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#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
# TODO: it might be a good idea of adding a system name (e.g. 'Ubuntu' for
# linux) to the information; I certainly wouldn't want anyone parsing this
# information and having behaviour depend on it
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
from ctypes.util import find_library
from .string_version import StringVersion
# keep a copy of the os module since updating globals overrides this
_os = os
class unknown(object):
"""marker class for unknown information"""
# pylint: disable=W1629
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
def __bool__(self):
return False
def __str__(self):
return "UNKNOWN"
unknown = unknown() # singleton
# get system information
info = {
"os": unknown,
"processor": unknown,
"version": unknown,
"os_version": unknown,
"bits": unknown,
"has_sandbox": unknown,
"display": None,
"automation": bool(os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION", False)),
(system, node, release, version, machine, processor) = platform.uname()
(bits, linkage) = platform.architecture()
# get os information and related data
if system in ["Microsoft", "Windows"]:
info["os"] = "win"
# There is a Python bug on Windows to determine platform values
if "PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432" in os.environ:
processor = os.environ.get("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432", processor)
processor = os.environ.get("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE", processor)
system = os.environ.get("OS", system).replace("_", " ")
(major, minor, build_number, _, _) = os.sys.getwindowsversion()
version = "%d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, build_number)
if major == 10 and minor == 0 and build_number >= 22000:
major = 11
# 2009 == 22H2 software update. These are the build numbers
# we use 2009 as the "build" which maps to what taskcluster tasks see
if build_number == 22621 or build_number == 19045:
build_number = 2009
os_version = "%d.%d" % (major, build_number)
elif system.startswith(("MINGW", "MSYS_NT")):
# windows/mingw python build (msys)
info["os"] = "win"
os_version = version = unknown
elif system == "Linux":
# Attempt to use distro package to determine Linux distribution first.
# Failing that, fall back to use the platform method.
# Note that platform.linux_distribution() will be deprecated as of 3.8
# and this block will be removed once support for 2.7/3.5 is dropped.
from distro import linux_distribution
except ImportError:
from platform import linux_distribution
output = linux_distribution()
(distribution, os_version, codename) = tuple(str(item.title()) for item in output)
if not processor:
processor = machine
if not distribution:
distribution = "lfs"
if not os_version:
os_version = release
if not codename:
codename = "unknown"
version = "%s %s" % (distribution, os_version)
if os.environ.get("WAYLAND_DISPLAY"):
info["display"] = "wayland"
elif os.environ.get("DISPLAY"):
info["display"] = "x11"
info["os"] = "linux"
info["linux_distro"] = distribution
elif system in ["DragonFly", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD", "OpenBSD"]:
info["os"] = "bsd"
version = os_version = sys.platform
elif system == "Darwin":
(release, versioninfo, machine) = platform.mac_ver()
version = "OS X %s" % release
versionNums = release.split(".")[:2]
os_version = "%s.%s" % (versionNums[0], versionNums[1].ljust(2, "0"))
info["os"] = "mac"
elif sys.platform in ("solaris", "sunos5"):
info["os"] = "unix"
os_version = version = sys.platform
os_version = version = unknown
info["apple_silicon"] = False
if (
info["os"] == "mac"
and float(os_version) > 10.15
and processor == "arm"
and bits == "64bit"
info["apple_silicon"] = True
info["apple_catalina"] = False
if info["os"] == "mac" and float(os_version) == 10.15:
info["apple_catalina"] = True
info["win10_2009"] = False
if info["os"] == "win" and version == "10.0.19045":
info["win10_2009"] = True
info["win11_2009"] = False
if info["os"] == "win" and version == "10.0.22621":
info["win11_2009"] = True
info["version"] = version
info["os_version"] = StringVersion(os_version)
info["is_ubuntu"] = "Ubuntu" in version
# processor type and bits
if processor in ["i386", "i686"]:
if bits == "32bit":
processor = "x86"
elif bits == "64bit":
processor = "x86_64"
elif processor.upper() == "AMD64":
bits = "64bit"
processor = "x86_64"
elif processor.upper() == "ARM64":
bits = "64bit"
processor = "aarch64"
elif processor == "Power Macintosh":
processor = "ppc"
elif processor == "arm" and bits == "64bit":
processor = "aarch64"
bits ="(\d+)bit", bits).group(1)
"processor": processor,
"bits": int(bits),
# we want to transition to this instead of using `!debug`, etc.
info["arch"] = info["processor"]
if info["os"] == "linux":
import ctypes
import errno
ctypes.CDLL(find_library("c"), use_errno=True).prctl(
info["has_sandbox"] = ctypes.get_errno() == errno.EFAULT
info["has_sandbox"] = True
# standard value of choices, for easy inspection
choices = {
"os": ["linux", "bsd", "win", "mac", "unix"],
"bits": [32, 64],
"processor": ["x86", "x86_64", "ppc"],
def sanitize(info):
"""Do some sanitization of input values, primarily
to handle universal Mac builds."""
if "processor" in info and info["processor"] == "universal-x86-x86_64":
# If we're running on OS X 10.6 or newer, assume 64-bit
if release[:4] >= "10.6": # Note this is a string comparison
info["processor"] = "x86_64"
info["bits"] = 64
info["processor"] = "x86"
info["bits"] = 32
# method for updating information
def update(new_info):
Update the info.
:param new_info: Either a dict containing the new info or a path/url
to a json file containing the new info.
from six import string_types
if isinstance(new_info, string_types):
# lazy import
import json
import mozfile
f = mozfile.load(new_info)
new_info = json.loads(
# convenience data for os access
for os_name in choices["os"]:
globals()["is" + os_name.title()] = info["os"] == os_name
# unix is special
if isLinux or isBsd: # noqa
globals()["isUnix"] = True
def find_and_update_from_json(*dirs, **kwargs):
"""Find a mozinfo.json file, load it, and update global symbol table.
This method will first check the relevant objdir directory for the
necessary mozinfo.json file, if the current script is being run from a
Mozilla objdir.
If the objdir directory did not supply the necessary data, this method
will then look for the required mozinfo.json file from the provided
tuple of directories.
If file is found, the global symbols table is updated via a helper method.
If no valid files are found, this method no-ops unless the raise_exception
kwargs is provided with explicit boolean value of True.
:param tuple dirs: Directories in which to look for the file.
:param dict kwargs: optional values:
raise_exception: if True, exceptions are raised.
False by default.
:returns: None: default behavior if mozinfo.json cannot be found.
json_path: string representation of mozinfo.json path.
:raises: IOError: if raise_exception is True and file is not found.
# First, see if we're in an objdir
from mozboot.mozconfig import MozconfigFindException
from mozbuild.base import BuildEnvironmentNotFoundException, MozbuildObject
build = MozbuildObject.from_environment()
json_path = _os.path.join(build.topobjdir, "mozinfo.json")
if _os.path.isfile(json_path):
return json_path
except ImportError:
except (BuildEnvironmentNotFoundException, MozconfigFindException):
for dir in dirs:
d = _os.path.abspath(dir)
json_path = _os.path.join(d, "mozinfo.json")
if _os.path.isfile(json_path):
return json_path
# by default, exceptions are suppressed. Set this to True if otherwise
# desired.
if kwargs.get("raise_exception", False):
raise IOError("mozinfo.json could not be found.")
return None
def output_to_file(path):
import json
with open(path, "w") as f:
# exports
__all__ = list(info.keys())
__all__ += ["is" + os_name.title() for os_name in choices["os"]]
__all__ += [
def main(args=None):
# parse the command line
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(description=__doc__)
for key in choices:
"--%s" % key,
help="display choices for %s" % key,
options, args = parser.parse_args()
# args are JSON blobs to override info
if args:
# lazy import
import json
for arg in args:
if _os.path.exists(arg):
string = open(arg).read()
string = arg
# print out choices if requested
flag = False
for key, value in options.__dict__.items():
if value is True:
"%s choices: %s"
% (key, " ".join([str(choice) for choice in choices[key]]))
flag = True
if flag:
# otherwise, print out all info
for key, value in info.items():
print("%s: %s" % (key, value))
if __name__ == "__main__":