Name Description Size
GpuTypes.h This file includes numerous public types that are used by all of our gpu backends. 1660
GrBackendDrawableInfo.h 269
GrBackendSemaphore.h Wrapper class for passing into and receiving data from Ganesh about a backend semaphore object. 2289
GrBackendSurface.h Gets the channels present in the format as a bitfield of SkColorChannelFlag values. Luminance channels are reported as kGray_SkColorChannelFlag. 14622
GrContextOptions.h Forces an option to be disabled. 13688
GrContextThreadSafeProxy.h Can be used to perform actions related to the generating GrContext in a thread safe manner. The proxy does not access the 3D API (e.g. OpenGL) that backs the generating GrContext. 8873
GrDirectContext.h Makes a GrDirectContext which uses Direct3D as the backend. The Direct3D context must be kept alive until the returned GrDirectContext is first destroyed or abandoned. 52780
GrDriverBugWorkarounds.h 1494
GrDriverBugWorkaroundsAutogen.h 2350
GrRecordingContext.h Reports whether the GrDirectContext associated with this GrRecordingContext is abandoned. When called on a GrDirectContext it may actively check whether the underlying 3D API device/context has been disconnected before reporting the status. If so, calling this method will transition the GrDirectContext to the abandoned state. 9768
GrTypes.h Wraps a C++11 enum that we use as a bitfield, and enables a limited amount of masking with type safety. Instantiated with the ~ operator. 9171
GrYUVABackendTextures.h A description of a set GrBackendTextures that hold the planar data described by a SkYUVAInfo. 4448
MutableTextureState.h Since Skia and clients can both modify gpu textures and their connected state, Skia needs a way for clients to inform us if they have modifiend any of this state. In order to not need setters for every single API and state, we use this class to be a generic wrapper around all the mutable state. This class is used for calls that inform Skia of these texture/image state changes by the client as well as for requesting state changes to be done by Skia. The backend specific state that is wrapped by this class are located in files like: - include/gpu/vk/VulkanMutableTextureState.h 2310
ShaderErrorHandler.h Abstract class to report errors when compiling shaders. 1351