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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
const STORAGE_VERSION = 1; // This needs to be kept in-sync with the rust storage version
import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
import { SyncEngine, Tracker } from "resource://services-sync/engines.sys.mjs";
import { Svc, Utils } from "resource://services-sync/util.sys.mjs";
import { Log } from "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs";
import {
import { CommonUtils } from "resource://services-common/utils.sys.mjs";
import { Async } from "resource://services-common/async.sys.mjs";
import {
import { BridgedEngine } from "resource://services-sync/bridged_engine.sys.mjs";
const FAR_FUTURE = 4102405200000; // 2100/01/01
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
val => {
return new Set(val.split("|"));
// A "bridged engine" to our tabs component.
export function TabEngine(service) {, "Tabs", service);
TabEngine.prototype = {
_trackerObj: TabTracker,
syncPriority: 3,
async prepareTheBridge(isQuickWrite) {
let clientsEngine = this.service.clientsEngine;
// Tell the bridged engine about clients.
// This is the same shape as ClientData in app-services.
let clientData = {
local_client_id: clientsEngine.localID,
recent_clients: {},
// We shouldn't upload tabs past what the server will accept
let tabs = await this.getTabsWithinPayloadSize();
await this._rustStore.setLocalTabs( => {
// rust wants lastUsed in MS but the provider gives it in seconds
tab.lastUsed = tab.lastUsed * 1000;
return new lazy.RemoteTabRecord(tab);
for (let remoteClient of clientsEngine.remoteClients) {
let id =;
if (!id) {
throw new Error("Remote client somehow did not have an id");
let client = {
fxa_device_id: remoteClient.fxaDeviceId,
// device_name and device_type are soft-deprecated - every client
// prefers what's in the FxA record. But fill them correctly anyway.
device_name: clientsEngine.getClientName(id) ?? "",
device_type: clientsEngine.getClientType(id),
clientData.recent_clients[id] = client;
// put ourself in there too so we record the correct device info in our sync record.
clientData.recent_clients[clientsEngine.localID] = {
fxa_device_id: await clientsEngine.fxAccounts.device.getLocalId(),
device_name: clientsEngine.localName,
device_type: clientsEngine.localType,
// Quick write needs to adjust the lastSync so we can POST to the server
// see quickWrite() for details
if (isQuickWrite) {
await this.setLastSync(FAR_FUTURE);
await this._bridge.prepareForSync(JSON.stringify(clientData));
// Just incase we crashed while the lastSync timestamp was FAR_FUTURE, we
// reset it to zero
if ((await this.getLastSync()) === FAR_FUTURE) {
await this._bridge.setLastSync(0);
await this._bridge.prepareForSync(JSON.stringify(clientData));
async _syncStartup() {
await super._syncStartup();
await this.prepareTheBridge();
async initialize() {
let path = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "synced-tabs.db");
this._rustStore = await lazy.TabsStore.init(path);
this._bridge = await this._rustStore.bridgedEngine();
// Uniffi doesn't currently only support async methods, so we'll need to hardcode
// these values for now (which is fine for now as these hardly ever change)
this._bridge.storageVersion = STORAGE_VERSION;
this._bridge.allowSkippedRecord = true;"Got a bridged engine!");
this._tracker.modified = true;
async getChangedIDs() {
// No need for a proper timestamp (no conflict resolution needed).
let changedIDs = {};
if (this._tracker.modified) {
changedIDs[this.service.clientsEngine.localID] = 0;
return changedIDs;
// API for use by Sync UI code to give user choices of tabs to open.
async getAllClients() {
let remoteTabs = await this._rustStore.getAll();
let remoteClientTabs = [];
for (let remoteClient of this.service.clientsEngine.remoteClients) {
// We get the some client info from the rust tabs engine and some from
// the clients engine.
let rustClient = remoteTabs.find(
x => x.clientId === remoteClient.fxaDeviceId
if (!rustClient) {
let client = {
// rust gives us ms but js uses seconds, so fix them up.
tabs: => {
tab.lastUsed = tab.lastUsed / 1000;
return tab;
lastModified: rustClient.lastModified / 1000,
return remoteClientTabs;
async removeClientData() {
let url = this.engineURL + "/" + this.service.clientsEngine.localID;
await this.service.resource(url).delete();
async trackRemainingChanges() {
if (this._modified.count() > 0) {
this._tracker.modified = true;
async getTabsWithinPayloadSize() {
const maxPayloadSize = this.service.getMaxRecordPayloadSize();
// See bug 535326 comment 8 for an explanation of the estimation
const maxSerializedSize = (maxPayloadSize / 4) * 3 - 1500;
return TabProvider.getAllTabsWithEstimatedMax(true, maxSerializedSize);
// Support for "quick writes"
_engineLock: Utils.lock,
_engineLocked: false,
// Tabs has a special lock to help support its "quick write"
get locked() {
return this._engineLocked;
lock() {
if (this._engineLocked) {
return false;
this._engineLocked = true;
return true;
unlock() {
this._engineLocked = false;
// Quickly do a POST of our current tabs if possible.
// This does things that would be dangerous for other engines - eg, posting
// without checking what's on the server could cause data-loss for other
// engines, but because each device exclusively owns exactly 1 tabs record
// with a known ID, it's safe here.
// Returns true if we successfully synced, false otherwise (either on error
// or because we declined to sync for any reason.) The return value is
// primarily for tests.
async quickWrite() {
if (!this.enabled) {
// this should be very rare, and only if tabs are disabled after the
// timer is created."Can't do a quick-sync as tabs is disabled");
return false;
// This quick-sync doesn't drive the login state correctly, so just
// decline to sync if out status is bad
if (this.service.status.checkSetup() != STATUS_OK) {
"Can't do a quick-sync due to the service status",
return false;
if (!this.service.serverConfiguration) {"Can't do a quick sync before the first full sync");
return false;
try {
return await this._engineLock("tabs.js: quickWrite", async () => {
// We want to restore the lastSync timestamp when complete so next sync
// takes tabs written by other devices since our last real sync.
// And for this POST we don't want the protections offered by
// X-If-Unmodified-Since - we want the POST to work even if the remote
// has moved on and we will catch back up next full sync.
const origLastSync = await this.getLastSync();
try {
return this._doQuickWrite();
} finally {
// set the lastSync to it's original value for regular sync
await this.setLastSync(origLastSync);
} catch (ex) {
if (!Utils.isLockException(ex)) {
throw ex;
"Can't do a quick-write as another tab sync is in progress"
return false;
// The guts of the quick-write sync, after we've taken the lock, checked
// the service status etc.
async _doQuickWrite() {
// We need to track telemetry for these syncs too!
const name = "tabs";
let telemetryRecord = new SyncRecord(
try {
// We need to prep the bridge before we try to POST since it grabs
// the most recent local client id and properly sets a lastSync
// which is needed for a proper POST request
await this.prepareTheBridge(true);
// now just the "upload" part of a sync,
// which for a rust engine is not obvious.
// We need to do is ask the rust engine for the changes. Although
// this is kinda abusing the bridged-engine interface, we know the tabs
// implementation of it works ok
let outgoing = await this._bridge.apply();
// We know we always have exactly 1 record.
let mine = outgoing[0];
this._log.trace("outgoing bso", mine);
// `this._recordObj` is a `BridgedRecord`, which isn't exported.
let record = this._recordObj.fromOutgoingBso(, JSON.parse(mine));
let changeset = {};
changeset[] = { synced: false, record };
await this._uploadOutgoing();
telemetryRecord.onEngineStop(name, null);
return true;
} catch (ex) {
this._log.warn("quicksync sync failed", ex);
telemetryRecord.onEngineStop(name, ex);
return false;
} finally {
// The top-level sync is never considered to fail here, just the engine
async _sync() {
try {
await this._engineLock("tabs.js: fullSync", async () => {
await super._sync();
} catch (ex) {
if (!Utils.isLockException(ex)) {
throw ex;
"Can't do full tabs sync as a quick-write is currently running"
Object.setPrototypeOf(TabEngine.prototype, BridgedEngine.prototype);
export const TabProvider = {
getWindowEnumerator() {
return Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
shouldSkipWindow(win) {
return win.closed || lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(win);
getAllBrowserTabs() {
let tabs = [];
for (let win of this.getWindowEnumerator()) {
if (this.shouldSkipWindow(win)) {
// Get all the tabs from the browser
for (let tab of win.gBrowser.tabs) {
return tabs.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.lastAccessed - a.lastAccessed;
// This function creates tabs records up to a specified amount of bytes
// It is an "estimation" since we don't accurately calculate how much the
// favicon and JSON overhead is and give a rough estimate (for optimization purposes)
async getAllTabsWithEstimatedMax(filter, bytesMax) {
let log = Log.repository.getLogger(`Sync.Engine.Tabs.Provider`);
let tabRecords = [];
let iconPromises = [];
let runningByteLength = 0;
let encoder = new TextEncoder();
// Fetch all the tabs the user has open
let winTabs = this.getAllBrowserTabs();
for (let tab of winTabs) {
// We don't want to process any more tabs than we can sync
if (runningByteLength >= bytesMax) {
`Can't fit all tabs in sync payload: have ${winTabs.length},
but can only fit ${tabRecords.length}.`
// Note that we used to sync "tab history" (ie, the "back button") state,
// but in practice this hasn't been used - only the current URI is of
// interest to clients.
// We stopped recording this in bug 1783991.
if (!tab?.linkedBrowser) {
let acceptable = !filter
? url => url
: url =>
url &&
let url = tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI?.spec;
// Special case for reader mode.
if (url && url.startsWith("about:reader?")) {
url = lazy.ReaderMode.getOriginalUrl(url);
// We ignore the tab completely if the current entry url is
// not acceptable (we need something accurate to open).
if (!acceptable(url)) {
if (url.length > URI_LENGTH_MAX) {
log.trace("Skipping over-long URL.");
let thisTab = new lazy.RemoteTabRecord({
title: tab.linkedBrowser.contentTitle || "",
urlHistory: [url],
icon: "",
lastUsed: Math.floor((tab.lastAccessed || 0) / 1000),
// we don't want to wait for each favicon to resolve to get the bytes
// so we estimate a conservative 100 chars for the favicon and json overhead
// Rust will further optimize and trim if we happened to be wildly off
runningByteLength +=
encoder.encode(thisTab.title + thisTab.lastUsed + url).byteLength + 100;
// Use the favicon service for the icon url - we can wait for the promises at the end.
let iconPromise = lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseFaviconData(url)
.then(iconData => {
thisTab.icon = iconData.uri.spec;
.catch(() => {
`Failed to fetch favicon for ${url}`,
await Promise.allSettled(iconPromises);
return tabRecords;
function TabTracker(name, engine) {, name, engine);
// Make sure "this" pointer is always set correctly for event listeners.
this.onTab = Utils.bind2(this, this.onTab);
this._unregisterListeners = Utils.bind2(this, this._unregisterListeners);
TabTracker.prototype = {
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]),
clearChangedIDs() {
this.modified = false;
// We do not track TabSelect because that almost always triggers
// the web progress listeners (onLocationChange), which we already track
_topics: ["TabOpen", "TabClose"],
_registerListenersForWindow(window) {
this._log.trace("Registering tab listeners in window");
for (let topic of this._topics) {
window.addEventListener(topic, this.onTab);
window.addEventListener("unload", this._unregisterListeners);
// If it's got a tab browser we can listen for things like navigation.
if (window.gBrowser) {
_unregisterListeners(event) {
_unregisterListenersForWindow(window) {
this._log.trace("Removing tab listeners in window");
window.removeEventListener("unload", this._unregisterListeners);
for (let topic of this._topics) {
window.removeEventListener(topic, this.onTab);
if (window.gBrowser) {
onStart() {
Svc.Obs.add("domwindowopened", this.asyncObserver);
for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) {
onStop() {
Svc.Obs.remove("domwindowopened", this.asyncObserver);
for (let win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) {
async observe(subject, topic) {
switch (topic) {
case "domwindowopened":
let onLoad = () => {
subject.removeEventListener("load", onLoad);
// Only register after the window is done loading to avoid unloads.
// Add tab listeners now that a window has opened.
subject.addEventListener("load", onLoad);
onTab(event) {
if (event.originalTarget.linkedBrowser) {
let browser = event.originalTarget.linkedBrowser;
if (
lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isBrowserPrivate(browser) &&
) {
this._log.trace("Ignoring tab event from private browsing.");
this._log.trace("onTab event: " + event.type);
switch (event.type) {
case "TabOpen":
/* We do not have a reliable way of checking the URI on the TabOpen
* so we will rely on the other methods (onLocationChange, getAllTabsWithEstimatedMax)
* to filter these when going through sync
case "TabClose":
// If event target has `linkedBrowser`, the event target can be assumed <tab> element.
// Else, event target is assumed <browser> element, use the target as it is.
const tab = ||;
// TabClose means the tab has already loaded and we can check the URI
// and ignore if it's a scheme we don't care about
if (lazy.TABS_FILTERED_SCHEMES.has(tab.currentURI.scheme)) {
// web progress listeners.
onLocationChange(webProgress, request, locationURI, flags) {
// We only care about top-level location changes. We do want location changes in the
// same document because if a page uses the `pushState()` API, they *appear* as though
// they are in the same document even if the URL changes. It also doesn't hurt to accurately
// reflect the fragment changing - so we allow LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT
if (
flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_RELOAD ||
!webProgress.isTopLevel ||
) {
// We can't filter out tabs that we don't sync here, because we might be
// navigating from a tab that we *did* sync to one we do not, and that
// tab we *did* sync should no longer be synced.
callScheduleSync(scoreIncrement) {
this.modified = true;
let { scheduler } = this.engine.service;
let delayInMs = lazy.SYNC_AFTER_DELAY_MS;
// Schedule a sync once we detect a tab change
// to ensure the server always has the most up to date tabs
if (
delayInMs > 0 &&
scheduler.numClients > 1 // Only schedule quick syncs for multi client users
) {
if (this.tabsQuickWriteTimer) {
"Detected a tab change, but a quick-write is already scheduled"
"Detected a tab change: scheduling a quick-write in " + delayInMs + "ms"
() => {
this._log.trace("tab quick-sync timer fired.");
.then(() => {
this._log.trace("tab quick-sync done.");
.catch(ex => {
this._log.error("tab quick-sync failed.", ex);
} else if (scoreIncrement) {
"Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write - bumping score"
this.score += scoreIncrement;
} else {
"Detected a tab change, but conditions aren't met for a quick write or a score bump"
Object.setPrototypeOf(TabTracker.prototype, Tracker.prototype);