Name Description Size Implementation of the AES decryption for zip files. This was implemented according to the [WinZip specification]( Note that using CRC with AES depends on the used encryption specification, AE-1 or AE-2. If the file is marked as encrypted with AE-2 the CRC field is ignored, even if it isn't set to 0. 7205 A counter mode (CTR) for AES to work with the encryption used in zip files. This was implemented since the zip specification requires the mode to not use a nonce and uses a different byte order (little endian) than NIST (big endian). See [AesCtrZipKeyStream](./struct.AesCtrZipKeyStream.html) for more information. 9431 Possible ZIP compression methods. 6966 Convert a string in IBM codepage 437 to UTF-8 4959 Helper module to compute a CRC32 checksum 2839 A library for reading and writing ZIP archives. ZIP is a format designed for cross-platform file "archiving". That is, storing a collection of files in a single datastream to make them easier to share between computers. Additionally, ZIP is able to compress and encrypt files in its archives. The current implementation is based on [PKWARE's APPNOTE.TXT v6.3.9]( --- [`zip`](`crate`) has support for the most common ZIP archives found in common use. However, in special cases, there are some zip archives that are difficult to read or write. This is a list of supported features: | | Reading | Writing | | ------- | ------ | ------- | | Deflate | ✅ [->](`crate::ZipArchive::by_name`) | ✅ [->](`crate::write::FileOptions::compression_method`) | 1322 Types for reading ZIP archives 47579 Error types that can be emitted from this library 2683 9324 Types that specify what is contained in a ZIP. 18120 Types for creating ZIP archives 53276 Implementation of the ZipCrypto algorithm The following paper was used to implement the ZipCrypto algorithm: []( 8361