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Test Info: Warnings

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
<window title="Autocomplete emphasis test"
<html:input id="richautocomplete"
<panel is="autocomplete-richlistbox-popup"
<script class="testbody" type="application/javascript">
const ACR = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult;
// A global variable to hold the search result for the current search.
var resultText = "";
// This result can't be constructed in-line, because otherwise we leak memory.
function nsAutoCompleteSimpleResult(aString)
this.searchString = aString;
this.searchResult = ACR.RESULT_SUCCESS;
this.matchCount = 1;
nsAutoCompleteSimpleResult.prototype = {
searchString: null,
defaultIndex: -1,
errorDescription: null,
matchCount: 0,
getValueAt() { return resultText; },
getCommentAt() { return this.getValueAt(); },
getStyleAt() { return null; },
getImageAt() { return null; },
getFinalCompleteValueAt() { return this.getValueAt(); },
getLabelAt() { return this.getValueAt(); },
removeValueAt() {}
// A basic autocomplete implementation that returns the string contained in 'resultText'.
var autoCompleteSimpleID = Components.ID("0a2afbdb-f30e-47d1-9cb1-0cd160240aca");
var autoCompleteSimpleName = ";1?name=simple"
var autoCompleteSimple = {
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIFactory", "nsIAutoCompleteSearch"]),
createInstance(iid) {
return this.QueryInterface(iid);
startSearch(aString, aParam, aResult, aListener) {
var result = new nsAutoCompleteSimpleResult(aString);
aListener.onSearchResult(this, result);
stopSearch() {}
var componentManager = Components.manager
componentManager.registerFactory(autoCompleteSimpleID, "Test Simple Autocomplete",
autoCompleteSimpleName, autoCompleteSimple);
var element = document.getElementById("richautocomplete");
// Create stub to intercept `onSearchComplete` event.
element.onSearchComplete = function(original) {
return function() {
original.apply(this, arguments);
setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
/* Test cases have the following attributes:
* - search: A search string, to be emphasized in the result.
* - result: A fixed result string, so we can hardcode the expected emphasis.
* - emphasis: A list of chunks that should be emphasized or not, in strict alternation.
* - emphasizeFirst: Whether the first element of 'emphasis' should be emphasized;
* The emphasis of the other elements is defined by the strict alternation rule.
let testcases = [
{ search: "test",
result: "A test string",
emphasis: ["A ", "test", " string"],
emphasizeFirst: false
{ search: "tea two",
result: "Tea for two, and two for tea...",
emphasis: ["Tea", " for ", "two", ", and ", "two", " for ", "tea", "..."],
emphasizeFirst: true
{ search: "tat",
result: "tatatat",
emphasis: ["tatatat"],
emphasizeFirst: true
{ search: "cheval valise",
result: "chevalise",
emphasis: ["chevalise"],
emphasizeFirst: true
let test = -1;
let currentTest = null;
function nextTest() {
if (test >= testcases.length) {
// Unregister the factory so that we don't get in the way of other tests
componentManager.unregisterFactory(autoCompleteSimpleID, autoCompleteSimple);
// blur the field to ensure that the popup is closed and that the previous
// search has stopped, then start a new search.
let autocomplete = $("richautocomplete");
currentTest = testcases[test];
resultText = currentTest.result;
autocomplete.value =;
function checkSearchCompleted() {
let autocomplete = $("richautocomplete");
let result = autocomplete.popup.richlistbox.firstChild;
for (let attribute of [result._titleText, result._urlText]) {
is(attribute.childNodes.length, currentTest.emphasis.length,
"The element should have the expected number of children.");
for (let i = 0; i < currentTest.emphasis.length; i++) {
let node = attribute.childNodes[i];
// Emphasized parts strictly alternate.
if ((i % 2 == 0) == currentTest.emphasizeFirst) {
// Check that this part is correctly emphasized.
is(node.nodeName, "span", ". That child should be a span node");
ok(node.classList.contains("ac-emphasize-text"), ". That child should be emphasized");
is(node.textContent, currentTest.emphasis[i], ". That emphasis should be as expected.");
} else {
// Check that this part is _not_ emphasized.
is(node.nodeName, "#text", ". That child should be a text node");
is(node.textContent, currentTest.emphasis[i], ". That text should be as expected.");
setTimeout(nextTest, 0);
<p id="display">
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">