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@"MainMenuBar"];
// move the application menu from the existing menu bar to the new one
NSMenuItem* firstMenuItem = [[mainMenu itemAtIndex:0] retain];
[mainMenu removeItemAtIndex:0];
[newMenuBar insertItem:firstMenuItem atIndex:0];
[firstMenuItem release];
// set our new menu bar as the main menu
NSApp.mainMenu = newMenuBar;
[newMenuBar release];
- (id)initWithGeckoWindow:(nsCocoaWindow*)geckoWind {
[super init];
mGeckoWindow = geckoWind;
mToplevelActiveState = false;
mHasEverBeenZoomed = false;
return self;
- (NSSize)windowWillResize:(NSWindow*)sender toSize:(NSSize)proposedFrameSize {
return proposedFrameSize;
- (NSRect)windowWillUseStandardFrame:(NSWindow*)window
defaultFrame:(NSRect)newFrame {
// This function needs to return a rect representing the frame a window would
// have if it is in its "maximized" size mode. The parameter newFrame is
// supposed to be a frame representing the maximum window size on the screen
// where the window currently appears. However, in practice, newFrame can be a
// much smaller size. So, we ignore newframe and instead return the frame of
// the entire screen associated with the window. That frame is bigger than the
// window could actually be, due to the presence of the menubar and possibly
// the dock, but we never call this function directly, and Cocoa callers will
// shrink it to its true maximum size.
return window.screen.frame;
void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaSendToplevelActivateEvents() {
if (mWidgetListener) {
void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaSendToplevelDeactivateEvents() {
if (mWidgetListener) {
void nsCocoaWindow::CocoaWindowDidResize() {
// It's important to update our bounds before we trigger any listeners. This
// ensures that our bounds are correct when GetScreenBounds is called.
if (HandleUpdateFullscreenOnResize()) {
// Resizing might have changed our zoom state.
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
BaseWindow* window = [aNotification object];
[window updateTrackingArea];
if (!mGeckoWindow) return;
- (void)windowDidChangeScreen:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
if (!mGeckoWindow) return;
// Because of Cocoa's peculiar treatment of zero-size windows (see comments
// at GetBackingScaleFactor() above), we sometimes have a situation where
// our concept of backing scale (based on the screen where the zero-sized
// window is positioned) differs from Cocoa's idea (always based on the
// Retina screen, AFAICT, even when an external non-Retina screen is the
// primary display).
// As a result, if the window was created with zero size on an external
// display, but then made visible on the (secondary) Retina screen, we
// will *not* get a windowDidChangeBackingProperties notification for it.
// This leads to an incorrect GetDefaultScale(), and widget coordinate
// confusion, as per bug 853252.
// To work around this, we check for a backing scale mismatch when we
// receive a windowDidChangeScreen notification, as we will receive this
// even if Cocoa was already treating the zero-size window as having
// Retina backing scale.
NSWindow* window = (NSWindow*)[aNotification object];
if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(backingScaleFactor)]) {
if (GetBackingScaleFactor(window) != mGeckoWindow->BackingScaleFactor()) {
- (void)windowWillEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification {
if (!mGeckoWindow) {
// Lion's full screen mode will bypass our internal fullscreen tracking, so
// we need to catch it when we transition and call our own methods, which in
// turn will fire "fullscreen" events.
- (void)windowDidEnterFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification {
// On Yosemite, the NSThemeFrame class has two new properties --
// titlebarView (an NSTitlebarView object) and titlebarContainerView (an
// NSTitlebarContainerView object). These are used to display the titlebar
// in fullscreen mode. In Safari they're not transparent. But in Firefox
// for some reason they are, which causes bug 1069658. The following code
// works around this Apple bug or design flaw.
NSWindow* window = notification.object;
NSView* frameView = window.contentView.superview;
NSView* titlebarView = nil;
NSView* titlebarContainerView = nil;
if ([frameView respondsToSelector:@selector(titlebarView)]) {
titlebarView = [frameView titlebarView];
if ([frameView respondsToSelector:@selector(titlebarContainerView)]) {
titlebarContainerView = [frameView titlebarContainerView];
if ([titlebarView respondsToSelector:@selector(setTransparent:)]) {
[titlebarView setTransparent:NO];
if ([titlebarContainerView respondsToSelector:@selector(setTransparent:)]) {
[titlebarContainerView setTransparent:NO];
if (!mGeckoWindow) {
- (void)windowWillExitFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification {
if (!mGeckoWindow) {
- (void)windowDidExitFullScreen:(NSNotification*)notification {
if (!mGeckoWindow) {
- (void)windowDidBecomeMain:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
// [NSApp _isRunningAppModal] will return true if we're running an OS dialog
// app modally. If one of those is up then we want it to retain its menu bar.
if (NSApp._isRunningAppModal) {
NSWindow* window = aNotification.object;
if (window) {
[WindowDelegate paintMenubarForWindow:window];
if ([window isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]]) {
[(ToolbarWindow*)window windowMainStateChanged];
- (void)windowDidResignMain:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
// [NSApp _isRunningAppModal] will return true if we're running an OS dialog
// app modally. If one of those is up then we want it to retain its menu bar.
if ([NSApp _isRunningAppModal]) return;
RefPtr<nsMenuBarX> hiddenWindowMenuBar =
if (hiddenWindowMenuBar) {
// printf("painting hidden window menu bar due to window losing main
// status\n");
NSWindow* window = [aNotification object];
if ([window isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]]) {
[(ToolbarWindow*)window windowMainStateChanged];
- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
NSWindow* window = [aNotification object];
auto* mainChildView =
static_cast<nsChildView*>([[(BaseWindow*)window mainChildView] widget]);
if (mainChildView) {
if (mainChildView->GetInputContext().IsPasswordEditor()) {
} else {
- (void)windowDidResignKey:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
- (void)windowWillMove:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
- (void)windowDidMove:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
if (mGeckoWindow) mGeckoWindow->ReportMoveEvent();
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender {
nsIWidgetListener* listener =
mGeckoWindow ? mGeckoWindow->GetWidgetListener() : nullptr;
if (listener) listener->RequestWindowClose(mGeckoWindow);
return NO; // gecko will do it
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
- (void)windowWillMiniaturize:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
- (void)windowDidMiniaturize:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
if (!mGeckoWindow) {
- (void)windowDidDeminiaturize:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
if (!mGeckoWindow) {
- (BOOL)windowShouldZoom:(NSWindow*)window toFrame:(NSRect)proposedFrame {
if (!mHasEverBeenZoomed && window.isZoomed) {
return NO; // See bug 429954.
mHasEverBeenZoomed = YES;
return YES;
- (void)windowDidChangeBackingProperties:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
NSWindow* window = (NSWindow*)[aNotification object];
if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(backingScaleFactor)]) {
CGFloat oldFactor = [[[aNotification userInfo]
objectForKey:@"NSBackingPropertyOldScaleFactorKey"] doubleValue];
if (window.backingScaleFactor != oldFactor) {
// This method is on NSWindowDelegate starting with 10.9
- (void)windowDidChangeOcclusionState:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
if (mGeckoWindow) {
- (nsCocoaWindow*)geckoWidget {
return mGeckoWindow;
- (bool)toplevelActiveState {
return mToplevelActiveState;
- (void)sendToplevelActivateEvents {
if (!mToplevelActiveState && mGeckoWindow) {
mToplevelActiveState = true;
- (void)sendToplevelDeactivateEvents {
if (mToplevelActiveState && mGeckoWindow) {
mToplevelActiveState = false;
@interface NSView (FrameViewMethodSwizzling)
- (NSPoint)FrameView__closeButtonOrigin;
- (CGFloat)FrameView__titlebarHeight;
@implementation NSView (FrameViewMethodSwizzling)
- (NSPoint)FrameView__closeButtonOrigin {
if (![self.window isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]]) {
return self.FrameView__closeButtonOrigin;
auto* win = static_cast<ToolbarWindow*>(self.window);
if (win.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame && !win.wantsTitleDrawn &&
!(win.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen) &&
(win.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskTitled)) {
const NSRect buttonsRect = win.windowButtonsRect;
if (NSIsEmptyRect(buttonsRect)) {
// Empty rect. Let's hide the buttons.
// Position is in non-flipped window coordinates. Using frame's height
// for the vertical coordinate will move the buttons above the window,
// making them invisible.
return NSMakePoint(buttonsRect.origin.x, win.frame.size.height);
if (win.windowTitlebarLayoutDirection ==
NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionRightToLeft) {
// We're in RTL mode, which means that the close button is the rightmost
// button of the three window buttons. and buttonsRect.origin is the
// bottom left corner of the green (zoom) button. The close button is 40px
// to the right of the zoom button. This is confirmed to be the same on
// all macOS versions between 10.12 - 12.0.
return NSMakePoint(buttonsRect.origin.x + 40.0f, buttonsRect.origin.y);
return buttonsRect.origin;
return self.FrameView__closeButtonOrigin;
- (CGFloat)FrameView__titlebarHeight {
// XXX: Shouldn't this be [super FrameView__titlebarHeight]?
CGFloat height = [self FrameView__titlebarHeight];
if ([self.window isKindOfClass:[ToolbarWindow class]]) {
// Make sure that the titlebar height includes our shifted buttons.
// The following coordinates are in window space, with the origin being at
// the bottom left corner of the window.
auto* win = static_cast<ToolbarWindow*>(self.window);
CGFloat frameHeight = self.frame.size.height;
CGFloat windowButtonY = frameHeight;
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(win.windowButtonsRect) &&
win.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame &&
!(win.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen) &&
(win.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskTitled)) {
windowButtonY = win.windowButtonsRect.origin.y;
height = std::max(height, frameHeight - windowButtonY);
return height;
static NSMutableSet* gSwizzledFrameViewClasses = nil;
@interface NSWindow (PrivateSetNeedsDisplayInRectMethod)
- (void)_setNeedsDisplayInRect:(NSRect)aRect;
@interface BaseWindow (Private)
- (void)removeTrackingArea;
- (void)cursorUpdated:(NSEvent*)aEvent;
- (void)reflowTitlebarElements;
@implementation BaseWindow
// The frame of a window is implemented using undocumented NSView subclasses.
// We offset the window buttons by overriding the method _closeButtonOrigin on
// these frame view classes. The class which is
// used for a window is determined in the window's frameViewClassForStyleMask:
// method, so this is where we make sure that we have swizzled the method on
// all encountered classes.
+ (Class)frameViewClassForStyleMask:(NSUInteger)styleMask {
Class frameViewClass = [super frameViewClassForStyleMask:styleMask];
if (!gSwizzledFrameViewClasses) {
gSwizzledFrameViewClasses = [[NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:3] retain];
if (!gSwizzledFrameViewClasses) {
return frameViewClass;
static IMP our_closeButtonOrigin = class_getMethodImplementation(
[NSView class], @selector(FrameView__closeButtonOrigin));
static IMP our_titlebarHeight = class_getMethodImplementation(
[NSView class], @selector(FrameView__titlebarHeight));
if (![gSwizzledFrameViewClasses containsObject:frameViewClass]) {
// Either of these methods might be implemented in both a subclass of
// NSFrameView and one of its own subclasses. Which means that if we
// aren't careful we might end up swizzling the same method twice.
// Since method swizzling involves swapping pointers, this would break
// things.
IMP _closeButtonOrigin = class_getMethodImplementation(
frameViewClass, @selector(_closeButtonOrigin));
if (_closeButtonOrigin && _closeButtonOrigin != our_closeButtonOrigin) {
nsToolkit::SwizzleMethods(frameViewClass, @selector(_closeButtonOrigin),
// Override _titlebarHeight so that the floating titlebar doesn't clip the
// bottom of the window buttons which we move down with our override of
// _closeButtonOrigin.
IMP _titlebarHeight = class_getMethodImplementation(
frameViewClass, @selector(_titlebarHeight));
if (_titlebarHeight && _titlebarHeight != our_titlebarHeight) {
nsToolkit::SwizzleMethods(frameViewClass, @selector(_titlebarHeight),
[gSwizzledFrameViewClasses addObject:frameViewClass];
return frameViewClass;
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)aContentRect
defer:(BOOL)aFlag {
mDrawsIntoWindowFrame = NO;
[super initWithContentRect:aContentRect
mState = nil;
mDisabledNeedsDisplay = NO;
mTrackingArea = nil;
mDirtyRect = NSZeroRect;
mBeingShown = NO;
mDrawTitle = NO;
mTouchBar = nil;
mIsAnimationSuppressed = NO;
[self updateTrackingArea];
return self;
// Returns an autoreleased NSImage.
static NSImage* GetMenuMaskImage() {
const CGFloat radius = 6.0f;
const NSSize maskSize = {radius * 3.0f, radius * 3.0f};
NSImage* maskImage = [NSImage imageWithSize:maskSize
drawingHandler:^BOOL(NSRect dstRect) {
NSBezierPath* path = [NSBezierPath
[NSColor.blackColor set];
[path fill];
return YES;
maskImage.capInsets = NSEdgeInsetsMake(radius, radius, radius, radius);
return maskImage;
// Add an effect view wrapper if needed so that the OS draws the appropriate
// vibrancy effect and window border.
- (void)setEffectViewWrapperForStyle:(WindowShadow)aStyle {
NSView* wrapper = [&]() -> NSView* {
if (aStyle == WindowShadow::Menu || aStyle == WindowShadow::Tooltip) {
const bool isMenu = aStyle == WindowShadow::Menu;
auto* effectView =
[[NSVisualEffectView alloc] initWithFrame:self.contentView.frame];
effectView.material =
isMenu ? NSVisualEffectMaterialMenu : NSVisualEffectMaterialToolTip;
// Tooltip and menu windows are never "key", so we need to tell the
// vibrancy effect to look active regardless of window state.
effectView.state = NSVisualEffectStateActive;
effectView.blendingMode = NSVisualEffectBlendingModeBehindWindow;
if (isMenu) {
// Turn on rounded corner masking.
effectView.maskImage = GetMenuMaskImage();
return effectView;
return [[NSView alloc] initWithFrame:self.contentView.frame];
wrapper.wantsLayer = YES;
// Swap out our content view by the new view. Setting .contentView releases
// the old view.
NSView* childView = [self.mainChildView retain];
[childView removeFromSuperview];
[wrapper addSubview:childView];
[childView release];
super.contentView = wrapper;
[wrapper release];
- (NSTouchBar*)makeTouchBar {
mTouchBar = [[nsTouchBar alloc] init];
if (mTouchBar) {
sTouchBarIsInitialized = YES;
return mTouchBar;
- (void)setBeingShown:(BOOL)aValue {
mBeingShown = aValue;
- (BOOL)isBeingShown {
return mBeingShown;
- (BOOL)isVisibleOrBeingShown {
return [super isVisible] || mBeingShown;
- (void)setIsAnimationSuppressed:(BOOL)aValue {
mIsAnimationSuppressed = aValue;
- (BOOL)isAnimationSuppressed {
return mIsAnimationSuppressed;
- (void)disableSetNeedsDisplay {
mDisabledNeedsDisplay = YES;
- (void)enableSetNeedsDisplay {
mDisabledNeedsDisplay = NO;
- (void)dealloc {
[mTouchBar release];
[self removeTrackingArea];
[super dealloc];
static const NSString* kStateTitleKey = @"title";
static const NSString* kStateDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrameKey =
static const NSString* kStateShowsToolbarButton = @"showsToolbarButton";
static const NSString* kStateCollectionBehavior = @"collectionBehavior";
static const NSString* kStateWantsTitleDrawn = @"wantsTitleDrawn";
- (void)importState:(NSDictionary*)aState {
if (NSString* title = [aState objectForKey:kStateTitleKey]) {
[self setTitle:title];
[self setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:
[[aState objectForKey:kStateDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrameKey]
[self setShowsToolbarButton:[[aState objectForKey:kStateShowsToolbarButton]
[self setCollectionBehavior:[[aState objectForKey:kStateCollectionBehavior]
[self setWantsTitleDrawn:[[aState objectForKey:kStateWantsTitleDrawn]
- (NSMutableDictionary*)exportState {
NSMutableDictionary* state = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:10];
if (NSString* title = self.title) {
[state setObject:title forKey:kStateTitleKey];
[state setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:self.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame]
[state setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:self.showsToolbarButton]
[state setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:self.collectionBehavior]
[state setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:self.wantsTitleDrawn]
return state;
- (void)setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:(BOOL)aState {
bool changed = aState != mDrawsIntoWindowFrame;
mDrawsIntoWindowFrame = aState;
if (changed) {
[self reflowTitlebarElements];
- (BOOL)drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame {
return mDrawsIntoWindowFrame;
- (NSRect)childViewRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)aFrameRect {
if (mDrawsIntoWindowFrame) {
return aFrameRect;
NSUInteger styleMask = [self styleMask];
styleMask &= ~NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView;
return [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect:aFrameRect styleMask:styleMask];
- (NSRect)frameRectForChildViewRect:(NSRect)aChildViewRect {
if (mDrawsIntoWindowFrame) {
return aChildViewRect;
NSUInteger styleMask = [self styleMask];
styleMask &= ~NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView;
return [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:aChildViewRect styleMask:styleMask];
- (NSTimeInterval)animationResizeTime:(NSRect)newFrame {
if (mIsAnimationSuppressed) {
// Should not animate the initial session-restore size change
return 0.0;
return [super animationResizeTime:newFrame];
- (void)setWantsTitleDrawn:(BOOL)aDrawTitle {
mDrawTitle = aDrawTitle;
[self setTitleVisibility:mDrawTitle ? NSWindowTitleVisible
: NSWindowTitleHidden];
- (BOOL)wantsTitleDrawn {
return mDrawTitle;
- (NSView*)trackingAreaView {
NSView* contentView = self.contentView;
return contentView.superview ? contentView.superview : contentView;
- (NSArray<NSView*>*)contentViewContents {
return [[self.contentView.subviews copy] autorelease];
- (ChildView*)mainChildView {
NSView* contentView = self.contentView;
NSView* lastView = contentView.subviews.lastObject;
if ([lastView isKindOfClass:[ChildView class]]) {
return (ChildView*)lastView;
return nil;
- (void)removeTrackingArea {
if (mTrackingArea) {
[self.trackingAreaView removeTrackingArea:mTrackingArea];
[mTrackingArea release];
mTrackingArea = nil;
- (void)updateTrackingArea {
[self removeTrackingArea];
NSView* view = self.trackingAreaView;
const NSTrackingAreaOptions options = NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited |
NSTrackingMouseMoved |
mTrackingArea = [[NSTrackingArea alloc] initWithRect:[view bounds]
[view addTrackingArea:mTrackingArea];
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)aEvent {
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent*)aEvent {
- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent*)aEvent {
- (void)cursorUpdated:(NSEvent*)aEvent {
// Nothing to do here, but NSTrackingArea wants us to implement this method.
- (void)_setNeedsDisplayInRect:(NSRect)aRect {
// Prevent unnecessary invalidations due to moving NSViews (e.g. for plugins)
if (!mDisabledNeedsDisplay) {
// This method is only called by Cocoa, so when we're here, we know that
// it's available and don't need to check whether our superclass responds
// to the selector.
[super _setNeedsDisplayInRect:aRect];
mDirtyRect = NSUnionRect(mDirtyRect, aRect);
- (NSRect)getAndResetNativeDirtyRect {
NSRect dirtyRect = mDirtyRect;
mDirtyRect = NSZeroRect;
return dirtyRect;
// Possibly move the titlebar buttons.
- (void)reflowTitlebarElements {
NSView* frameView = self.contentView.superview;
if ([frameView respondsToSelector:@selector(_tileTitlebarAndRedisplay:)]) {
[frameView _tileTitlebarAndRedisplay:NO];
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector {
// Claim the window doesn't respond to this so that the system
// doesn't steal keyboard equivalents for it. Bug 613710.
if (aSelector == @selector(cancelOperation:)) {
return NO;
return [super respondsToSelector:aSelector];
- (void)doCommandBySelector:(SEL)aSelector {
// We override this so that it won't beep if it can't act.
// We want to control the beeping for missing or disabled
// commands ourselves.
[self tryToPerform:aSelector with:nil];
- (id)accessibilityAttributeValue:(NSString*)attribute {
id retval = [super accessibilityAttributeValue:attribute];
// The following works around a problem with Text-to-Speech on OS X 10.7.
// See bug 674612 for more info.
// When accessibility is off, AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(), when called
// on an AXApplication object to get its AXFocusedUIElement attribute,
// always returns an AXWindow object (the actual browser window -- never a
// mozAccessible object). This also happens with accessibility turned on,
// if no other object in the browser window has yet been focused. But if
// the browser window has a title bar (as it currently always does), the
// AXWindow object will always have four "accessible" children, one of which
// is an AXStaticText object (the title bar's "title"; the other three are
// the close, minimize and zoom buttons). This means that (for complicated
// reasons, for which see bug 674612) Text-to-Speech on OS X 10.7 will often
// "speak" the window title, no matter what text is selected, or even if no
// text at all is selected. (This always happens when accessibility is off.
// It doesn't happen in Firefox releases because Apple has (on OS X 10.7)
// special-cased the handling of apps whose CFBundleIdentifier is
// org.mozilla.firefox.)
// We work around this problem by only returning AXChildren that are
// mozAccessible object or are one of the titlebar's buttons (which
// instantiate subclasses of NSButtonCell).
if ([retval isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] &&
[attribute isEqualToString:@"AXChildren"]) {
NSMutableArray* holder = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10];
[holder addObjectsFromArray:(NSArray*)retval];
NSUInteger count = [holder count];
for (NSInteger i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
id item = [holder objectAtIndex:i];
// Remove anything from holder that isn't one of the titlebar's buttons
// (which instantiate subclasses of NSButtonCell) or a mozAccessible
// object (or one of its subclasses).
if (![item isKindOfClass:[NSButtonCell class]] &&
![item respondsToSelector:@selector(hasRepresentedView)]) {
[holder removeObjectAtIndex:i];
retval = [NSArray arrayWithArray:holder];
return retval;
- (void)releaseJSObjects {
[mTouchBar releaseJSObjects];
@interface MOZTitlebarAccessoryView : NSView
@implementation MOZTitlebarAccessoryView : NSView
- (void)viewWillMoveToWindow:(NSWindow*)aWindow {
if (aWindow) {
// When entering full screen mode, titlebar accessory views are inserted
// into a floating NSWindow which houses the window titlebar and toolbars.
// In order to work around a drawing bug with titlebarAppearsTransparent
// windows in full screen mode, disable titlebar separators for all
// NSWindows that this view is used in, including the floating full screen
// toolbar window. The drawing bug was filed as FB9056136. See bug 1700211
// for more details.
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
aWindow.titlebarSeparatorStyle = NSTitlebarSeparatorStyleNone;
@implementation FullscreenTitlebarTracker
- (FullscreenTitlebarTracker*)init {
[super init];
self.hidden = YES;
return self;
- (void)loadView {
self.view =
[[[MOZTitlebarAccessoryView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect] autorelease];
// Drop all mouse events if a modal window has appeared above us.
// This helps make us behave as if the OS were running a "real" modal event
// loop.
static bool MaybeDropEventForModalWindow(NSEvent* aEvent, id aDelegate) {
if (!sModalWindowCount) {
return false;
NSEventType type = [aEvent type];
switch (type) {
case NSEventTypeScrollWheel:
case NSEventTypeLeftMouseDown:
case NSEventTypeLeftMouseUp:
case NSEventTypeRightMouseDown:
case NSEventTypeRightMouseUp:
case NSEventTypeOtherMouseDown:
case NSEventTypeOtherMouseUp:
case NSEventTypeMouseMoved:
case NSEventTypeLeftMouseDragged:
case NSEventTypeRightMouseDragged:
case NSEventTypeOtherMouseDragged:
return false;
if (aDelegate && [aDelegate isKindOfClass:[WindowDelegate class]]) {
if (nsCocoaWindow* widget = [(WindowDelegate*)aDelegate geckoWidget]) {
if (!widget->IsModal() || widget->HasModalDescendants()) {
return true;
return false;
@implementation ToolbarWindow
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)aChildViewRect
defer:(BOOL)aFlag {
// We treat aChildViewRect as the rectangle that the window's main ChildView
// should be sized to. Get the right frameRect for the requested child view
// rect.
NSRect frameRect = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect:aChildViewRect
// Always size the content view to the full frame size of the window.
// We do this even if we want this window to have a titlebar; in that case,
// the window's content view covers the entire window but the ChildView inside
// it will only cover the content area. We do this so that we can render the
// titlebar gradient manually, with a subview of our content view that's
// positioned in the titlebar area. This lets us have a smooth connection
// between titlebar and toolbar gradient in case the window has a "unified
// toolbar + titlebar" look. Moreover, always using a full size content view
// lets us toggle the titlebar on and off without changing the window's style
// mask (which would have other subtle effects, for example on keyboard
// focus).
aStyle |= NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView;
// -[NSWindow initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer:] calls
// [self frameRectForContentRect:styleMask:] to convert the supplied content
// rect to the window's frame rect. We've overridden that method to be a
// pass-through function. So, in order to get the intended frameRect, we need
// to supply frameRect itself as the "content rect".
NSRect contentRect = frameRect;
if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
defer:aFlag])) {
mWindowButtonsRect = NSZeroRect;
self.titlebarAppearsTransparent = YES;
if (@available(macOS 11.0, *)) {
self.titlebarSeparatorStyle = NSTitlebarSeparatorStyleNone;
mFullscreenTitlebarTracker = [[FullscreenTitlebarTracker alloc] init];
// revealAmount is an undocumented property of
// NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController that updates whenever the menubar
// slides down in fullscreen mode.
[mFullscreenTitlebarTracker addObserver:self
// Adding this accessory view controller allows us to shift the toolbar down
// when the user mouses to the top of the screen in fullscreen.
return self;
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString*)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey, id>*)change
context:(void*)context {
if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"revealAmount"]) {
[[self mainChildView] ensureNextCompositeIsAtomicWithMainThreadPaint];
NSNumber* revealAmount = (change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey]);
[self updateTitlebarShownAmount:[revealAmount doubleValue]];
} else {
[super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath
static bool ScreenHasNotch(nsCocoaWindow* aGeckoWindow) {
if (@available(macOS 12.0, *)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> widgetScreen = aGeckoWindow->GetWidgetScreen();
NSScreen* cocoaScreen =
return != 0.0f;
return false;
static bool ShouldShiftByMenubarHeightInFullscreen(nsCocoaWindow* aWindow) {
switch (StaticPrefs::widget_macos_shift_by_menubar_on_fullscreen()) {
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
return true;
// TODO: On notch-less macbooks, this creates extra space when the
// "automatically show and hide the menubar on fullscreen" option is unchecked
// (default checked). We tried to detect that in bug 1737831 but it wasn't
// reliable enough, see the regressions from that bug. For now, stick to the
// good behavior for default configurations (that is, shift by menubar height
// on notch-less macbooks, and don't for devices that have a notch). This will
// need refinement in the future.
return !ScreenHasNotch(aWindow);
- (void)updateTitlebarShownAmount:(CGFloat)aShownAmount {
if (!(self.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen)) {
// We are not interested in the size of the titlebar unless we are in
// fullscreen.
// [NSApp mainMenu] menuBarHeight] returns one of two values: the full height
// if the menubar is shown or is in the process of being shown, and 0
// otherwise. Since we are multiplying the menubar height by aShownAmount, we
// always want the full height.
CGFloat menuBarHeight = NSApp.mainMenu.menuBarHeight;
if (menuBarHeight > 0.0f) {
mMenuBarHeight = menuBarHeight;
if ([[self delegate] isKindOfClass:[WindowDelegate class]]) {
WindowDelegate* windowDelegate = (WindowDelegate*)[self delegate];
nsCocoaWindow* geckoWindow = [windowDelegate geckoWidget];
if (!geckoWindow) {
if (nsIWidgetListener* listener = geckoWindow->GetWidgetListener()) {
// titlebarHeight returns 0 when we're in fullscreen, return the default
// titlebar height.
CGFloat shiftByPixels =
LookAndFeel::GetInt(LookAndFeel::IntID::MacTitlebarHeight) *
if (ShouldShiftByMenubarHeightInFullscreen(geckoWindow)) {
shiftByPixels += mMenuBarHeight * aShownAmount;
// Use desktop pixels rather than the DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale in
// nsCocoaWindow. The latter accounts for screen DPI. We don't want that
// because the revealAmount property already accounts for it, so we'd be
// compounding DPI scales > 1.
- (void)dealloc {
[mFullscreenTitlebarTracker removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"revealAmount"];
[mFullscreenTitlebarTracker removeFromParentViewController];
[mFullscreenTitlebarTracker release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSArray<NSView*>*)contentViewContents {
return [[self.contentView.subviews copy] autorelease];
- (void)windowMainStateChanged {
[[self mainChildView] ensureNextCompositeIsAtomicWithMainThreadPaint];
// Extending the content area into the title bar works by resizing the
// mainChildView so that it covers the titlebar.
- (void)setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:(BOOL)aState {
BOOL stateChanged = self.drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame != aState;
[super setDrawsContentsIntoWindowFrame:aState];
if (stateChanged && [self.delegate isKindOfClass:[WindowDelegate class]]) {
// Here we extend / shrink our mainChildView. We do that by firing a resize
// event which will cause the ChildView to be resized to the rect returned
// by nsCocoaWindow::GetClientBounds. GetClientBounds bases its return
// value on what we return from drawsContentsIntoWindowFrame.
auto* windowDelegate = static_cast<WindowDelegate*>(self.delegate);
if (nsCocoaWindow* geckoWindow = windowDelegate.geckoWidget) {
// Re-layout our contents.
// Resizing the content area causes a reflow which would send a synthesized
// mousemove event to the old mouse position relative to the top left
// corner of the content area. But the mouse has shifted relative to the
// content area, so that event would have wrong position information. So
// we'll send a mouse move event with the correct new position.
- (void)placeWindowButtons:(NSRect)aRect {
if (!NSEqualRects(mWindowButtonsRect, aRect)) {
mWindowButtonsRect = aRect;
[self reflowTitlebarElements];
- (NSRect)windowButtonsRect {
return mWindowButtonsRect;
// Returning YES here makes the setShowsToolbarButton method work even though
// the window doesn't contain an NSToolbar.
- (BOOL)_hasToolbar {
return YES;
// Dispatch a toolbar pill button clicked message to Gecko.
- (void)_toolbarPillButtonClicked:(id)sender {
if ([self.delegate isKindOfClass:[WindowDelegate class]]) {
auto* windowDelegate = static_cast<WindowDelegate*>(self.delegate);
nsCocoaWindow* geckoWindow = windowDelegate.geckoWidget;
if (!geckoWindow) {
if (nsIWidgetListener* listener = geckoWindow->GetWidgetListener()) {
// Retain and release "self" to avoid crashes when our widget (and its native
// window) is closed as a result of processing a key equivalent (e.g.
// Command+w or Command+q). This workaround is only needed for a window
// that can become key.
- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
NSWindow* nativeWindow = [self retain];
BOOL retval = [super performKeyEquivalent:theEvent];
[nativeWindow release];
return retval;
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)anEvent {
if (MaybeDropEventForModalWindow(anEvent, self.delegate)) {
[super sendEvent:anEvent];
@implementation PopupWindow
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect
defer:(BOOL)deferCreation {
mIsContextMenu = false;
return [super initWithContentRect:contentRect
// Override the private API _backdropBleedAmount. This determines how much the
// desktop wallpaper contributes to the vibrancy backdrop.
// Return 0 in order to match what the system does for sheet windows and
// _NSPopoverWindows.
- (CGFloat)_backdropBleedAmount {
return 0.0;
// Override the private API shadowOptions.
// The constants below were found in AppKit's implementations of the
// shadowOptions method on the various window types.
static const NSUInteger kWindowShadowOptionsNoShadow = 0;
static const NSUInteger kWindowShadowOptionsMenu = 2;
static const NSUInteger kWindowShadowOptionsTooltip = 4;
- (NSDictionary*)shadowParameters {
NSDictionary* parent = [super shadowParameters];
// NSLog(@"%@", parent);
if (self.shadowStyle != WindowShadow::Panel) {
return parent;
NSMutableDictionary* copy = [parent mutableCopy];
for (auto* key : {@"",
@""}) {
if ([parent objectForKey:key] != nil) {
[copy setValue:@(0) forKey:key];
return copy;
- (NSUInteger)shadowOptions {
if (!self.hasShadow) {
return kWindowShadowOptionsNoShadow;
switch (self.shadowStyle) {
case WindowShadow::None:
return kWindowShadowOptionsNoShadow;
case WindowShadow::Menu:
case WindowShadow::Panel:
return kWindowShadowOptionsMenu;
case WindowShadow::Tooltip:
return kWindowShadowOptionsTooltip;
- (BOOL)isContextMenu {
return mIsContextMenu;
- (void)setIsContextMenu:(BOOL)flag {
mIsContextMenu = flag;
- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow {
// This is overriden because the default is 'yes' when a titlebar is present.
return NO;
// According to Apple's docs on [NSWindow canBecomeKeyWindow] and [NSWindow
// canBecomeMainWindow], windows without a title bar or resize bar can't (by
// default) become key or main. But if a window can't become key, it can't
// accept keyboard input (bmo bug 393250). And it should also be possible for
// an otherwise "ordinary" window to become main. We need to override these
// two methods to make this happen.
@implementation BorderlessWindow
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow {
return YES;
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent*)anEvent {
if (MaybeDropEventForModalWindow(anEvent, self.delegate)) {
[super sendEvent:anEvent];
// Apple's doc on this method says that the NSWindow class's default is not to
// become main if the window isn't "visible" -- so we should replicate that
// behavior here. As best I can tell, the [NSWindow isVisible] method is an
// accurate test of what Apple means by "visibility".
- (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow {
return self.isVisible;
// Retain and release "self" to avoid crashes when our widget (and its native
// window) is closed as a result of processing a key equivalent (e.g.
// Command+w or Command+q). This workaround is only needed for a window
// that can become key.
- (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
NSWindow* nativeWindow = [self retain];
BOOL retval = [super performKeyEquivalent:theEvent];
[nativeWindow release];
return retval;