Name Description Size
SkCamera.h x 2667
SkCanvasStateUtils.h A set of functions that are useful for copying the state of an SkCanvas across a library boundary where the Skia library on the other side of the boundary may be newer. The expected usage is outline below... Lib Boundary CaptureCanvasState(...) ||| SkCanvas --> SkCanvasState ||| ||| CreateFromCanvasState(...) ||| SkCanvasState --> SkCanvas` ||| Draw into SkCanvas` ||| Unref SkCanvas` ReleaseCanvasState(...) ||| 3250
SkCustomTypeface.h 1825
SkEventTracer.h If this is the first call to SetInstance or GetInstance then the passed instance is installed and true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned. In either case ownership of the tracer is transferred and it will be deleted when no longer needed. Not deleting the tracer on process exit should not cause problems as the whole heap is about to go away with the process. This can also improve performance by reducing the amount of work needed. @param leakTracer Do not delete tracer on process exit. 3495
SkNoDrawCanvas.h 3655
SkNullCanvas.h Creates a canvas that draws nothing. This is useful for performance testing. 424
SkNWayCanvas.h 4631
SkOrderedFontMgr.h Collects an order list of other font managers, and visits them in order when a request to find or match is issued. Note: this explicitly fails on any attempt to Make a typeface: all of those requests will return null. 2240
SkPaintFilterCanvas.h \class SkPaintFilterCanvas A utility proxy base class for implementing draw/paint filters. 5492
SkParse.h 1219
SkParsePath.h 519
SkShadowUtils.h The occluding object is not opaque. Knowing that the occluder is opaque allows us to cull shadow geometry behind it and improve performance. 4828
SkTextUtils.h 1154
SkTraceEventPhase.h 773