Name Description Size
JSDOMParser.js This is a relatively lightweight DOMParser that is safe to use in a web worker. This is far from a complete DOM implementation; however, it should contain the minimal set of functionality necessary for Readability.js. Aside from not implementing the full DOM API, there are other quirks to be aware of when using the JSDOMParser: 1) Properly formed HTML/XML must be used. This means you should be extra careful when using this parser on anything received directly from an XMLHttpRequest. Providing a serialized string from an XMLSerializer, however, should be safe (since the browser's XMLSerializer should generate valid HTML/XML). Therefore, if parsing a document from an XHR, the recommended approach is to do the XHR in the main thread, use XMLSerializer.serializeToString() on the responseXML, and pass the resulting string to the worker. 2) Live NodeLists are not supported. DOM methods and properties such as getElementsByTagName() and childNodes return standard arrays. If you want these lists to be updated when nodes are removed or added to the document, you must take care to manually update them yourself. 36361 553
Readability-readerable.js This code is heavily based on Arc90's readability.js (1.7.1) script available at: 4162
Readability.js This code is heavily based on Arc90's readability.js (1.7.1) script available at: 84033